Source code for GSASIIctrlGUI

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#GSASIIctrlGUI - Custom GSAS-II GUI controls
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2024-05-17 20:36:24 -0500 (Fri, 17 May 2024) $
# $Author: toby $
# $Revision: 5787 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5787 2024-05-18 01:36:24Z toby $
########### SVN repository information ###################
'''Documentation for all the routines in module :mod:`GSASIIctrlGUI`
# Documentation moved to doc/source/GSASIIGUIr.rst
from __future__ import division, print_function
import os
import sys
import platform
    import wx
    import wx.grid as wg
    # import wx.wizard as wz
    import wx.aui
    import wx.lib.scrolledpanel as wxscroll
    import wx.html        # could postpone this for quicker startup
    import wx.lib.mixins.listctrl  as  listmix
    import wx.richtext as wxrt
    import wx.lib.filebrowsebutton as wxfilebrowse
    import matplotlib as mpl
    import matplotlib.figure as mplfig

except ImportError:
    print('ImportError for wx/mpl in GSASIIctrlGUI: ignore if docs build')
import time
import glob
import copy
#import ast
import random as ran
import numpy as np

import matplotlib as mpl
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg as Canvas
except ImportError:
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import FigureCanvas as Canvas

import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5787 $")
import GSASIIdataGUI as G2gd
import GSASIIpwdGUI as G2pdG
import GSASIIspc as G2spc
import GSASIIlog as log
import GSASIIobj as G2obj
import GSASIIfiles as G2fil
import GSASIIElem as G2elem
import GSASIIscriptable as G2sc
import GSASIIpwd as G2pwd
import GSASIIlattice as G2lat
import GSASIImath as G2mth
import GSASIIstrMain as G2stMn
import GSASIIIO as G2IO
import config_example
from tutorialIndex import tutorialIndex
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    unicode = str
    basestring = str

# Define a short names for convenience
DULL_YELLOW = (230,230,190)
# Don't depend on wx, for scriptable
except:     # Don't depend on GUI
    wxaui_NB_TOPSCROLL = None

    wx.NewId = wx.NewIdRef
except AttributeError:

try:    #phoenix
    wxValidator = wx.Validator
except AttributeError:  #classic - i.e. old
    wxValidator = wx.pyValidator

#### Fixed definitions for wx Ids ################################################################################
[docs] def Define_wxId(*args): '''routine to create unique global wx Id symbols in this module. ''' for arg in args: if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug') and not arg.startswith('wxID_'): print ('DBG_Problem in name'+arg) if arg in globals(): if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print ('DBG_'+arg+'already defined') continue exec('global '+arg+';'+arg+' = wx.NewId()')
#### Tree Control ################################################################################
[docs] class G2TreeCtrl(wx.TreeCtrl): '''Create a wrapper around the standard TreeCtrl so we can "wrap" various events. This logs when a tree item is selected (in :meth:`onSelectionChanged`) This also wraps lists and dicts pulled out of the tree to track where they were retrieved from. ''' #def SelectItem(self,event): # print 'Select Item' # import GSASIIobj as G2obj # G2obj.HowDidIgetHere() # wx.TreeCtrl.SelectItem(self,event) def __init__(self,parent=None,*args,**kwargs): super(self.__class__,self).__init__(parent=parent,*args,**kwargs) self.G2frame = parent.GetTopLevelParent() self.root = self.AddRoot('Loaded Data: ') self.SelectionChanged = None self.textlist = None log.LogInfo['Tree'] = self def _getTreeItemsList(self,item): '''Get the full tree hierarchy from a reference to a tree item. Note that this effectively hard-codes phase and histogram names in the returned list. We may want to make these names relative in the future. ''' textlist = [self.GetItemText(item)] parent = self.GetItemParent(item) while parent: if parent == self.root: break textlist.insert(0,self.GetItemText(parent)) parent = self.GetItemParent(parent) return textlist
[docs] def GetItemPyData(self,treeId): if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): return wx.TreeCtrl.GetItemData(self,treeId) else: return wx.TreeCtrl.GetItemPyData(self,treeId)
[docs] def SetItemPyData(self,treeId,data): if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): return wx.TreeCtrl.SetItemData(self,treeId,data) else: return wx.TreeCtrl.SetItemPyData(self,treeId,data)
def UpdateSelection(self): TId = self.GetFocusedItem() self.SelectItem(self.root) self.SelectItem(TId) # def onSelectionChanged(self,event): # '''Log each press on a tree item here. # ''' # if not self.G2frame.treePanel: # return # if self.SelectionChanged: # textlist = self._getTreeItemsList(event.GetItem()) # if log.LogInfo['Logging'] and event.GetItem() != self.root: # textlist[0] = self.GetRelativeHistNum(textlist[0]) # if textlist[0] == "Phases" and len(textlist) > 1: # textlist[1] = self.GetRelativePhaseNum(textlist[1]) # log.MakeTreeLog(textlist) # if textlist == self.textlist: # return #same as last time - don't get it again # self.textlist = textlist # self.SelectionChanged(event) # def Bind(self,eventtype,handler,*args,**kwargs): # '''Override the Bind() function so that page change events can be trapped # ''' # if eventtype == wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED: # self.SelectionChanged = handler # wx.TreeCtrl.Bind(self,eventtype,self.onSelectionChanged) # return # wx.TreeCtrl.Bind(self,eventtype,handler,*args,**kwargs) # commented out, disables Logging # def GetItemPyData(self,*args,**kwargs): # '''Override the standard method to wrap the contents # so that the source can be logged when changed # ''' # data = super(self.__class__,self).GetItemPyData(*args,**kwargs) # textlist = self._getTreeItemsList(args[0]) # if type(data) is dict: # return log.dictLogged(data,textlist) # if type(data) is list: # return log.listLogged(data,textlist) # if type(data) is tuple: #N.B. tuples get converted to lists # return log.listLogged(list(data),textlist) # return data
[docs] def GetRelativeHistNum(self,histname): '''Returns list with a histogram type and a relative number for that histogram, or the original string if not a histogram ''' histtype = histname.split()[0] if histtype != histtype.upper(): # histograms (only) have a keyword all in caps return histname item, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(self.root) i = 0 while item: itemtext = self.GetItemText(item) if itemtext == histname: return histtype,i elif itemtext.split()[0] == histtype: i += 1 item, cookie = self.GetNextChild(self.root, cookie) else: raise Exception("Histogram not found: "+histname)
[docs] def ConvertRelativeHistNum(self,histtype,histnum): '''Converts a histogram type and relative histogram number to a histogram name in the current project ''' item, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(self.root) i = 0 while item: itemtext = self.GetItemText(item) if itemtext.split()[0] == histtype: if i == histnum: return itemtext i += 1 item, cookie = self.GetNextChild(self.root, cookie) else: raise Exception("Histogram #'+str(histnum)+' of type "+histtype+' not found')
[docs] def GetRelativePhaseNum(self,phasename): '''Returns a phase number if the string matches a phase name or else returns the original string ''' item, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(self.root) while item: itemtext = self.GetItemText(item) if itemtext == "Phases": parent = item item, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(parent) i = 0 while item: itemtext = self.GetItemText(item) if itemtext == phasename: return i item, cookie = self.GetNextChild(parent, cookie) i += 1 else: return phasename # not a phase name item, cookie = self.GetNextChild(self.root, cookie) else: raise Exception("No phases found ")
[docs] def ConvertRelativePhaseNum(self,phasenum): '''Converts relative phase number to a phase name in the current project ''' item, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(self.root) while item: itemtext = self.GetItemText(item) if itemtext == "Phases": parent = item item, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(parent) i = 0 while item: if i == phasenum: return self.GetItemText(item) item, cookie = self.GetNextChild(parent, cookie) i += 1 else: raise Exception("Phase "+str(phasenum)+" not found") item, cookie = self.GetNextChild(self.root, cookie) else: raise Exception("No phases found ")
[docs] def GetImageLoc(self,TreeId): '''Get Image data from the Tree. Handles cases where the image name is specified, as well as where the image file name is a tuple containing the image file and an image number ''' size,imagefile = self.GetItemPyData(TreeId) if type(imagefile) is tuple or type(imagefile) is list: return size,imagefile[0],imagefile[1] else: return size,imagefile,None
[docs] def UpdateImageLoc(self,TreeId,imagefile): '''Saves a new imagefile name in the Tree. Handles cases where the image name is specified, as well as where the image file name is a tuple containing the image file and an image number ''' idata = self.GetItemPyData(TreeId) if type(idata[1]) is tuple or type(idata[1]) is list: idata[1] = list(idata[1]) idata[1][0] = [imagefile,idata[1][1]] else: idata[1] = imagefile
[docs] def SaveExposedItems(self): '''Traverse the top level tree items and save names of exposed (expanded) tree items. Done before a refinement. ''' self.ExposedItems = [] item, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(self.root) while item: name = self.GetItemText(item) if self.IsExpanded(item): self.ExposedItems.append(name) item, cookie = self.GetNextChild(self.root, cookie)
# print 'exposed:',self.ExposedItems
[docs] def RestoreExposedItems(self): '''Traverse the top level tree items and restore exposed (expanded) tree items back to their previous state (done after a reload of the tree after a refinement) ''' item, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(self.root) while item: name = self.GetItemText(item) if name in self.ExposedItems: self.Expand(item) item, cookie = self.GetNextChild(self.root, cookie)
[docs] def ReadOnlyTextCtrl(*args,**kwargs): '''Create a read-only TextCtrl for display of constants This is probably not ideal as it mixes visual cues, but it does look nice. Addresses 4.2 bug where TextCtrl has no default size ''' kwargs['style'] = wx.TE_READONLY if wx.__version__.startswith('4.2') and 'size' not in kwargs: kwargs['size'] = (105, 22) Txt = wx.TextCtrl(*args,**kwargs) Txt.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)) return Txt
#### TextCtrl that stores input as entered with optional validation ################################################################################
[docs] class ValidatedTxtCtrl(wx.TextCtrl): '''Create a TextCtrl widget that uses a validator to prevent the entry of inappropriate characters and changes color to highlight when invalid input is supplied. As valid values are typed, they are placed into the dict or list where the initial value came from. The type of the initial value must be int, float or str or None (see :obj:`key` and :obj:`typeHint`); this type (or the one in :obj:`typeHint`) is preserved. Float values can be entered in the TextCtrl as numbers or also as algebraic expressions using operators + - / \\* () and \\*\\*, in addition pi, sind(), cosd(), tand(), and sqrt() can be used, as well as appreviations s, sin, c, cos, t, tan and sq. :param wx.Panel parent: name of panel or frame that will be the parent to the TextCtrl. Can be None. :param dict/list loc: the dict or list with the initial value to be placed in the TextCtrl. :param int/str key: the dict key or the list index for the value to be edited by the TextCtrl. The ``loc[key]`` element must exist, but may have value None. If None, the type for the element is taken from :obj:`typeHint` and the value for the control is set initially blank (and thus invalid.) This is a way to specify a field without a default value: a user must set a valid value. If the value is not None, it must have a base type of int, float, str or unicode; the TextCrtl will be initialized from this value. :param list nDig: number of digits, places and optionally the format ([nDig,nPlc,fmt]) after decimal to use for display of float. The format is either 'f' (default) or 'g'. Alternately, None can be specified which causes numbers to be displayed with approximately 5 significant figures for floats. If this is specified, then :obj:`typeHint` = float becomes the default. (Default=None). :param bool notBlank: if True (default) blank values are invalid for str inputs. :param number xmin: minimum allowed valid value. If None (default) the lower limit is unbounded. NB: test in NumberValidator is val >= xmin not val > xmin :param number xmax: maximum allowed valid value. If None (default) the upper limit is unbounded NB: test in NumberValidator is val <= xmax not val < xmax :param list exclLim: if True exclude min/max value ([exclMin,exclMax]); (Default=[False,False]) :param function OKcontrol: specifies a function or method that will be called when the input is validated. The called function is supplied with one argument which is False if the TextCtrl contains an invalid value and True if the value is valid. Note that this function should check all values in the dialog when True, since other entries might be invalid. The default for this is None, which indicates no function should be called. :param function OnLeave: specifies a function or method that will be called when the focus for the control is lost. The called function is supplied with (at present) three keyword arguments: * invalid: (*bool*) True if the value for the TextCtrl is invalid * value: (*int/float/str*) the value contained in the TextCtrl * tc: (*wx.TextCtrl*) the TextCtrl object The number of keyword arguments may be increased in the future should needs arise, so it is best to code these functions with a \\*\\*kwargs argument so they will continue to run without errors The default for OnLeave is None, which indicates no function should be called. :param type typeHint: the value of typeHint should be int, float or str (or None). The value for this will override the initial type taken from value for the dict/list element ``loc[key]`` if not None and thus specifies the type for input to the TextCtrl. Defaults as None, which is ignored, unless :obj:`nDig` is specified in which case the default is float. :param bool CIFinput: for str input, indicates that only printable ASCII characters may be entered into the TextCtrl. Forces output to be ASCII rather than Unicode. For float and int input, allows use of a single '?' or '.' character as valid input. :param dict OnLeaveArgs: a dict with keyword args that are passed to the :attr:`OnLeave` function. Defaults to ``{}`` :param bool ASCIIonly: if set as True will remove unicode characters from strings :param (other): other optional keyword parameters for the wx.TextCtrl widget such as size or style may be specified. ''' def __init__(self,parent,loc,key,nDig=None,notBlank=True,xmin=None,xmax=None, OKcontrol=None,OnLeave=None,typeHint=None,CIFinput=False,exclLim=[False,False], OnLeaveArgs={}, ASCIIonly=False, min=None, max=None, # patch: remove this eventually **kw): # save passed values needed outside __init__ self.result = loc self.key = key self.nDig = nDig self.OKcontrol=OKcontrol self.OnLeave = OnLeave self.OnLeaveArgs = OnLeaveArgs self.CIFinput = CIFinput self.notBlank = notBlank self.ASCIIonly = ASCIIonly # patch: remove this when min & max are no longer used to call this if min is not None: xmin=min if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('Call to ValidatedTxtCtrl using min (change to xmin) here:') G2obj.HowDidIgetHere(True) if max is not None: xmax=max if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('Call to ValidatedTxtCtrl using max (change to xmax) here:') G2obj.HowDidIgetHere(True) # end patch # initialization self.invalid = False # indicates if the control has invalid contents self.evaluated = False # set to True when the validator recognizes an expression self.timer = None # tracks pending updates for expressions in float textctrls self.delay = 5000 # delay for timer update (5 sec) self.type = str val = loc[key] if 'style' in kw: # add a "Process Enter" to style kw['style'] |= wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER else: kw['style'] = wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER if 'size' not in kw: # wx 4.2.0 needs a size kw['size'] = (105,-1) if typeHint is not None: self.type = typeHint elif nDig is not None: self.type = float elif 'int' in str(type(val)): self.type = int elif 'float' in str(type(val)): self.type = float elif isinstance(val,str) or isinstance(val,unicode): self.type = str elif val is None: raise Exception("ValidatedTxtCtrl error: value of "+str(key)+ " element is None and typeHint not defined as int or float") else: raise Exception("ValidatedTxtCtrl error: Unknown element ("+str(key)+ ") type: "+str(type(val))) if self.type is int: wx.TextCtrl.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY, validator=NumberValidator(int,result=loc,key=key,xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax, exclLim=exclLim,OKcontrol=OKcontrol,CIFinput=CIFinput),**kw) if val is not None: self._setValue(val) else: # no default is invalid for a number self.invalid = True self._IndicateValidity() elif self.type is float: wx.TextCtrl.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY, validator=NumberValidator(float,result=loc,key=key,xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax, exclLim=exclLim,OKcontrol=OKcontrol,CIFinput=CIFinput),**kw) if val is not None: self._setValue(val) else: self.invalid = True self._IndicateValidity() else: if self.CIFinput: wx.TextCtrl.__init__( self,parent,wx.ID_ANY, validator=ASCIIValidator(result=loc,key=key), **kw) else: wx.TextCtrl.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,**kw) if val is not None: self.SetValue(val) if notBlank: self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR,self._onStringKey) self.ShowStringValidity() # test if valid input else: self.invalid = False self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR,self._GetStringValue) # When the mouse is moved away or the widget loses focus, # display the last saved value, if an expression self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self._onLeaveWindow) self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self._onLoseFocus) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self._onLoseFocus) # patch for wx 2.9 on Mac i,j= wx.__version__.split('.')[0:2] if int(i)+int(j)/10. > 2.8 and 'wxOSX' in wx.PlatformInfo: self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown)
[docs] def SetValue(self,val): if self.result is not None: # note that this bypasses formatting self.result[self.key] = val log.LogVarChange(self.result,self.key) self._setValue(val)
def _setValue(self,val,show=True): '''Check the validity of an int or float value and convert to a str. Possibly format it. If show is True, display the formatted value in the Text widget. ''' self.invalid = False if self.type is int: try: if int(val) != val: self.invalid = True else: val = int(val) except: if self.CIFinput and (val == '?' or val == '.'): pass else: self.invalid = True if show and not self.invalid: wx.TextCtrl.SetValue(self,str(val)) elif self.type is float: try: if type(val) is str: val = val.replace(',','.') val = float(val) # convert strings, if needed except: if self.CIFinput and (val == '?' or val == '.'): pass else: self.invalid = True if self.nDig and show and not self.invalid: wx.TextCtrl.SetValue(self,str(G2fil.FormatValue(val,self.nDig))) self.evaluated = False # expression has been recast as value, reset flag elif show and not self.invalid: wx.TextCtrl.SetValue(self,str(G2fil.FormatSigFigs(val)).rstrip('0')) self.evaluated = False # expression has been recast as value, reset flag else: if self.ASCIIonly: s = '' for c in val: if ord(c) < 128: s += c else: s += '!' if val != s: val = s show = True if show: try: wx.TextCtrl.SetValue(self,str(val)) except: wx.TextCtrl.SetValue(self,val) self.ShowStringValidity() # test if valid input return self._IndicateValidity() if self.OKcontrol: self.OKcontrol(not self.invalid)
[docs] def OnKeyDown(self,event): 'Special callback for wx 2.9+ on Mac where backspace is not processed by validator' key = event.GetKeyCode() if key in [wx.WXK_BACK, wx.WXK_DELETE]: if self.Validator: wx.CallAfter(self.Validator.TestValid,self) if key == wx.WXK_RETURN or key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER: self._onLoseFocus(None) if event: event.Skip() if self.timer: self.timer.Restart(self.delay)
def _onStringKey(self,event): if event: event.Skip() if self.invalid: # check for validity after processing the keystroke wx.CallAfter(self.ShowStringValidity,True) # was invalid else: wx.CallAfter(self.ShowStringValidity,False) # was valid def _IndicateValidity(self): 'Set the control colors to show invalid input' if self.invalid: ins = self.GetInsertionPoint() self.SetForegroundColour("red") self.SetBackgroundColour("yellow") self.SetFocus() self.Refresh() # this selects text on some Linuxes self.SetSelection(0,0) # unselect self.SetInsertionPoint(ins) # put insertion point back else: # valid input self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) self.SetForegroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT)) self.Refresh() def _GetNumValue(self): 'Get and where needed convert string from GetValue into int or float' try: val = self.GetValue() if self.type is int: val = int(val) elif self.type is float: val = float(val) except: if self.CIFinput and (val == '?' or val == '.'): pass else: self.invalid = True return val
[docs] def ShowStringValidity(self,previousInvalid=True): '''Check if input is valid. Anytime the input is invalid, call self.OKcontrol (if defined) because it is fast. If valid, check for any other invalid entries only when changing from invalid to valid, since that is slower. :param bool previousInvalid: True if the TextCtrl contents were invalid prior to the current change. ''' val = self.GetValue().strip() if self.notBlank: self.invalid = not val else: self.invalid = False self._IndicateValidity() if self.invalid: if self.OKcontrol: self.OKcontrol(False) elif self.OKcontrol and previousInvalid: self.OKcontrol(True) self._SaveStringValue() # always store the result
def _GetStringValue(self,event): '''Get string input and store. ''' if event: event.Skip() # process keystroke wx.CallAfter(self._SaveStringValue) def _SaveStringValue(self): val = self.GetValue().strip() # always store the result if self.CIFinput and '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: # Py2/CIF make results ASCII self.result[self.key] = val.encode('ascii','replace') else: self.result[self.key] = val log.LogVarChange(self.result,self.key) def _onLeaveWindow(self,event): '''If the mouse leaves the text box, save the result, if valid, but (unlike _onLoseFocus) there is a two second delay before the textbox contents are updated with the value from the formula. ''' def delayedUpdate(): self.timer = None try: self._setValue(self.result[self.key]) except: pass if self.type is not str: if not self.IsModified(): return #ignore mouse crusing elif self.result[self.key] == self.GetValue(): # .IsModified() seems unreliable for str return if self.evaluated and not self.invalid: # deal with computed expressions if self.timer: self.timer.Restart(self.delay) else: self.timer = wx.CallLater(self.delay,delayedUpdate) # this includes a try in case the widget is deleted if self.invalid: # don't update an invalid expression if event: event.Skip() return self._setValue(self.result[self.key],show=False) # save value quietly if self.OnLeave: self.event = event self.OnLeave(invalid=self.invalid,value=self.result[self.key], tc=self,**self.OnLeaveArgs) if event: event.Skip() def _onLoseFocus(self,event): '''Enter has been pressed or focus transferred to another control, Evaluate and update the current control contents ''' if event: event.Skip() if self.type is not str: if not self.IsModified(): return #ignore mouse crusing elif self.result[self.key] == self.GetValue(): # .IsModified() seems unreliable for str return if self.evaluated: # deal with computed expressions if self.invalid: # don't substitute for an invalid expression return self._setValue(self.result[self.key]) elif self.result is not None: # show formatted result, as Bob wants self.result[self.key] = self._GetNumValue() if not self.invalid: # don't update an invalid expression self._setValue(self.result[self.key]) if self.OnLeave: self.event = event try: self.OnLeave(invalid=self.invalid,value=self.result[self.key], tc=self,**self.OnLeaveArgs) except: pass
[docs] class NumberValidator(wxValidator): '''A validator to be used with a TextCtrl to prevent entering characters other than digits, signs, and for float input, a period and exponents. The value is checked for validity after every keystroke If an invalid number is entered, the box is highlighted. If the number is valid, it is saved in result[key] :param type typ: the base data type. Must be int or float. :param bool positiveonly: If True, negative integers are not allowed (default False). This prevents the + or - keys from being pressed. Used with typ=int; ignored for typ=float. :param number xmin: Minimum allowed value. If None (default) the lower limit is unbounded :param number xmax: Maximum allowed value. If None (default) the upper limit is unbounded :param list exclLim: if True exclude xmin/xmax value ([exclMin,exclMax]); (Default=[False,False]) :param dict/list result: List or dict where value should be placed when valid :param any key: key to use for result (int for list) :param function OKcontrol: function or class method to control an OK button for a window. Ignored if None (default) :param bool CIFinput: allows use of a single '?' or '.' character as valid input. ''' def __init__(self, typ, positiveonly=False, xmin=None, xmax=None,exclLim=[False,False], result=None, key=None, OKcontrol=None, CIFinput=False): 'Create the validator' wxValidator.__init__(self) # save passed parameters self.typ = typ self.positiveonly = positiveonly self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.exclLim = exclLim self.result = result self.key = key self.OKcontrol = OKcontrol self.CIFinput = CIFinput # set allowed keys by data type self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar) if self.typ == int and self.positiveonly: self.validchars = '0123456789' elif self.typ == int: self.validchars = '0123456789+-' elif self.typ == float: # allow for above and sind, cosd, sqrt, tand, pi, and abbreviations # also addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, exponentiation self.validchars = '0123456789.-+eE/cosindcqrtap()*,' else: self.validchars = None return if self.CIFinput: self.validchars += '?.'
[docs] def Clone(self): 'Create a copy of the validator, a strange, but required component' return NumberValidator(typ=self.typ, positiveonly=self.positiveonly, xmin=self.xmin, xmax=self.xmax, result=self.result, key=self.key, OKcontrol=self.OKcontrol, CIFinput=self.CIFinput)
[docs] def TransferToWindow(self): 'Needed by validator, strange, but required component' return True # Prevent wxDialog from complaining.
[docs] def TransferFromWindow(self): 'Needed by validator, strange, but required component' return True # Prevent wxDialog from complaining.
[docs] def TestValid(self,tc): '''Check if the value is valid by casting the input string into the current type. Set the invalid variable in the TextCtrl object accordingly. If the value is valid, save it in the dict/list where the initial value was stored, if appropriate. :param wx.TextCtrl tc: A reference to the TextCtrl that the validator is associated with. ''' tc.invalid = False # assume valid if self.CIFinput: val = tc.GetValue().strip() if val == '?' or val == '.': self.result[self.key] = val log.LogVarChange(self.result,self.key) return try: val = self.typ(tc.GetValue()) except (ValueError, SyntaxError): if self.typ is float: # for float values, see if an expression can be evaluated val = G2fil.FormulaEval(tc.GetValue().replace(',','.')) if val is None: tc.invalid = True return else: tc.evaluated = True else: tc.invalid = True return if self.xmax != None: if val >= self.xmax and self.exclLim[1]: tc.invalid = True elif val > self.xmax: tc.invalid = True if self.xmin != None: if val <= self.xmin and self.exclLim[0]: tc.invalid = True elif val < self.xmin: tc.invalid = True # invalid if self.key is not None and self.result is not None and not tc.invalid: self.result[self.key] = val log.LogVarChange(self.result,self.key)
[docs] def ShowValidity(self,tc): '''Set the control colors to show invalid input :param wx.TextCtrl tc: A reference to the TextCtrl that the validator is associated with. ''' if tc.invalid: ins = tc.GetInsertionPoint() tc.SetForegroundColour("red") tc.SetBackgroundColour("yellow") tc.SetFocus() tc.Refresh() # this selects text on some Linuxes tc.SetSelection(0,0) # unselect tc.SetInsertionPoint(ins) # put insertion point back return False else: # valid input tc.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) tc.SetForegroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT)) tc.Refresh() return True
[docs] def CheckInput(self,previousInvalid): '''called to test every change to the TextCtrl for validity and to change the appearance of the TextCtrl Anytime the input is invalid, call self.OKcontrol (if defined) because it is fast. If valid, check for any other invalid entries only when changing from invalid to valid, since that is slower. :param bool previousInvalid: True if the TextCtrl contents were invalid prior to the current change. ''' tc = self.GetWindow() self.TestValid(tc) self.ShowValidity(tc) # if invalid if tc.invalid and self.OKcontrol: self.OKcontrol(False) if not tc.invalid and self.OKcontrol and previousInvalid: self.OKcontrol(True)
[docs] def OnChar(self, event): '''Called each type a key is pressed ignores keys that are not allowed for int and float types ''' key = event.GetKeyCode() tc = self.GetWindow() if key == wx.WXK_RETURN or key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER: if tc.invalid: self.CheckInput(True) else: self.CheckInput(False) if event: event.Skip() return if key < wx.WXK_SPACE or key == wx.WXK_DELETE or key > 255: # control characters get processed if event: event.Skip() if tc.invalid: wx.CallAfter(self.CheckInput,True) else: wx.CallAfter(self.CheckInput,False) return elif chr(key) in self.validchars: # valid char pressed? if event: event.Skip() if tc.invalid: wx.CallAfter(self.CheckInput,True) else: wx.CallAfter(self.CheckInput,False) return return # Returning without calling event.Skip, which eats the keystroke
[docs] class ASCIIValidator(wxValidator): '''A validator to be used with a TextCtrl to prevent entering characters other than ASCII characters. The value is checked for validity after every keystroke If an invalid number is entered, the box is highlighted. If the number is valid, it is saved in result[key] :param dict/list result: List or dict where value should be placed when valid :param any key: key to use for result (int for list) ''' def __init__(self, result=None, key=None): 'Create the validator' import string wxValidator.__init__(self) # save passed parameters self.result = result self.key = key self.validchars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation + string.whitespace self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
[docs] def Clone(self): 'Create a copy of the validator, a strange, but required component' return ASCIIValidator(result=self.result, key=self.key) tc = self.GetWindow() tc.invalid = False # make sure the validity flag is defined in parent
[docs] def TransferToWindow(self): 'Needed by validator, strange, but required component' return True # Prevent wxDialog from complaining.
[docs] def TransferFromWindow(self): 'Needed by validator, strange, but required component' return True # Prevent wxDialog from complaining.
[docs] def TestValid(self,tc): '''Check if the value is valid by casting the input string into ASCII. Save it in the dict/list where the initial value was stored :param wx.TextCtrl tc: A reference to the TextCtrl that the validator is associated with. ''' if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: self.result[self.key] = tc.GetValue().encode('ascii','replace') else: self.result[self.key] = tc.GetValue() log.LogVarChange(self.result,self.key)
[docs] def OnChar(self, event): '''Called each type a key is pressed ignores keys that are not allowed for int and float types ''' key = event.GetKeyCode() tc = self.GetWindow() if key == wx.WXK_RETURN or key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER: self.TestValid(tc) if event: event.Skip() return if key < wx.WXK_SPACE or key == wx.WXK_DELETE or key > 255: # control characters get processed if event: event.Skip() self.TestValid(tc) return elif chr(key) in self.validchars: # valid char pressed? if event: event.Skip() self.TestValid(tc) return return # Returning without calling event.Skip, which eats the keystroke
[docs] class G2Slider(wx.Slider): '''Wrapper around wx.Slider widget that implements scaling Also casts floats as integers to avoid py3.10+ errors ''' global ci ci = lambda x: int(x + 0.5) # closest integer def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, value=0, minValue=0, maxValue=100, *arg, **kwarg): wx.Slider.__init__(self, parent, id, ci(value), ci(minValue), ci(maxValue), *arg, **kwarg) self.iscale = 1 def SetScaling(self,iscale): self.iscale = iscale def SetScaledRange(self,xmin,xmax): self.SetRange(ci(xmin*self.iscale),ci(xmax*self.iscale)) def SetScaledValue(self,value): wx.Slider.SetValue(self, ci(self.iscale*value)) def GetScaledValue(self): return self.GetValue()/float(self.iscale)
[docs] def SetValue(self,value): wx.Slider.SetValue(self, ci(value))
[docs] def SetMax(self,xmax): wx.Slider.SetMax(self,ci(xmax*self.iscale))
[docs] def SetMin(self,xmin): wx.Slider.SetMin(self,ci(xmin*self.iscale))
[docs] def G2SliderWidget(parent,loc,key,label,xmin,xmax,iscale, onChange=None,onChangeArgs=[],sizer=None,nDig=None,size=(50,20)): '''A customized combination of a wx.Slider and a validated wx.TextCtrl (see :class:`ValidatedTxtCtrl`) that allows either a slider or text entry to set a value within a range. :param wx.Panel parent: name of panel or frame that will be the parent to the TextCtrl. Can be None. :param dict/list loc: the dict or list with the initial value to be placed in the TextCtrl. :param int/str key: the dict key or the list index for the value to be edited by the TextCtrl. The ``loc[key]`` element must exist and should have a float value. It will be forced to an initial value between xmin and xmax. :param str label: A label to be placed to the left of the slider. :param float xmin: the minimum allowed valid value. :param float xmax: the maximum allowed valid value. :param float iscale: number to scale values to integers, which is what the Scale widget uses. If the xmin=1 and xmax=4 and iscale=1 then values only the values 1,2,3 and 4 can be set with the slider. However, if iscale=2 then the values 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 are all allowed. :param callable onChange: function to call when value is changed. Default is None where nothing will be called. :param list onChangeArgs: arguments to be passed to onChange function when called. :returns: returns a wx.BoxSizer containing the widgets ''' def onScale(event): loc[key] = vScale.GetScaledValue() wx.TextCtrl.SetValue(vEntry,str(loc[key])) # will not trigger onValSet if onChange: onChange(*onChangeArgs) def onValSet(*args,**kwargs): vScale.SetScaledValue(loc[key]) if onChange: onChange(*onChangeArgs) loc[key] = min(xmax,max(xmin,loc[key])) if sizer is None: hSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) else: hSizer = sizer hSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent,wx.ID_ANY,label),0,wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) vScale = G2Slider(parent,style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL,size=(200,25)) vScale.SetScaling(iscale) vScale.SetScaledRange(xmin,xmax) vScale.SetScaledValue(loc[key]) vScale.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, onScale) if nDig is None: nDig = (10,int(0.9+np.log10(iscale))) vEntry = ValidatedTxtCtrl(parent,loc,key,nDig=nDig,OnLeave=onValSet, xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax,typeHint=float,size=size) if sizer is None: hSizer.Add(vEntry,0,wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,5) hSizer.Add(vScale,0,wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,0) return hSizer else: hSizer.Add(vEntry,0,wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,5) hSizer.Add(vScale,0,wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) return vEntry,vScale
[docs] def G2SpinWidget(parent,loc,key,label,xmin=None,xmax=None, onChange=None,onChangeArgs=[],hsize=35): '''A customized combination of a wx.SpinButton and a validated wx.TextCtrl (see :class:`ValidatedTxtCtrl`) that allows either a the spin button or text entry to set a value within a range. :param wx.Panel parent: name of panel or frame that will be the parent to the TextCtrl. Can be None. :param dict/list loc: the dict or list with the initial value to be placed in the TextCtrl. :param int/str key: the dict key or the list index for the value to be edited by the TextCtrl. The ``loc[key]`` element must exist and should have a float or int value. It will be forced to an integer initial value between xmin and xmax. :param str label: A label to be placed to the left of the entry widget. :param int xmin: the minimum allowed valid value. If None it is ignored. :param int xmax: the maximum allowed valid value. If None it is ignored. :param callable onChange: function to call when value is changed. Default is None where nothing will be called. :param list onChangeArgs: arguments to be passed to onChange function when called. :param int hsize: length of TextCtrl in pixels. Defaults to 35. :returns: returns a wx.BoxSizer containing the widgets ''' def _onSpin(event): Obj = event.GetEventObject() loc[key] += Obj.GetValue() # +1 or -1 if xmin is not None and loc[key] < xmin: loc[key] = xmin if xmax is not None and loc[key] > xmax: loc[key] = xmax wx.TextCtrl.SetValue(vEntry,str(loc[key])) # will not trigger onValSet Obj.SetValue(0) if onChange: onChange(*onChangeArgs) def _onValSet(*args,**kwargs): if onChange: onChange(*onChangeArgs) if xmin is not None: loc[key] = max(xmin,loc[key]) if xmax is not None: loc[key] = min(xmax,loc[key]) hSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) if label: hSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent,wx.ID_ANY,label),0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) spin = wx.SpinButton(parent,style=wx.SP_VERTICAL,size=wx.Size(20,20)) spin.SetRange(-1,1) spin.Bind(wx.EVT_SPIN, _onSpin) loc[key] = int(loc[key]+0.5) vEntry = ValidatedTxtCtrl(parent,loc,key,OnLeave=_onValSet, xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax,typeHint=int,size=(hsize,-1)) hSizer.Add(vEntry,0,wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,5) hSizer.Add(spin,0,wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) return hSizer
[docs] def HorizontalLine(sizer,parent): '''Draws a horizontal line as wide as the window. ''' if sys.platform == "darwin": #sizer.Add((-1,2)) line = wx.Panel(parent, size=(-1, 2)) #line.SetBackgroundColour('red') line.SetBackgroundColour((128,128,128)) sizer.Add(line, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) sizer.Add((-1,5)) else: line = wx.StaticLine(parent, size=(-1,3), style=wx.LI_HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(line, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5)
[docs] class G2LoggedButton(wx.Button): '''A version of wx.Button that creates logging events. Bindings are saved in the object, and are looked up rather than directly set with a bind. An index to these buttons is saved as log.ButtonBindingLookup :param wx.Panel parent: parent widget :param int id: Id for button :param str label: label for button :param str locationcode: a label used internally to uniquely indentify the button :param function handler: a routine to call when the button is pressed ''' def __init__(self,parent,id=wx.ID_ANY,label='',locationcode='', handler=None,*args,**kwargs): super(self.__class__,self).__init__(parent,id,label,*args,**kwargs) self.label = label self.handler = handler self.locationcode = locationcode key = locationcode + '+' + label # hash code to find button self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onPress) log.ButtonBindingLookup[key] = self
[docs] def onPress(self,event): 'create log event and call handler' log.MakeButtonLog(self.locationcode,self.label) self.handler(event)
[docs] class EnumSelector(wx.ComboBox): '''A customized :class:`wxpython.ComboBox` that selects items from a list of choices, but sets a dict (list) entry to the corresponding entry from the input list of values. :param wx.Panel parent: the parent to the :class:`~wxpython.ComboBox` (usually a frame or panel) :param dct: a dict or list to contain the value set for the :class:`~wxpython.ComboBox`. :param item: the dict key (or list index) where ``dct[item]`` will be set to the value selected in the :class:`~wxpython.ComboBox`. Also, dct[item] contains the starting value shown in the widget. If the value does not match an entry in :data:`values`, the first value in :data:`choices` is used as the default, but ``dct[item]`` is not changed. :param list choices: a list of choices to be displayed to the user such as :: ["default","option 1","option 2",] Note that these options will correspond to the entries in :data:`values` (if specified) item by item. :param list values: a list of values that correspond to the options in :data:`choices`, such as :: [0,1,2] The default for :data:`values` is to use the same list as specified for :data:`choices`. :param function OnChange: an optional routine that will be called when the :class:`~wxpython.ComboBox` can be specified. :param (other): additional keyword arguments accepted by :class:`~wxpython.ComboBox` can be specified. ''' def __init__(self,parent,dct,item,choices,values=None,OnChange=None,**kw): if values is None: values = choices if dct[item] in values: i = values.index(dct[item]) else: i = 0 startval = choices[i] wx.ComboBox.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,startval, choices = choices, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN|wx.CB_READONLY, **kw) self.choices = choices self.values = values self.dct = dct self.item = item self.OnChange = OnChange self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.onSelection) def onSelection(self,event): # respond to a selection by setting the enum value in the CIF dictionary if self.GetValue() in self.choices: # should always be true! self.dct[self.item] = self.values[self.choices.index(self.GetValue())] else: self.dct[self.item] = self.values[0] # unknown if self.OnChange: self.OnChange(event)
[docs] class G2ChoiceButton(wx.Choice): '''A customized version of a wx.Choice that automatically initializes the control to match a supplied value and saves the choice directly into an array or list. Optionally a function can be called each time a choice is selected. The widget can be used with an array item that is set to to the choice by number (``indLoc[indKey]``) or by string value (``strLoc[strKey]``) or both. The initial value is taken from ``indLoc[indKey]`` if not None or ``strLoc[strKey]`` if not None. :param wx.Panel parent: name of panel or frame that will be the parent to the widget. Can be None. :param list choiceList: a list or tuple of choices to offer the user. :param dict/list indLoc: a dict or list with the initial value to be placed in the Choice button. If this is None, this is ignored. :param int/str indKey: the dict key or the list index for the value to be edited by the Choice button. If indLoc is not None then this must be specified and the ``indLoc[indKey]`` will be set. If the value for ``indLoc[indKey]`` is not None, it should be an integer in range(len(choiceList)). The Choice button will be initialized to the choice corresponding to the value in this element if not None. :param dict/list strLoc: a dict or list with the string value corresponding to indLoc/indKey. Default (None) means that this is not used. :param int/str strKey: the dict key or the list index for the string value The ``strLoc[strKey]`` element must exist or strLoc must be None (default). :param function onChoice: name of a function to call when the choice is made. ''' def __init__(self,parent,choiceList,indLoc=None,indKey=None,strLoc=None,strKey=None, onChoice=None,**kwargs): wx.Choice.__init__(self,parent,choices=choiceList,id=wx.ID_ANY,**kwargs) self.choiceList = choiceList self.indLoc = indLoc self.indKey = indKey self.strLoc = strLoc self.strKey = strKey self.onChoice = None self.SetSelection(wx.NOT_FOUND) if self.indLoc is not None and self.indKey is not None: try: self.SetSelection(self.indLoc[self.indKey]) if self.strLoc is not None and self.strKey is not None: self.strLoc[self.strKey] = self.GetStringSelection() #log.LogVarChange(self.strLoc,self.strKey) except (KeyError,ValueError,TypeError): pass elif self.strLoc is not None and self.strKey is not None: try: self.SetSelection(choiceList.index(self.strLoc[self.strKey])) if self.indLoc is not None: self.indLoc[self.indKey] = self.GetSelection() log.LogVarChange(self.indLoc,self.indKey) except (KeyError,ValueError,TypeError): pass self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self._OnChoice) #if self.strLoc is not None: # make sure strLoc gets initialized # self._OnChoice(None) # note that onChoice will not be called self.onChoice = onChoice def _OnChoice(self,event): if self.indLoc is not None: self.indLoc[self.indKey] = self.GetSelection() log.LogVarChange(self.indLoc,self.indKey) if self.strLoc is not None: self.strLoc[self.strKey] = self.GetStringSelection() log.LogVarChange(self.strLoc,self.strKey) if self.onChoice: self.onChoice()
[docs] def setByString(self,string): 'Find an entry matching string and select it' num = self.FindString(string) if num >= 0: self.SetSelection(num)
#### Custom checkbox that saves values into dict/list as used ##############################################################
[docs] class G2CheckBox(wx.CheckBox): '''A customized version of a CheckBox that automatically initializes the control to a supplied list or dict entry and updates that entry as the widget is used. :param wx.Panel parent: name of panel or frame that will be the parent to the widget. Can be None. :param str label: text to put on check button :param dict/list loc: the dict or list with the initial value to be placed in the CheckBox. :param int/str key: the dict key or the list index for the value to be edited by the CheckBox. The ``loc[key]`` element must exist. The CheckBox will be initialized from this value. If the value is anything other that True (or 1), it will be taken as False. :param function OnChange: specifies a function or method that will be called when the CheckBox is changed (Default is None). The called function is supplied with one argument, the calling event. ''' def __init__(self,parent,label,loc,key,OnChange=None): wx.CheckBox.__init__(self,parent,id=wx.ID_ANY,label=label) self.loc = loc self.key = key self.OnChange = OnChange self.SetValue(self.loc[self.key]==True) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self._OnCheckBox) def _OnCheckBox(self,event): self.loc[self.key] = self.GetValue() log.LogVarChange(self.loc,self.key) if self.OnChange: self.OnChange(event)
[docs] def G2CheckBoxFrontLbl(parent,label,loc,key,OnChange=None): '''A customized version of a CheckBox that automatically initializes the control to a supplied list or dict entry and updates that entry as the widget is used. Same as :class:`G2CheckBox` except the label is placed before the CheckBox and returns a sizer rather than the G2CheckBox. If the CheckBox is needed, reference Sizer.myCheckBox. ''' Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) Sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent,label=label),0,WACV) checkBox = G2CheckBox(parent,'',loc,key,OnChange) Sizer.Add(checkBox,0,WACV) Sizer.myCheckBox = checkBox return Sizer
[docs] def G2RadioButtons(parent,loc,key,choices,values=None,OnChange=None): '''A customized version of wx.RadioButton that returns a list of coupled RadioButtons :param wx.Panel parent: name of panel or frame that will be the parent to the widgets. Can be None. :param dict/list loc: the dict or list with the initial value to be placed in the CheckBox. :param int/str key: the dict key or the list index for the value to be edited by the CheckBox. The ``loc[key]`` element must exist. The CheckButton will be initialized from this value. :param list choices: :param list values: :param function OnChange: specifies a function or method that will be called when the CheckBox is changed (Default is None). The called function is supplied with one argument, the calling event. ''' def _OnEvent(event): if event.GetEventObject() not in buttons: if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('Strange: unknown button') return loc[key] = values[buttons.index(event.GetEventObject())] #log.LogVarChange(self.loc,self.key) if OnChange: OnChange(event) if not values: values = list(range(len(choices))) buttons = [] kw = {'style':wx.RB_GROUP} for i,c in enumerate(choices): if i == 1: kw = {} buttons.append(wx.RadioButton(parent,wx.ID_ANY,c,**kw)) if loc[key] == values[i]: buttons[-1].SetValue(True) buttons[-1].Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, _OnEvent) return buttons
#### Commonly used dialogs ################################################################################
[docs] def CallScrolledMultiEditor(parent,dictlst,elemlst,prelbl=[],postlbl=[], title='Edit items',header='',size=(300,250), CopyButton=False, ASCIIonly=False, **kw): '''Shell routine to call a ScrolledMultiEditor dialog. See :class:`ScrolledMultiEditor` for parameter definitions. :returns: True if the OK button is pressed; False if the window is closed with the system menu or the Cancel button. ''' dlg = ScrolledMultiEditor(parent,dictlst,elemlst,prelbl,postlbl, title,header,size, CopyButton, ASCIIonly, **kw) dlg.CenterOnParent() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return True else: dlg.Destroy() return False
[docs] class ScrolledMultiEditor(wx.Dialog): '''Define a window for editing a potentially large number of dict- or list-contained values with validation for each item. Edited values are automatically placed in their source location. If invalid entries are provided, the TextCtrl is turned yellow and the OK button is disabled. The type for each TextCtrl validation is determined by the initial value of the entry (int, float or string). Float values can be entered in the TextCtrl as numbers or also as algebraic expressions using operators + - / \\* () and \\*\\*, in addition pi, sind(), cosd(), tand(), and sqrt() can be used, as well as appreviations s(), sin(), c(), cos(), t(), tan() and sq(). :param wx.Frame parent: name of parent window, or may be None :param tuple dictlst: a list of dicts or lists containing values to edit :param tuple elemlst: a list of keys/indices for items in dictlst. Note that elemlst must have the same length as dictlst, where each item in elemlst will will match an entry for an entry for successive dicts/lists in dictlst. :param tuple prelbl: a list of labels placed before the TextCtrl for each item (optional) :param tuple postlbl: a list of labels placed after the TextCtrl for each item (optional) :param str title: a title to place in the frame of the dialog :param str header: text to place at the top of the window. May contain new line characters. :param wx.Size size: a size parameter that dictates the size for the scrolled region of the dialog. The default is (300,250). :param bool CopyButton: if True adds a small button that copies the value for the current row to all fields below (default is False) :param bool ASCIIonly: if set as True will remove unicode characters from strings :param list minvals: optional list of minimum values for validation of float or int values. Ignored if value is None. :param list maxvals: optional list of maximum values for validation of float or int values. Ignored if value is None. :param list sizevals: optional list of wx.Size values for each input widget. Ignored if value is None. :param tuple checkdictlst: an optional list of dicts or lists containing bool values (similar to dictlst). :param tuple checkelemlst: an optional list of dicts or lists containing bool key values (similar to elemlst). Must be used with checkdictlst. :param string checklabel: a string to use for each checkbutton :returns: the wx.Dialog created here. Use method .ShowModal() to display it. *Example for use of ScrolledMultiEditor:* :: dlg = <pkg>.ScrolledMultiEditor(frame,dictlst,elemlst,prelbl,postlbl, header=header) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: for d,k in zip(dictlst,elemlst): print d[k] *Example definitions for dictlst and elemlst:* :: dictlst = (dict1,list1,dict1,list1) elemlst = ('a', 1, 2, 3) This causes items dict1['a'], list1[1], dict1[2] and list1[3] to be edited. Note that these items must have int, float or str values assigned to them. The dialog will force these types to be retained. String values that are blank are marked as invalid. ''' def __init__(self,parent,dictlst,elemlst,prelbl=[],postlbl=[], title='Edit items',header='',size=(300,250), CopyButton=False, ASCIIonly=False, minvals=[],maxvals=[],sizevals=[], checkdictlst=[], checkelemlst=[], checklabel=""): if len(dictlst) != len(elemlst): raise Exception("ScrolledMultiEditor error: len(dictlst) != len(elemlst) "+str(len(dictlst))+" != "+str(len(elemlst))) if len(checkdictlst) != len(checkelemlst): raise Exception("ScrolledMultiEditor error: len(checkdictlst) != len(checkelemlst) "+str(len(checkdictlst))+" != "+str(len(checkelemlst))) wx.Dialog.__init__( # create dialog & sizer self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,title, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.orig = [] self.dictlst = dictlst self.elemlst = elemlst self.checkdictlst = checkdictlst self.checkelemlst = checkelemlst self.StartCheckValues = [checkdictlst[i][checkelemlst[i]] for i in range(len(checkdictlst))] self.ButtonIndex = {} for d,i in zip(dictlst,elemlst): self.orig.append(d[i]) # add a header if supplied if header: subSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,header)) subSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add(subSizer,0,wx.EXPAND,0) # make OK button now, because we will need it for validation self.OKbtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK) self.OKbtn.SetDefault() # create scrolled panel and sizer panel = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(self, wx.ID_ANY,size=size, style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) cols = 4 if CopyButton: cols += 1 subSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=cols,hgap=2,vgap=2) self.ValidatedControlsList = [] # make list of TextCtrls self.CheckControlsList = [] # make list of CheckBoxes for i,(d,k) in enumerate(zip(dictlst,elemlst)): if i >= len(prelbl): # label before TextCtrl, or put in a blank subSizer.Add((-1,-1)) else: subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,str(prelbl[i]))) kargs = {} if i < len(minvals): if minvals[i] is not None: kargs['xmin']=minvals[i] if i < len(maxvals): if maxvals[i] is not None: kargs['xmax']=maxvals[i] if i < len(sizevals): if sizevals[i]: kargs['size']=sizevals[i] if CopyButton: if i+1 == len(dictlst): but = (-1,-1) else: import wx.lib.colourselect as wscs # is there a way to test? but = wscs.ColourSelect(label='v', # would like to use u'\u2193' or u'\u25BC' but not in WinXP parent=panel,colour=(255,255,200),size=wx.Size(30,23), style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._OnCopyButton) if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): but.SetToolTip('Press to copy adjacent value to all rows below') else: but.SetToolTipString('Press to copy adjacent value to all rows below') self.ButtonIndex[but] = i subSizer.Add(but) # create the validated TextCrtl, store it and add it to the sizer ctrl = ValidatedTxtCtrl(panel,d,k,OKcontrol=self.ControlOKButton,ASCIIonly=ASCIIonly, **kargs) self.ValidatedControlsList.append(ctrl) subSizer.Add(ctrl) if i < len(postlbl): # label after TextCtrl, or put in a blank subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,str(postlbl[i]))) else: subSizer.Add((-1,-1)) if i < len(checkdictlst): ch = G2CheckBox(panel,checklabel,checkdictlst[i],checkelemlst[i]) self.CheckControlsList.append(ch) subSizer.Add(ch) else: subSizer.Add((-1,-1)) # finish up ScrolledPanel panel.SetSizer(subSizer) panel.SetAutoLayout(1) panel.SetupScrolling() # patch for wx 2.9 on Mac i,j= wx.__version__.split('.')[0:2] if int(i)+int(j)/10. > 2.8 and 'wxOSX' in wx.PlatformInfo: panel.SetMinSize((subSizer.GetSize()[0]+30,panel.GetSize()[1])) mainSizer.Add(panel,1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) # Sizer for OK/Close buttons. N.B. on Close changes are discarded # by restoring the initial values btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnsizer.Add(self.OKbtn) self.OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,lambda event: self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)) btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CLOSE,"Cancel") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onClose) btnsizer.Add(btn) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) # size out the window. Set it to be enlarged but not made smaller self.SetSizer(mainSizer) mainSizer.Fit(self) self.SetMinSize(self.GetSize()) def _OnCopyButton(self,event): 'Implements the copy down functionality' but = event.GetEventObject() n = self.ButtonIndex.get(but) if n is None: return for i,(d,k,ctrl) in enumerate(zip(self.dictlst,self.elemlst,self.ValidatedControlsList)): if i < n: continue if i == n: val = d[k] continue d[k] = val ctrl.SetValue(val) for i in range(len(self.checkdictlst)): if i < n: continue self.checkdictlst[i][self.checkelemlst[i]] = self.checkdictlst[n][self.checkelemlst[n]] self.CheckControlsList[i].SetValue(self.checkdictlst[i][self.checkelemlst[i]]) def _onClose(self,event): 'Used on Cancel: Restore original values & close the window' for d,i,v in zip(self.dictlst,self.elemlst,self.orig): d[i] = v for i in range(len(self.checkdictlst)): self.checkdictlst[i][self.checkelemlst[i]] = self.StartCheckValues[i] self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
[docs] def ControlOKButton(self,setvalue): '''Enable or Disable the OK button for the dialog. Note that this is passed into the ValidatedTxtCtrl for use by validators. :param bool setvalue: if True, all entries in the dialog are checked for validity. if False then the OK button is disabled. ''' if setvalue: # turn button on, do only if all controls show as valid for ctrl in self.ValidatedControlsList: if ctrl.invalid: self.OKbtn.Disable() return else: self.OKbtn.Enable() else: self.OKbtn.Disable()
############################################### Multichoice Dialog with set all, toggle & filter options
[docs] class G2MultiChoiceDialog(wx.Dialog): '''A dialog similar to wx.MultiChoiceDialog except that buttons are added to set all choices and to toggle all choices and a filter is available to select from available entries. Note that if multiple entries are placed in the filter box separated by spaces, all of the strings must be present for an item to be shown. :param wx.Frame ParentFrame: reference to parent frame :param str title: heading above list of choices :param str header: Title to place on window frame :param list ChoiceList: a list of choices where one more will be selected :param bool toggle: If True (default) the toggle and select all buttons are displayed :param bool monoFont: If False (default), use a variable-spaced font; if True use a equally-spaced font. :param bool filterBox: If True (default) an input widget is placed on the window and only entries matching the entered text are shown. :param dict extraOpts: a dict containing a entries of form label_i and value_i with extra options to present to the user, where value_i is the default value. Options are listed ordered by the value_i values. :param list selected: list of indicies for items that should be :param kw: optional keyword parameters for the wx.Dialog may be included such as size [which defaults to `(320,310)`] and style (which defaults to `wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.CENTRE| wx.OK | wx.CANCEL`); note that `wx.OK` and `wx.CANCEL` style items control the presence of the eponymous buttons in the dialog. :returns: the name of the created dialog ''' def __init__(self,parent, title, header, ChoiceList, toggle=True, monoFont=False, filterBox=True, extraOpts={}, selected=[], **kw): # process keyword parameters, notably style options = {'size':(320,310), # default Frame keywords 'style':wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.CENTRE| wx.OK | wx.CANCEL, } options.update(kw) self.ChoiceList = ['%4d) %s'%(i,item) for i,item in enumerate(ChoiceList)] # numbered list of choices (list of str values) self.Selections = len(self.ChoiceList) * [False,] # selection status for each choice (list of bools) for i in selected: self.Selections[i] = True self.filterlist = range(len(self.ChoiceList)) # list of the choice numbers that have been filtered (list of int indices) self.Stride = 1 if options['style'] & wx.OK: useOK = True options['style'] ^= wx.OK else: useOK = False if options['style'] & wx.CANCEL: useCANCEL = True options['style'] ^= wx.CANCEL else: useCANCEL = False # create the dialog frame wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,header,**options) # fill the dialog Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) topSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) topSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,title,size=(-1,35)), 1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) if filterBox: self.timer = wx.Timer() self.timer.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER,self.Filter) topSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Name \nFilter: '),0,wx.ALL|WACV,1) self.filterBox = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, size=(80,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.filterBox.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT,self.onChar) self.filterBox.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER,self.Filter) topSizer.Add(self.filterBox,0,wx.ALL|WACV,0) Sizer.Add(topSizer,0,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,8) self.settingRange = False self.rangeFirst = None self.clb = wx.CheckListBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, (30,30), wx.DefaultSize, self.ChoiceList) self._ShowSelections() self.clb.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKLISTBOX,self.OnCheck) if monoFont: font1 = wx.Font(self.clb.GetFont().GetPointSize(), wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False) self.clb.SetFont(font1) Sizer.Add(self.clb,1,wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.EXPAND,10) Sizer.Add((-1,10)) # set/toggle buttons if toggle: tSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=2,hgap=5,vgap=5) tSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,label=' Apply stride:'),0,WACV) numbs = [str(i+1) for i in range(9)]+[str(2*i+10) for i in range(6)] self.stride = wx.ComboBox(self,value='1',choices=numbs,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.stride.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,self.OnStride) tSizer.Add(self.stride,0,WACV) setBut = wx.Button(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Set All') setBut.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._SetAll) tSizer.Add(setBut) togBut = wx.Button(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Toggle All') togBut.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._ToggleAll) tSizer.Add(togBut) self.rangeBut = wx.ToggleButton(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Set Range') self.rangeBut.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON,self.SetRange) tSizer.Add(self.rangeBut) self.rangeCapt = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,'') tSizer.Add(self.rangeCapt) Sizer.Add(tSizer,0,wx.LEFT,12) # Extra widgets Sizer.Add((-1,5),0,wx.LEFT,0) bSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) for lbl in sorted(extraOpts.keys()): if not lbl.startswith('label'): continue key = lbl.replace('label','value') if key not in extraOpts: continue eSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) if type(extraOpts[key]) is bool: eSizer.Add(G2CheckBox(self,extraOpts[lbl],extraOpts,key)) else: eSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,extraOpts[lbl])) eSizer.Add(ValidatedTxtCtrl(self,extraOpts,key)) bSizer.Add(eSizer,0,wx.LEFT,0) Sizer.Add(bSizer,0,wx.CENTER,0) Sizer.Add((-1,5),0,wx.LEFT,0) # OK/Cancel buttons btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() if useOK: self.OKbtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK) self.OKbtn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(self.OKbtn) self.OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onOk) if useCANCEL: btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onCancel) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() Sizer.Add((-1,5)) Sizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT,50) Sizer.Add((-1,20)) # OK done, let's get outa here self.SetSizer(Sizer) Sizer.Fit(self) self.CenterOnParent() def onOk(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def onCancel(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL) def OnStride(self,event): self.Stride = int(self.stride.GetValue())
[docs] def SetRange(self,event): '''Respond to a press of the Set Range button. Set the range flag and the caption next to the button ''' self.settingRange = self.rangeBut.GetValue() if self.settingRange: self.rangeCapt.SetLabel('Select range start') else: self.rangeCapt.SetLabel('') self.rangeFirst = None
[docs] def GetSelections(self): 'Returns a list of the indices for the selected choices' # update self.Selections with settings for displayed items for i in range(len(self.filterlist)): self.Selections[self.filterlist[i]] = self.clb.IsChecked(i) # return all selections, shown or hidden return [i for i in range(len(self.Selections)) if self.Selections[i]]
[docs] def SetSelections(self,selList): '''Sets the selection indices in selList as selected. Resets any previous selections for compatibility with wx.MultiChoiceDialog. Note that the state for only the filtered items is shown. :param list selList: indices of items to be selected. These indices are referenced to the order in self.ChoiceList ''' self.Selections = len(self.ChoiceList) * [False,] # reset selections for sel in selList: self.Selections[sel] = True self._ShowSelections()
def _ShowSelections(self): 'Show the selection state for displayed items' if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): self.clb.SetCheckedItems( [i for i in range(len(self.filterlist)) if self.Selections[self.filterlist[i]]] ) # Note anything previously checked will be cleared. else: self.clb.SetChecked( [i for i in range(len(self.filterlist)) if self.Selections[self.filterlist[i]]] ) # Note anything previously checked will be cleared. def _SetAll(self,event): 'Set all viewed choices on' if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): self.clb.SetCheckedItems(range(0,len(self.filterlist),self.Stride)) else: self.clb.SetChecked(range(0,len(self.filterlist),self.Stride)) self.stride.SetValue('1') self.Stride = 1 def _ToggleAll(self,event): 'flip the state of all viewed choices' for i in range(len(self.filterlist)): self.clb.Check(i,not self.clb.IsChecked(i))
[docs] def onChar(self,event): 'Respond to keyboard events in the Filter box' self.OKbtn.Enable(False) if self.timer.IsRunning(): self.timer.Stop() self.timer.Start(1000,oneShot=True) if event: event.Skip()
[docs] def OnCheck(self,event): '''for CheckListBox events; if Set Range is in use, this sets/clears all entries in range between start and end according to the value in start. Repeated clicks on the start change the checkbox state, but do not trigger the range copy. The caption next to the button is updated on the first button press. ''' if self.settingRange: id = event.GetInt() if self.rangeFirst is None: name = self.clb.GetString(id) self.rangeCapt.SetLabel(name+' to...') self.rangeFirst = id elif self.rangeFirst == id: pass else: for i in range(min(self.rangeFirst,id), max(self.rangeFirst,id)+1,self.Stride): self.clb.Check(i,self.clb.IsChecked(self.rangeFirst)) self.rangeBut.SetValue(False) self.rangeCapt.SetLabel('') return
[docs] def Filter(self,event): '''Read text from filter control and select entries that match. Called by Timer after a delay with no input or if Enter is pressed. ''' if self.timer.IsRunning(): self.timer.Stop() self.GetSelections() # record current selections txt = self.filterBox.GetValue() txt = txt.lower() self.clb.Clear() self.Update() self.filterlist = [] if txt: ChoiceList = [] for i,item in enumerate(self.ChoiceList): for t in txt.split(): if item.lower().find(t) == -1: break else: ChoiceList.append(item) self.filterlist.append(i) else: self.filterlist = range(len(self.ChoiceList)) ChoiceList = self.ChoiceList self.clb.AppendItems(ChoiceList) self._ShowSelections() self.OKbtn.Enable(True)
############################################### Multichoice in a sizer with set all, toggle & filter options
[docs] class G2MultiChoiceWindow(wx.BoxSizer): '''Creates a sizer similar to G2MultiChoiceDialog except that buttons are added to set all choices and to toggle all choices. This is placed in a sizer, so that it can be used in a frame or panel. :param parent: reference to parent frame/panel :param str title: heading above list of choices :param list ChoiceList: a list of choices where one more will be selected :param list SelectList: a list of selected choices :param bool toggle: If True (default) the toggle and select all buttons are displayed :param bool monoFont: If False (default), use a variable-spaced font; if True use a equally-spaced font. :param bool filterBox: If True (default) an input widget is placed on the window and only entries matching the entered text are shown. :param function OnChange: a reference to a callable object, that is called each time any a choice is changed. Default is None which will not be called. :param list OnChangeArgs: a list of arguments to be supplied to function OnChange. The default is a null list. :returns: the name of the created sizer ''' def __init__(self, parent, title, ChoiceList, SelectList, toggle=True, monoFont=False, filterBox=True, OnChange=None, OnChangeArgs=[], helpText=None): self.SelectList = SelectList self.ChoiceList = ['%4d) %s'%(i,item) for i,item in enumerate(ChoiceList)] # numbered list of choices (list of str values) self.frm = parent self.Selections = len(self.ChoiceList) * [False,] # selection status for each choice (list of bools) self.filterlist = range(len(self.ChoiceList)) # list of the choice numbers that have been filtered (list of int indices) self.Stride = 1 self.OnChange = OnChange self.OnChangeArgs = OnChangeArgs # fill frame wx.BoxSizer.__init__(self,wx.VERTICAL) # fill the sizer Sizer = self topSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) topSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.frm,wx.ID_ANY,title,size=(-1,35)),0,WACV) if helpText: topSizer.Add(HelpButton(self.frm,helpText,wrap=400),0,wx.ALL,5) topSizer.Add((1,-1),1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) if filterBox: self.timer = wx.Timer() self.timer.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER,self.Filter) topSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.frm,wx.ID_ANY,'Name \nFilter: '),0,wx.ALL|WACV,1) self.filterBox = wx.TextCtrl(self.frm, wx.ID_ANY, size=(80,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.filterBox.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT,self.onChar) self.filterBox.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER,self.Filter) topSizer.Add(self.filterBox,0,wx.ALL|WACV,0) Sizer.Add(topSizer,0,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,8) self.settingRange = False self.rangeFirst = None self.clb = wx.CheckListBox(self.frm, wx.ID_ANY, (30,30), wx.DefaultSize, self.ChoiceList) self.clb.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKLISTBOX,self.OnCheck) if monoFont: font1 = wx.Font(self.clb.GetFont().GetPointSize(), wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False) self.clb.SetFont(font1) Sizer.Add(self.clb,1,wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.EXPAND,10) Sizer.Add((-1,10)) # set/toggle buttons if toggle: tSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) tSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.frm,label=' Apply stride:'),0,WACV) numbs = [str(i+1) for i in range(9)]+[str(2*i+10) for i in range(6)] self.stride = wx.ComboBox(self.frm,value='1',choices=numbs,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.stride.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,self.OnStride) tSizer.Add(self.stride,0,WACV) Sizer.Add(tSizer,0,wx.LEFT,12) tSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) setBut = wx.Button(self.frm,wx.ID_ANY,'Set All') setBut.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._SetAll) tSizer.Add(setBut) togBut = wx.Button(self.frm,wx.ID_ANY,'Toggle All') togBut.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._ToggleAll) tSizer.Add(togBut) self.rangeBut = wx.ToggleButton(self.frm,wx.ID_ANY,'Set Range') self.rangeBut.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON,self.SetRange) tSizer.Add(self.rangeBut) Sizer.Add(tSizer,0,wx.LEFT,12) tSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.rangeCapt = wx.StaticText(self.frm,wx.ID_ANY,'') tSizer.Add(self.rangeCapt,1,wx.EXPAND,1) Sizer.Add(tSizer,0,wx.LEFT,12) self.SetSelections(self.SelectList) def OnStride(self,event): self.Stride = int(self.stride.GetValue())
[docs] def SetRange(self,event): '''Respond to a press of the Set Range button. Set the range flag and the caption next to the button ''' self.settingRange = self.rangeBut.GetValue() if self.settingRange: self.rangeCapt.SetLabel('Select range start') else: self.rangeCapt.SetLabel('') self.rangeFirst = None
[docs] def GetSelections(self): 'Returns a list of the indices for the selected choices' # update self.Selections with settings for displayed items for i in range(len(self.filterlist)): self.Selections[self.filterlist[i]] = self.clb.IsChecked(i) # return all selections, shown or hidden return [i for i in range(len(self.Selections)) if self.Selections[i]]
[docs] def SetSelections(self,selList): '''Sets the selection indices in selList as selected. Resets any previous selections for compatibility with wx.MultiChoiceDialog. Note that the state for only the filtered items is shown. :param list selList: indices of items to be selected. These indices are referenced to the order in self.ChoiceList ''' self.Selections = len(self.ChoiceList) * [False,] # reset selections for sel in selList: self.Selections[sel] = True self._ShowSelections()
def _ShowSelections(self): 'Show the selection state for displayed items' if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): self.clb.SetCheckedItems( [i for i in range(len(self.filterlist)) if self.Selections[self.filterlist[i]]] ) # Note anything previously checked will be cleared. else: self.clb.SetChecked( [i for i in range(len(self.filterlist)) if self.Selections[self.filterlist[i]]] ) # Note anything previously checked will be cleared. if self.OnChange: self.OnChange(self.GetSelections(),*self.OnChangeArgs) try: self.SelectList.clear() except: # patch: clear not in EPD for i in reversed((range(len(self.SelectList)))): del self.SelectList[i] for i,val in enumerate(self.Selections): if val: self.SelectList.append(i) def _SetAll(self,event): 'Set all viewed choices on' if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): self.clb.SetCheckedItems(range(0,len(self.filterlist),self.Stride)) else: self.clb.SetChecked(range(0,len(self.filterlist),self.Stride)) self.stride.SetValue('1') self.Stride = 1 self.GetSelections() # record current selections self._ShowSelections() def _ToggleAll(self,event): 'flip the state of all viewed choices' for i in range(len(self.filterlist)): self.clb.Check(i,not self.clb.IsChecked(i)) self.GetSelections() # record current selections self._ShowSelections()
[docs] def onChar(self,event): 'Respond to keyboard events in the Filter box' if self.timer.IsRunning(): self.timer.Stop() self.timer.Start(1000,oneShot=True) if event: event.Skip()
[docs] def OnCheck(self,event): '''for CheckListBox events; if Set Range is in use, this sets/clears all entries in range between start and end according to the value in start. Repeated clicks on the start change the checkbox state, but do not trigger the range copy. The caption next to the button is updated on the first button press. ''' if self.settingRange: id = event.GetInt() if self.rangeFirst is None: name = self.clb.GetString(id) self.rangeCapt.SetLabel(name+' to...') self.rangeFirst = id elif self.rangeFirst == id: pass else: for i in range(min(self.rangeFirst,id), max(self.rangeFirst,id)+1,self.Stride): self.clb.Check(i,self.clb.IsChecked(self.rangeFirst)) self.rangeBut.SetValue(False) self.rangeCapt.SetLabel('') self.settingRange = False self.rangeFirst = None self.GetSelections() # record current selections self._ShowSelections()
[docs] def Filter(self,event): '''Read text from filter control and select entries that match. Called by Timer after a delay with no input or if Enter is pressed. ''' if self.timer.IsRunning(): self.timer.Stop() self.GetSelections() # record current selections txt = self.filterBox.GetValue() self.clb.Clear() self.filterlist = [] if txt: txt = txt.lower() ChoiceList = [] for i,item in enumerate(self.ChoiceList): if item.lower().find(txt) != -1: ChoiceList.append(item) self.filterlist.append(i) else: self.filterlist = range(len(self.ChoiceList)) ChoiceList = self.ChoiceList self.clb.AppendItems(ChoiceList) self._ShowSelections()
[docs] def SelectEdit1Var(G2frame,array,labelLst,elemKeysLst,dspLst,refFlgElem): '''Select a variable from a list, then edit it and select histograms to copy it to. :param wx.Frame G2frame: main GSAS-II frame :param dict array: the array (dict or list) where values to be edited are kept :param list labelLst: labels for each data item :param list elemKeysLst: a list of lists of keys needed to be applied (see below) to obtain the value of each parameter :param list dspLst: list list of digits to be displayed (10,4) is 10 digits with 4 decimal places. Can be None. :param list refFlgElem: a list of lists of keys needed to be applied (see below) to obtain the refine flag for each parameter or None if the parameter does not have refine flag. Example:: array = data labelLst = ['v1','v2'] elemKeysLst = [['v1'], ['v2',0]] refFlgElem = [None, ['v2',1]] * The value for v1 will be in data['v1'] and this cannot be refined while, * The value for v2 will be in data['v2'][0] and its refinement flag is data['v2'][1] ''' def unkey(dct,keylist): '''dive into a nested set of dicts/lists applying keys in keylist consecutively ''' d = dct for k in keylist: d = d[k] return d def OnChoice(event): 'Respond when a parameter is selected in the Choice box' if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): valSizer.Clear(True) else: valSizer.DeleteWindows() lbl = event.GetString() copyopts['currentsel'] = lbl i = labelLst.index(lbl) OKbtn.Enable(True) ch.SetLabel(lbl) args = {} if dspLst[i]: args = {'nDig':dspLst[i]} Val = ValidatedTxtCtrl( dlg, unkey(array,elemKeysLst[i][:-1]), elemKeysLst[i][-1], **args) copyopts['startvalue'] = unkey(array,elemKeysLst[i]) #unkey(array,elemKeysLst[i][:-1])[elemKeysLst[i][-1]] = valSizer.Add(Val,0,wx.LEFT,5) dlg.SendSizeEvent() # SelectEdit1Var execution begins here saveArray = copy.deepcopy(array) # keep original values TreeItemType = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemText(G2frame.PickId) copyopts = {'InTable':False,"startvalue":None,'currentsel':None} hst = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemText(G2frame.PatternId) histList = G2pdG.GetHistsLikeSelected(G2frame) if not histList: G2frame.ErrorDialog('No match','No histograms match '+hst,G2frame) return dlg = wx.Dialog(G2frame,wx.ID_ANY,'Set a parameter value', style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add((5,5)) subSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Select a parameter and set a new value')) subSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add(subSizer,0,wx.EXPAND,0) mainSizer.Add((0,10)) subSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,2,5,0) subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Parameter: ')) ch = wx.Choice(dlg, wx.ID_ANY, choices = sorted(labelLst)) ch.SetSelection(-1) ch.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, OnChoice) subSizer.Add(ch) subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Value: ')) valSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSizer.Add(valSizer) mainSizer.Add(subSizer) mainSizer.Add((-1,20)) subSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSizer.Add(G2CheckBox(dlg, 'Edit in table ', copyopts, 'InTable')) mainSizer.Add(subSizer) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() OKbtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_OK,'Continue') OKbtn.Enable(False) OKbtn.SetDefault() OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,lambda event: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)) btnsizer.AddButton(OKbtn) btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() mainSizer.Add((-1,5),1,wx.EXPAND,1) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER,0) mainSizer.Add((-1,10)) dlg.SetSizer(mainSizer) dlg.CenterOnParent() if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: array.update(saveArray) dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() copyList = [] lbl = copyopts['currentsel'] dlg = G2MultiChoiceDialog(G2frame,'Copy parameter '+lbl+' from\n'+hst, 'Copy parameters', histList) dlg.CenterOnParent() try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: for i in dlg.GetSelections(): copyList.append(histList[i]) else: # reset the parameter since cancel was pressed array.update(saveArray) return finally: dlg.Destroy() prelbl = [hst] i = labelLst.index(lbl) keyLst = elemKeysLst[i] refkeys = refFlgElem[i] dictlst = [unkey(array,keyLst[:-1])] if refkeys is not None: refdictlst = [unkey(array,refkeys[:-1])] else: refdictlst = None Id = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root,hst) hstData = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,Id,'Instrument Parameters'))[0] for h in copyList: Id = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root,h) instData = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,Id,'Instrument Parameters'))[0] if len(hstData) != len(instData) or hstData['Type'][0] != instData['Type'][0]: #don't mix data types or lam & lam1/lam2 parms! print (h+' not copied - instrument parameters not commensurate') continue hData = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,Id,TreeItemType)) if TreeItemType == 'Instrument Parameters': hData = hData[0] #copy the value if it is changed or we will not edit in a table valNow = unkey(array,keyLst) if copyopts['startvalue'] != valNow or not copyopts['InTable']: unkey(hData,keyLst[:-1])[keyLst[-1]] = valNow prelbl += [h] dictlst += [unkey(hData,keyLst[:-1])] if refdictlst is not None: refdictlst += [unkey(hData,refkeys[:-1])] if refdictlst is None: args = {} else: args = {'checkdictlst':refdictlst, 'checkelemlst':len(dictlst)*[refkeys[-1]], 'checklabel':'Refine?'} if copyopts['InTable']: dlg = ScrolledMultiEditor( G2frame,dictlst, len(dictlst)*[keyLst[-1]],prelbl, header='Editing parameter '+lbl, CopyButton=True,**args) dlg.CenterOnParent() if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: array.update(saveArray) dlg.Destroy()
##### Single choice Dialog with filter options ###############################################################
[docs] class G2SingleChoiceDialog(wx.Dialog): '''A dialog similar to wx.SingleChoiceDialog except that a filter can be added. :param wx.Frame ParentFrame: reference to parent frame :param str title: heading above list of choices :param str header: Title to place on window frame :param list ChoiceList: a list of choices where one will be selected :param bool monoFont: If False (default), use a variable-spaced font; if True use a equally-spaced font. :param bool filterBox: If True (default) an input widget is placed on the window and only entries matching the entered text are shown. :param kw: optional keyword parameters for the wx.Dialog may be included such as size [which defaults to `(320,310)`] and style (which defaults to ``wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.CENTRE | wx.OK | wx.CANCEL``); note that ``wx.OK`` and ``wx.CANCEL`` controls the presence of the eponymous buttons in the dialog. :returns: the name of the created dialog ''' def __init__(self,parent, title, header, ChoiceList, monoFont=False, filterBox=True, **kw): # process keyword parameters, notably style options = {'size':(320,310), # default Frame keywords 'style':wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.CENTRE| wx.OK | wx.CANCEL, } options.update(kw) self.ChoiceList = ChoiceList self.filterlist = range(len(self.ChoiceList)) if options['style'] & wx.OK: useOK = True options['style'] ^= wx.OK else: useOK = False if options['style'] & wx.CANCEL: useCANCEL = True options['style'] ^= wx.CANCEL else: useCANCEL = False # create the dialog frame wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,header,**options) # fill the dialog Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) topSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) h = max(35,17*int(len(title)/26.+1)) # adjust height of title box with guessed # of lines topSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,title,size=(-1,h)), 1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) if filterBox: self.timer = wx.Timer() self.timer.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER,self.Filter) topSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Filter: '),0,wx.ALL,1) self.filterBox = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, size=(80,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.filterBox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR,self.onChar) self.filterBox.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER,self.Filter) topSizer.Add(self.filterBox,0,wx.ALL,0) Sizer.Add(topSizer,0,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,8) self.clb = wx.ListBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, (30,30), wx.DefaultSize, ChoiceList) self.clb.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK,self.onDoubleClick) if monoFont: font1 = wx.Font(self.clb.GetFont().GetPointSize(),wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False) self.clb.SetFont(font1) Sizer.Add(self.clb,1,wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.EXPAND,10) Sizer.Add((-1,10)) # OK/Cancel buttons btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() if useOK: self.OKbtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK) self.OKbtn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(self.OKbtn) if useCANCEL: btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() Sizer.Add((-1,5)) Sizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT,50) Sizer.Add((-1,20)) # OK done, let's get outa here self.SetSizer(Sizer)
[docs] def GetSelection(self): 'Returns the index of the selected choice' i = self.clb.GetSelection() if i < 0 or i >= len(self.filterlist): return wx.NOT_FOUND return self.filterlist[i]
def onChar(self,event): self.OKbtn.Enable(False) if self.timer.IsRunning(): self.timer.Stop() self.timer.Start(1000,oneShot=True) if event: event.Skip() def Filter(self,event): if self.timer.IsRunning(): self.timer.Stop() txt = self.filterBox.GetValue() self.clb.Clear() self.Update() self.filterlist = [] if txt: txt = txt.lower() ChoiceList = [] for i,item in enumerate(self.ChoiceList): if item.lower().find(txt) != -1: ChoiceList.append(item) self.filterlist.append(i) else: self.filterlist = range(len(self.ChoiceList)) ChoiceList = self.ChoiceList self.clb.AppendItems(ChoiceList) self.OKbtn.Enable(True) def onDoubleClick(self,event): self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
[docs] class FlagSetDialog(wx.Dialog): ''' Creates popup with table of variables to be checked for e.g. refinement flags ''' def __init__(self,parent,title,colnames,rownames,flags): wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,-1,title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) self.panel = None self.colnames = colnames self.rownames = rownames self.flags = flags self.newflags = copy.copy(flags) self.Draw() def Draw(self): Indx = {} def OnSelection(event): Obj = event.GetEventObject() [name,ia] = Indx[Obj.GetId()] self.newflags[name][ia] = Obj.GetValue() if self.panel: self.panel.DestroyChildren() #safe: wx.Panel self.panel.Destroy() self.panel = wx.Panel(self) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) flagSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,len(self.colnames),5,5) for item in self.colnames: flagSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=item),0,WACV) for ia,atm in enumerate(self.rownames): flagSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=atm),0,WACV) for name in self.colnames[1:]: if self.flags[name][ia]: self.newflags[name][ia] = False #default is off flg = wx.CheckBox(self.panel,-1,label='') flg.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX,OnSelection) Indx[flg.GetId()] = [name,ia] flagSizer.Add(flg,0,WACV) else: flagSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label='na'),0,WACV) mainSizer.Add(flagSizer,0) OkBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,"Ok") OkBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk) CancelBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,'Cancel') CancelBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel) btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(OkBtn) btnSizer.Add(CancelBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) mainSizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 10) self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.panel.Fit() self.Fit() def GetSelection(self): return self.newflags def OnOk(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def OnCancel(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
[docs] def G2MessageBox(parent,msg,title='Error'): '''Simple code to display a error or warning message TODO: replace wx.MessageDialog with one derived from wx.Dialog because on most platforms wx.MessageDialog is a native widget and CentreOnParent will not function. ''' dlg = wx.MessageDialog(parent,StripIndents(msg), title, wx.OK|wx.CENTRE) dlg.CentreOnParent() dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def ShowScrolledInfo(parent,txt,width=600,height=400,header='Warning info', buttonlist=None): '''Simple code to display possibly extensive error or warning text in a scrolled window. :param wx.Frame parent: parent window for :param str txt: text to be displayed :param int width: lateral of window in pixels (defaults to 600) :param int height: vertical dimension of window in pixels (defaults to 400) :param str header: title to be placed on window :param list buttonlist: list of button Ids to show. The default is None which places a single "Close" button and returns wx.ID_CANCEL :returns: the wx Id for the selected button ''' dlg = wx.Dialog(parent.GetTopLevelParent(),wx.ID_ANY,header, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) spanel = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(dlg, wx.ID_ANY, size=(width-20, height)) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(spanel,1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) txtSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) txt = wx.StaticText(spanel,wx.ID_ANY,txt) txt.Wrap(600) txt.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) txtSizer.Add(txt,1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) spanel.SetSizer(txtSizer) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) if buttonlist is None: btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_CLOSE) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,lambda event: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)) btnsizer.Add(btn) else: for b in buttonlist: btn = wx.Button(dlg, b) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,lambda event: dlg.EndModal(event.Id)) btnsizer.Add(btn) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) dlg.SetSizer(mainSizer) mainSizer.Fit(dlg) spanel.SetAutoLayout(1) spanel.SetupScrolling() #dlg.SetMaxSize((-1,400)) dlg.CenterOnParent() ans = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return ans
[docs] def ShowScrolledColText(parent,txt,width=600,height=400,header='Warning info',col1len=999): '''Simple code to display tabular information in a scrolled wx.Dialog window. Lines ending with a colon (:) are centered across all columns and have a grey background. Lines beginning and ending with '**' are also are centered across all columns and are given a yellow background All other lines have columns split by tab (\\t) characters. :param wx.Frame parent: parent window :param str txt: text to be displayed :param int width: lateral of window in pixels (defaults to 600) :param int height: vertical dimension of window in pixels (defaults to 400) :param str header: title to be placed on window ''' dlg = wx.Dialog(parent.GetTopLevelParent(),wx.ID_ANY,header, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) spanel = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(dlg, wx.ID_ANY, size=(width-20, height)) spanel.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(spanel,1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) cols = 1 for i,line in enumerate(txt.split('\n')): cols = max(cols,line.count('\t')+1) txtSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(0,9) for i,line in enumerate(txt.split('\n')): if line.strip().endswith(':'): st = wx.StaticText(spanel,wx.ID_ANY,line) txtSizer.Add(st,pos=(i,0),span=(0,cols),flag=wx.EXPAND) st.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)) continue elif line.strip().startswith('**') and line.strip().endswith('**'): st = wx.StaticText(spanel,wx.ID_ANY,line,style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) st.SetBackgroundColour(DULL_YELLOW) txtSizer.Add(st,pos=(i,0),span=(0,cols),flag=wx.EXPAND) continue items = line.split('\t') for col in range(cols): if col < len(items): item = items[col].strip() else: item = '' t = item[:] s = '' #if len(t) > col1len: GSASIIpath.IPyBreak() while col == 0 and len(t) > col1len: b = -1 for sym in (') ',' * ',' + ',' - ',' && '): b = max(b, t.rfind(sym,0,col1len)) if b > 20: s += t[:b+1] t = '\n\t' + t[b+1:] continue break s += t st = wx.StaticText(spanel,wx.ID_ANY,s) if col == 0: st.Wrap(650) # last resort... st.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) txtSizer.Add(st,pos=(i,col),flag=wx.EXPAND) #txtSizer.AddGrowableRow(i) txtSizer.AddGrowableCol(0) #to fill screen spanel.SetSizer(txtSizer) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_CLOSE) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,lambda event: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)) btnsizer.Add(btn) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) dlg.SetSizer(mainSizer) mainSizer.Fit(dlg) spanel.SetAutoLayout(1) spanel.SetupScrolling() #dlg.SetMaxSize((-1,400)) dlg.CenterOnParent() dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def G2ScrolledGrid(G2frame,lbl,title,tbl,colLbls,colTypes,maxSize=(600,300),comment=''): '''Display a scrolled table of information in a dialog window :param wx.Frame G2frame: parent for dialog :param str lbl: label for window :param str title: window title :param list tbl: list of lists where inner list is each row :param list colLbls: list of str with labels for each column :param list colTypes: Data types for each column (such as wg.GRID_VALUE_STRING,wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT) :param list maxSize: Maximum size for the table in points. Defaults to (600,300) :param str comment: optional text that appears below table Example:: row = ['item1',1.234,'description of item'] colTypes = [wg.GRID_VALUE_STRING,wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT+':8,4',wg.GRID_VALUE_STRING] colLbls = ['item name','value','Description'] G2ScrolledGrid(frm,'window label','title',20*[row],colLbls,colTypes) ''' dlg = wx.Dialog(G2frame,title=title,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=lbl), 0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL,0) sizer.Add((-1,15)) rowlbl = [str(i+1) for i in range(len(tbl))] wxtbl = Table(tbl,rowLabels=rowlbl,colLabels=colLbls,types=colTypes) scrGrid = wx.ScrolledWindow(dlg) wxGrid = GSGrid(scrGrid) wxGrid.SetTable(wxtbl, True) wxGrid.AutoSizeColumns(False) wxGrid.EnableEditing(False) gridSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(wxGrid,1,wx.EXPAND,1) gridSizer.Layout() Size = gridSizer.GetMinSize() Size[0] = min(Size[0]+25,maxSize[0]) Size[1] = min(Size[1]+25,maxSize[1]) scrGrid.SetSizer(gridSizer) scrGrid.SetMinSize(Size) scrGrid.SetScrollbars(10,10,int(Size[0]/10-4),int(Size[1]/10-1)) scrGrid.Scroll(0,0) sizer.Add(scrGrid,1,wx.EXPAND,1) if len(comment): sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=comment)) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnsizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_OK) btn.SetDefault() btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda x: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)) btnsizer.Add(btn) btnsizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) sizer.Layout() dlg.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(dlg) dlg.CenterOnParent() dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] class PickTwoDialog(wx.Dialog): '''This does not seem to be in use ''' def __init__(self,parent,title,prompt,names,choices): wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,-1,title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) self.panel = None self.prompt = prompt self.choices = choices self.names = names self.Draw() def Draw(self): Indx = {} def OnSelection(event): Obj = event.GetEventObject() id = Indx[Obj.GetId()] self.choices[id] = Obj.GetValue().encode() #to avoid Unicode versions self.Draw() if self.panel: self.panel.DestroyChildren() #safe: wx.Panel self.panel.Destroy() self.panel = wx.Panel(self) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1,self.prompt),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) for isel,name in enumerate(self.choices): lineSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1,'Reference atom '+str(isel+1)),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) nameList = self.names[:] if isel: if self.choices[0] in nameList: nameList.remove(self.choices[0]) choice = wx.ComboBox(self.panel,-1,value=name,choices=nameList, style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) Indx[choice.GetId()] = isel choice.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, OnSelection) lineSizer.Add(choice,0,WACV) mainSizer.Add(lineSizer) OkBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,"Ok") OkBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk) CancelBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,'Cancel') CancelBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel) btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(OkBtn) btnSizer.Add(CancelBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) mainSizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 10) self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.panel.Fit() self.Fit() def GetSelection(self): return self.choices def OnOk(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def OnCancel(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
[docs] class SingleFloatDialog(wx.Dialog): '''Dialog to obtain a single float value from user :param wx.Frame parent: name of parent frame :param str title: title string for dialog :param str prompt: string to tell user what they are inputing :param str value: default input value, if any :param list limits: upper and lower value used to set bounds for entry, use [None,None] for no bounds checking, [None,val] for only upper bounds, etc. Default is [0,1]. Values outside of limits will be ignored. :param str format: string to format numbers. Defaults to '%.5g'. Use '%d' to have integer input (but dlg.GetValue will still return a float). Typical usage:: limits = (0,1) dlg = G2G.SingleFloatDialog(G2frame,'New value','Enter new value for...',default,limits) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: parm = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() ''' def __init__(self,parent,title,prompt,value,limits=[0.,1.],fmt='%.5g'): wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,-1,title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) self.CenterOnParent() mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,-1,prompt),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) #valItem = wx.TextCtrl(self,-1,value=self.format%(self.value),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.buffer = {0:float(fmt%(value))} a,b = fmt[1:].split('.') f = b[-1] try: d = int(b[:-1]) except: d = 5 try: w = int(a) except: w = 3+d self.OKbtn = wx.Button(self,wx.ID_OK) CancelBtn = wx.Button(self,wx.ID_CANCEL) valItem = ValidatedTxtCtrl(self,self.buffer,0,nDig=(w,d,f), xmin=limits[0],xmax=limits[1], OKcontrol=self.ControlOKButton) mainSizer.Add(valItem,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk) CancelBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel) btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(self.OKbtn) btnSizer.Add(CancelBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) mainSizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 10) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.Fit() def GetValue(self): return self.buffer[0] def OnOk(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def OnCancel(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
[docs] def ControlOKButton(self,setvalue): '''Enable or Disable the OK button for the dialog. Note that this is passed into the ValidatedTxtCtrl for use by validators. :param bool setvalue: if True, all entries in the dialog are checked for validity. if False then the OK button is disabled. ''' if setvalue: # turn button on, do only if all controls show as valid self.OKbtn.Enable() else: self.OKbtn.Disable()
[docs] class SingleIntDialog(SingleFloatDialog): '''Dialog to obtain a single int value from user :param wx.Frame parent: name of parent frame :param str title: title string for dialog :param str prompt: string to tell user what they are inputing :param str value: default input value, if any :param list limits: upper and lower value used to set bounds for entries. Default is [None,None] -- for no bounds checking; use [None,val] for only upper bounds, etc. Default is [0,1]. Values outside of limits will be ignored. Typical usage:: limits = (0,None) # allows zero or positive values only dlg = G2G.SingleIntDialog(G2frame,'New value','Enter new value for...',default,limits) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: parm = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() ''' def __init__(self,parent,title,prompt,value,limits=[None,None]): SingleFloatDialog.__init__(self,parent,title,prompt,value,limits=limits,format='%d') def GetValue(self): return int(self.value)
[docs] class MultiDataDialog(wx.Dialog): '''Dialog to obtain multiple values from user :param wx.Frame parent: parent frame for dialog to be created :param str title: title to place on top of window :param list prompts: a string to describe each item :param list values: a set of initial values for each item :param list limits: A nested list with an upper and lower value for each item :param list format: an "old-style" format string used to display each item value :param str header: a string to be placed at the top of the window, if specified example:: dlg = G2G.MultiDataDialog(G2frame,title='ISOCIF search', prompts=['lattice constants tolerance', 'coordinate tolerance', 'occupancy tolerance'], values=[0.001,0.01,0.1], limits=3*[[0.,2.]],formats=3*['%.5g'], header=isoCite) dlg.ShowModal() latTol,coordTol,occTol = dlg.GetValues() dlg.Destroy() ''' def __init__(self,parent,title,prompts,values,limits=[[0.,1.],], formats=['%.5g',],header=None): wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,-1,title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) self.panel = None self.limits = limits self.values = values self.prompts = prompts self.formats = formats self.header = header self.Draw() def Draw(self): def OnValItem(event): if event: event.Skip() Obj = event.GetEventObject() fmt = Indx[Obj][-1] if type(fmt) is list: tid,idl,limits = Indx[Obj][:3] self.values[tid][idl] = Obj.GetValue() elif 'bool' in fmt: self.values[Indx[Obj][0]] = Obj.GetValue() elif 'str' in fmt: tid,limits = Indx[Obj][:2] try: val = Obj.GetValue() if val not in limits: raise ValueError except ValueError: val = self.values[tid] self.values[tid] = val Obj.SetValue('%s'%(val)) elif 'choice' in fmt: self.values[Indx[Obj][0]] = Obj.GetValue() # else: # tid,limits = Indx[Obj][:2] # try: # val = float(Obj.GetValue()) # if val < limits[0] or val > limits[1]: # raise ValueError # except ValueError: # val = self.values[tid] # self.values[tid] = val # Obj.SetValue(fmt%(val)) Indx = {} if self.panel: self.panel.Destroy() self.panel = wx.Panel(self) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) if self.header: txt = wx.StaticText(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,self.header) txt.Wrap(400) mainSizer.Add(txt) mainSizer.Add((-1,5)) HorizontalLine(mainSizer,self.panel) mainSizer.Add((-1,5)) lineSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,2,5,5) for tid,[prompt,value,limits,fmt] in enumerate(zip(self.prompts,self.values,self.limits,self.formats)): lineSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=prompt),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) if type(fmt) is list: #let's assume these are 'choice' for now valItem = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) for idl,item in enumerate(fmt): listItem = wx.ComboBox(self.panel,value=limits[idl][0],choices=limits[idl],style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) listItem.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,OnValItem) valItem.Add(listItem,0,WACV) Indx[listItem] = [tid,idl,limits,fmt] elif 'bool' in fmt: valItem = wx.CheckBox(self.panel,label='') valItem.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX,OnValItem) valItem.SetValue(value) elif 'str' in fmt: valItem = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel,value='%s'%(value),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) valItem.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER,OnValItem) valItem.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS,OnValItem) valItem.SetValue('%s'%value) elif 'choice' in fmt: valItem = wx.ComboBox(self.panel,value=limits[0],choices=limits,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) valItem.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,OnValItem) else: if '%' in fmt: if 'd' in fmt: nDig = None else: sfmt = fmt[1:].split('.') if not sfmt[0]: sfmt[0] = '10' nDig = (int(sfmt[0]),int(sfmt[1][:-1]),sfmt[1][-1]) valItem = ValidatedTxtCtrl(self.panel,self.values,tid,nDig=nDig,xmin=limits[0],xmax=limits[1]) # valItem = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel,value=fmt%(value),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) # valItem.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER,OnValItem) # valItem.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS,OnValItem) Indx[valItem] = [tid,limits,fmt] lineSizer.Add(valItem,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) mainSizer.Add(lineSizer) OkBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,"Ok") OkBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk) CancelBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,'Cancel') CancelBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel) btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(OkBtn) OkBtn.SetDefault() btnSizer.Add(CancelBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) mainSizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 10) self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.panel.Fit() self.Fit() def GetValues(self): return self.values def OnOk(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def OnCancel(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
[docs] class SingleStringDialog(wx.Dialog): '''Dialog to obtain a single string value from user :param wx.Frame parent: name of parent frame :param str title: title string for dialog :param str prompt: string to tell use what they are inputting :param str value: default input value, if any :param tuple size: specifies default size and width for dialog [default (200,-1)] :param str help: if supplied, a help button is added to the dialog that can be used to display the supplied help text/URL for setting this variable. (Default is '', which is ignored.) :param list choices: a set of strings that provide optional values that can be selected from; these can be edited if desired. ''' def __init__(self,parent,title,prompt,value='',size=(200,-1),help='', choices=None): wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,title,pos=wx.DefaultPosition, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) self.value = value self.prompt = prompt self.CenterOnParent() self.panel = wx.Panel(self) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1,self.prompt),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) if choices: self.valItem = wx.ComboBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, value, size=size,choices=[value]+choices, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) else: self.valItem = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel,-1,value=self.value,size=size) if help: sizer1.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) sizer1.Add(self.valItem,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) sizer1.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) sizer1.Add(HelpButton(self.panel,help),0,wx.ALL) else: sizer1.Add(self.valItem,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) mainSizer.Add(sizer1,0,wx.EXPAND) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() OKbtn = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_OK) OKbtn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(OKbtn) btn = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() mainSizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.panel.Fit() self.Fit()
[docs] def Show(self): '''Use this method after creating the dialog to post it :returns: True if the user pressed OK; False if the User pressed Cancel ''' if self.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.value = self.valItem.GetValue() return True else: return False
[docs] def GetValue(self): '''Use this method to get the value entered by the user :returns: string entered by user ''' return self.value
[docs] class MultiStringDialog(wx.Dialog): '''Dialog to obtain a multi string values from user :param wx.Frame parent: name of parent frame :param str title: title string for dialog :param list prompts: list of strings to tell user what they are inputting :param list values: list of str default input values, if any :param int size: length of the input box in pixels :param bool addRows: if True, users can add rows to the table (default is False) :param str hlp: if supplied, a help button is added to the dialog that can be used to display the supplied help text in this variable. :param str lbl: label placed at top of dialog :returns: a wx.Dialog instance ''' def __init__(self,parent,title,prompts,values=[],size=-1, addRows=False,hlp=None, lbl=None): wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) self.values = list(values) self.prompts = list(prompts) self.addRows = addRows self.size = size self.hlp = hlp self.lbl = lbl self.CenterOnParent() self.Paint() def Paint(self): if self.GetSizer(): self.GetSizer().Clear(True) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) if self.hlp: btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hlp = HelpButton(self, self.hlp, wrap=450) btnsizer.Add((-1,-1),1, wx.EXPAND, 1) #btnsizer.Add(hlp,0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALL) btnsizer.Add(hlp,0) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.EXPAND) if self.lbl: mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,self.lbl)) mainSizer.Add((-1,15)) promptSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,2,5,5) promptSizer.AddGrowableCol(1,1) self.Indx = {} for prompt,value in zip(self.prompts,self.values): promptSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,-1,prompt)) valItem = wx.TextCtrl(self,-1,value=value,style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER,size=(self.size,-1)) self.Indx[valItem.GetId()] = prompt valItem.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT,self.newValue) promptSizer.Add(valItem,1,wx.EXPAND,1) mainSizer.Add(promptSizer,1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) OKbtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK) OKbtn.SetDefault() btnsizer.Add((1,1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) btnsizer.Add(OKbtn) btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.Add(btn) btnsizer.Add((1,1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) if self.addRows: btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY,'+',style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onExpand) btnsizer.Add(btn) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.Fit() def onExpand(self,event): self.values.append('') self.prompts.append('item '+str(len(self.values))) self.Paint() def newValue(self,event): Obj = event.GetEventObject() item = self.Indx[Obj.GetId()] id = self.prompts.index(item) self.values[id] = Obj.GetValue()
[docs] def Show(self): '''Use this method after creating the dialog to post it :returns: True if the user pressed OK; False if the User pressed Cancel ''' if self.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: return True else: return False
[docs] def GetValues(self): '''Use this method to get the value(s) entered by the user :returns: a list of strings entered by user ''' return self.values
[docs] class G2ColumnIDDialog(wx.Dialog): '''A dialog for matching column data to desired items; some columns may be ignored. :param wx.Frame ParentFrame: reference to parent frame :param str title: heading above list of choices :param str header: Title to place on window frame :param list ChoiceList: a list of possible choices for the columns :param list ColumnData: lists of column data to be matched with ChoiceList :param bool monoFont: If False (default), use a variable-spaced font; if True use a equally-spaced font. :param kw: optional keyword parameters for the wx.Dialog may be included such as size [which defaults to `(320,310)`] and style (which defaults to ``wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.CENTRE | wx.OK | wx.CANCEL``); note that ``wx.OK`` and ``wx.CANCEL`` controls the presence of the eponymous buttons in the dialog. :returns: the name of the created dialog ''' def __init__(self,parent, title, header,Comments,ChoiceList, ColumnData, monoFont=False, **kw): def OnOk(sevent): OK = True selCols = [] for col in self.sel: item = col.GetValue() if item != ' ' and item in selCols: OK = False break else: selCols.append(item) parent = self.GetParent() if not OK: parent.ErrorDialog('Duplicate',item+' selected more than once') return if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def OnModify(event): if event: event.Skip() Obj = event.GetEventObject() icol,colData = Indx[Obj.GetId()] modify = Obj.GetValue() if not modify: return #print 'Modify column',icol,' by', modify for i,item in enumerate(self.ColumnData[icol]): self.ColumnData[icol][i] = str(eval(item+modify)) colData.SetValue('\n'.join(self.ColumnData[icol])) Obj.SetValue('') # process keyword parameters, notably style options = {'size':(600,310), # default Frame keywords 'style':wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.CENTRE| wx.OK | wx.CANCEL, } options.update(kw) self.Comments = ''.join(Comments) self.ChoiceList = ChoiceList self.ColumnData = ColumnData if options['style'] & wx.OK: useOK = True options['style'] ^= wx.OK else: useOK = False if options['style'] & wx.CANCEL: useCANCEL = True options['style'] ^= wx.CANCEL else: useCANCEL = False # create the dialog frame wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,header,**options) panel = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(self) # fill the dialog Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) Sizer.Add((-1,5)) if self.Comments: if title[-1] == ':': title = title[:-1] + ' using header line(s):' else: title += ' using header line(s):' Sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,label=title),0) Sizer.Add((5,5)) if self.Comments[-1] != '\n': self.Comments += '\n' txt = wx.StaticText(panel,label=self.Comments) txt.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) font1 = wx.Font(txt.GetFont().GetPointSize(),wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False) txt.SetFont(font1) Sizer.Add(txt,0,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,0) txtSize = txt.GetSize()[1] else: Sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,label=title),0) txtSize = 0 columnsSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.sel = [] self.mod = [] Indx = {} for icol,col in enumerate(self.ColumnData): colSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) colSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,label=' Column #%d Select:'%(icol))) self.sel.append(wx.ComboBox(panel,value=' ',choices=self.ChoiceList,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN)) colSizer.Add(self.sel[-1]) colData = wx.TextCtrl(panel,value='\n'.join(self.ColumnData[icol]),size=(120,-1), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_READONLY|wx.TE_DONTWRAP) colSizer.Add(colData,1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) colSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,label=' Modify by:')) mod = wx.TextCtrl(panel,size=(120,-1),value='',style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) mod.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER,OnModify) mod.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS,OnModify) Indx[mod.GetId()] = [icol,colData] colSizer.Add(mod) columnsSizer.Add(colSizer,0,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,10) Sizer.Add(columnsSizer,1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) Sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,label=' For modify by, enter arithmetic string eg. "-12345.67". "+", "-", "*", "/", "**" all allowed'),0) Sizer.Add((-1,10)) # OK/Cancel buttons btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() if useOK: self.OKbtn = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_OK) self.OKbtn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(self.OKbtn) self.OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnOk) if useCANCEL: btn = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() Sizer.Add((-1,5)) Sizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_LEFT,20) Sizer.Add((-1,5)) # OK done, let's get outa here panel.SetSizer(Sizer) panel.SetAutoLayout(1) panel.SetupScrolling() Size = [450,375] panel.SetSize(Size) Size[0] += 25; Size[1]+= 25+txtSize self.SetSize(Size)
[docs] def GetSelection(self): 'Returns the selected sample parm for each column' selCols = [] for item in self.sel: selCols.append(item.GetValue()) return selCols,self.ColumnData
[docs] class G2HistoDataDialog(wx.Dialog): '''A dialog for editing histogram data globally. :param wx.Frame ParentFrame: reference to parent frame :param str title: heading above list of choices :param str header: Title to place on window frame :param list ParmList: a list of names for the columns :param list ParmFmt: a list of formatting strings for the columns :param list: HistoList: a list of histogram names :param list ParmData: a list of lists of data matched to ParmList; one for each item in HistoList :param bool monoFont: If False (default), use a variable-spaced font; if True use a equally-spaced font. :param kw: optional keyword parameters for the wx.Dialog may be included such as size [which defaults to `(320,310)`] and style (which defaults to ``wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.CENTRE | wx.OK | wx.CANCEL``); note that ``wx.OK`` and ``wx.CANCEL`` controls the presence of the eponymous buttons in the dialog. :returns: the modified ParmData ''' def __init__(self,parent, title, header,ParmList,ParmFmt,HistoList,ParmData, monoFont=False, **kw): def OnOk(sevent): if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def OnModify(event): Obj = event.GetEventObject() irow,it = Indx[Obj.GetId()] try: val = float(Obj.GetValue()) except ValueError: val = self.ParmData[irow][it] self.ParmData[irow][it] = val Obj.SetValue(self.ParmFmt[it]%val) # process keyword parameters, notably style options = {'size':(600,310), # default Frame keywords 'style':wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.CENTRE| wx.OK | wx.CANCEL, } options.update(kw) self.ParmList = ParmList self.ParmFmt = ParmFmt self.HistoList = HistoList self.ParmData = ParmData nCol = len(ParmList) if options['style'] & wx.OK: useOK = True options['style'] ^= wx.OK else: useOK = False if options['style'] & wx.CANCEL: useCANCEL = True options['style'] ^= wx.CANCEL else: useCANCEL = False # create the dialog frame wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,header,**options) panel = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(self) # fill the dialog Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) Sizer.Add((-1,5)) Sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,label=title),0) dataSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,nCol+1,0,0) self.sel = [] self.mod = [] Indx = {} for item in ['Histogram',]+self.ParmList: dataSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,-1,label=' %10s '%(item)),0,WACV) for irow,name in enumerate(self.HistoList): dataSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,label=name),0,WACV|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT,10) for it,item in enumerate(self.ParmData[irow]): dat = wx.TextCtrl(panel,-1,value=self.ParmFmt[it]%(item),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) dataSizer.Add(dat,0,WACV) dat.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER,OnModify) dat.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS,OnModify) Indx[dat.GetId()] = [irow,it] Sizer.Add(dataSizer) Sizer.Add((-1,10)) # OK/Cancel buttons btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() if useOK: self.OKbtn = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_OK) self.OKbtn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(self.OKbtn) self.OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnOk) if useCANCEL: btn = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() Sizer.Add((-1,5)) Sizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_LEFT,20) Sizer.Add((-1,5)) # OK done, let's get outa here panel.SetSizer(Sizer) panel.SetAutoLayout(1) panel.SetupScrolling() Size = [450,375] panel.SetSize(Size) Size[0] += 25; Size[1]+= 25 self.SetSize(Size)
[docs] def GetData(self): 'Returns the modified ParmData' return self.ParmData
[docs] def ItemSelector(ChoiceList, ParentFrame=None, title='Select an item', size=None, header='Item Selector', useCancel=True,multiple=False): ''' Provide a wx dialog to select a single item or multiple items from list of choices :param list ChoiceList: a list of choices where one will be selected :param wx.Frame ParentFrame: Name of parent frame (default None) :param str title: heading above list of choices (default 'Select an item') :param wx.Size size: Size for dialog to be created (default None -- size as needed) :param str header: Title to place on window frame (default 'Item Selector') :param bool useCancel: If True (default) both the OK and Cancel buttons are offered :param bool multiple: If True then multiple items can be selected (default False) :returns: the selection index or None or a selection list if multiple is true Called by GSASIIdataGUI.OnReOrgSelSeq() Which is not fully implemented. ''' if multiple: if useCancel: dlg = G2MultiChoiceDialog( ParentFrame,title, header, ChoiceList) else: dlg = G2MultiChoiceDialog( ParentFrame,title, header, ChoiceList, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.OK|wx.CENTRE) else: if useCancel: dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog( ParentFrame,title, header, ChoiceList) else: dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog( ParentFrame,title, header,ChoiceList, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.OK|wx.CENTRE) if size: dlg.SetSize(size) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if multiple: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.GetSelections() else: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.GetSelection() else: dlg.Destroy() return None dlg.Destroy()
######################################################## # Column-order selection dialog
[docs] def GetItemOrder(parent,keylist,vallookup,posdict): '''Creates a dialog where items can be ordered into columns :param list keylist: is a list of keys for column assignments :param dict vallookup: is a dict keyed by names in keylist where each item is a dict. Each inner dict contains variable names as keys and their associated values :param dict posdict: is a dict keyed by names in keylist where each item is a dict. Each inner dict contains column numbers as keys and their associated variable name as a value. This is used for both input and output. ''' dlg = wx.Dialog(parent,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) spanel = OrderBox(dlg,keylist,vallookup,posdict) spanel.Fit() sizer.Add(spanel,1,wx.EXPAND) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_OK) btn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(btn) #btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_CANCEL) #btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) dlg.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(dlg) dlg.ShowModal()
[docs] class MultiIntegerDialog(wx.Dialog): '''Input a series of integers based on prompts ''' def __init__(self,parent,title,prompts,values): wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,-1,title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) self.panel = wx.Panel(self) #just a dummy - gets destroyed in Draw! self.values = values self.prompts = prompts self.Draw() def Draw(self): def OnValItem(event): event.Skip() Obj = event.GetEventObject() ind = Indx[Obj.GetId()] try: val = int(Obj.GetValue()) if val <= 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: val = self.values[ind] self.values[ind] = val Obj.SetValue('%d'%(val)) self.panel.Destroy() self.panel = wx.Panel(self) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) Indx = {} for ival,[prompt,value] in enumerate(zip(self.prompts,self.values)): mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1,prompt),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) valItem = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel,-1,value='%d'%(value),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) mainSizer.Add(valItem,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) Indx[valItem.GetId()] = ival valItem.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER,OnValItem) valItem.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS,OnValItem) OkBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,"Ok") OkBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk) CancelBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,'Cancel') CancelBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel) btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(OkBtn) btnSizer.Add(CancelBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) mainSizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 10) self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.panel.Fit() self.Fit() def GetValues(self): return self.values def OnOk(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def OnCancel(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
[docs] class MultiColumnSelection(wx.Dialog): '''Defines a Dialog widget that can be used to select an item from a multicolumn list. The first column should be short, but remaining columns are word-wrapped if the length of the information extends beyond the column. When created, the dialog will be shown and <dlg>.Selection will be set to the index of the selected row, or -1. Be sure to use <dlg>.Destroy() to remove the window after reading the selection. If the dialog cannot be shown because a very old version of wxPython is in use, <dlg>.Selection will be None. If checkLbl is provided with a value, then a set of check buttons starts the table and <dlg>.Selections has the checked rows. :param wx.Frame parent: the parent frame (or None) :param str title: A title for the dialog window :param list colLabels: labels for each column :param list choices: a nested list with a value for each row in the table. Within each value should be a list of values for each column. There must be at least one value, but it is OK to have more or fewer values than there are column labels (colLabels). Extra are ignored and unspecified columns are left blank. :param list colWidths: a list of int values specifying the column width for each column in the table (pixels). There must be a value for every column label (colLabels). :param str checkLbl: A label for a row of checkboxes added at the beginning of the table :param int height: an optional height (pixels) for the table (defaults to 400) :param bool centerCols: if True, items in each column are centered. Default is False Example use:: lbls = ('col 1','col 2','col 3') choices=(['test1','explanation of test 1'], ['b', 'a really really long line that will be word-wrapped'], ['test3','more explanation text','optional 3rd column text']) colWidths=[200,400,100] dlg = MultiColumnSelection(frm,'select tutorial',lbls,choices,colWidths) value = choices[dlg.Selection][0] dlg.Destroy() ''' def __init__(self, parent, title, colLabels, choices, colWidths, checkLbl="", height=400, centerCols=False, *args, **kw): if len(colLabels) != len(colWidths): raise ValueError('Length of colLabels) != colWidths') sizex = 20 # extra room for borders, etc. for i in colWidths: sizex += i wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, title, *args, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER, size=(sizex,height), **kw) self.Selections = len(choices)*[False] try: from wx.lib.wordwrap import wordwrap import wx.lib.agw.ultimatelistctrl as ULC except ImportError: self.Selection = None return self.Selection = -1 mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.list = ULC.UltimateListCtrl(self, agwStyle=ULC.ULC_REPORT|ULC.ULC_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT |ULC.ULC_HRULES|ULC.ULC_HRULES|ULC.ULC_SINGLE_SEL) if centerCols: colPosition = ULC.ULC_FORMAT_CENTER else: colPosition = ULC.ULC_FORMAT_LEFT if checkLbl: self.list.InsertColumn(0, checkLbl, width=8*len(checkLbl), format=colPosition) inc = 1 else: inc = 0 for i,(lbl,wid) in enumerate(zip(colLabels, colWidths)): self.list.InsertColumn(i+inc, lbl, width=wid, format=colPosition) for i,item in enumerate(choices): if item[0].startswith(' '): item[0] = '--- '+item[0].strip() if checkLbl: def OnCheck(event,row=i): self.Selections[row] = event.EventObject.GetValue() c = wx.CheckBox(self.list) c.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX,OnCheck) self.list.InsertStringItem(i, "") citem = self.list.GetItem(i,0) citem.SetWindow(c) self.list.SetItem(citem) self.list.SetStringItem(i, 1, item[0]) else: self.list.InsertStringItem(i, item[0]) for j,item in enumerate(item[1:len(colLabels)]): item = wordwrap(StripIndents(item,True), colWidths[j+1], wx.ClientDC(self)) item += "\n===========================================" self.list.SetStringItem(i,1+j+inc, item) # make buttons mainSizer.Add(self.list, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 1) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) OKbtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK) OKbtn.SetDefault() btnsizer.Add(OKbtn) if not checkLbl: btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CLOSE,"Cancel") btnsizer.Add(btn) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) # bindings for close of window, double-click,... self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self._onClose) if not checkLbl: OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onSelect) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self._onSelect) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onClose) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.ShowModal() def _onClose(self,event): event.Skip() self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL) def _onSelect(self,event): if self.list.GetNextSelected(-1) == -1: return self.Selection = self.list.GetNextSelected(-1) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
[docs] class OrderBox(wxscroll.ScrolledPanel): '''Creates a panel with scrollbars where items can be ordered into columns :param list keylist: is a list of keys for column assignments :param dict vallookup: is a dict keyed by names in keylist where each item is a dict. Each inner dict contains variable names as keys and their associated values :param dict posdict: is a dict keyed by names in keylist where each item is a dict. Each inner dict contains column numbers as keys and their associated variable name as a value. This is used for both input and output. ''' def __init__(self,parent,keylist,vallookup,posdict,*arg,**kw): self.keylist = keylist self.vallookup = vallookup self.posdict = posdict self.maxcol = 0 for nam in keylist: posdict = self.posdict[nam] if posdict.keys(): self.maxcol = max(self.maxcol, max(posdict)) wxscroll.ScrolledPanel.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,*arg,**kw) self.GBsizer = wx.GridBagSizer(4,4) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) self.SetSizer(self.GBsizer) colList = [str(i) for i in range(self.maxcol+2)] for i in range(self.maxcol+1): wid = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,str(i),style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) wid.SetBackgroundColour(DULL_YELLOW) wid.SetMinSize((50,-1)) self.GBsizer.Add(wid,(0,i),flag=wx.EXPAND) self.chceDict = {} for row,nam in enumerate(self.keylist): posdict = self.posdict[nam] for col in posdict: lbl = posdict[col] pnl = wx.Panel(self,wx.ID_ANY) pnl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)) insize = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) wid = wx.Choice(pnl,wx.ID_ANY,choices=colList) insize.Add(wid,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM,3) wid.SetSelection(col) self.chceDict[wid] = (row,col) wid.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE,self.OnChoice) wid = wx.StaticText(pnl,wx.ID_ANY,lbl) insize.Add(wid,0,flag=wx.EXPAND) try: val = G2fil.FormatSigFigs(self.vallookup[nam][lbl],maxdigits=8) except KeyError: val = '?' wid = wx.StaticText(pnl,wx.ID_ANY,'('+val+')') insize.Add(wid,0,flag=wx.EXPAND) pnl.SetSizer(insize) self.GBsizer.Add(pnl,(row+1,col),flag=wx.EXPAND) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.SetupScrolling() self.SetMinSize(( min(700,self.GBsizer.GetSize()[0]), self.GBsizer.GetSize()[1]+20))
[docs] def OnChoice(self,event): '''Called when a column is assigned to a variable ''' row,col = self.chceDict[event.EventObject] # which variable was this? newcol = event.Selection # where will it be moved? if newcol == col: return # no change: nothing to do! prevmaxcol = self.maxcol # save current table size key = self.keylist[row] # get the key for the current row lbl = self.posdict[key][col] # selected variable name lbl1 = self.posdict[key].get(col+1,'') # next variable name, if any # if a posXXX variable is selected, and the next variable is posXXX, move them together repeat = 1 if lbl[:3] == 'pos' and lbl1[:3] == 'int' and lbl[3:] == lbl1[3:]: repeat = 2 for i in range(repeat): # process the posXXX and then the intXXX (or a single variable) col += i newcol += i if newcol in self.posdict[key]: # find first non-blank after newcol for mtcol in range(newcol+1,self.maxcol+2): if mtcol not in self.posdict[key]: break l1 = range(mtcol,newcol,-1)+[newcol] l = range(mtcol-1,newcol-1,-1)+[col] else: l1 = [newcol] l = [col] # move all of the items, starting from the last column for newcol,col in zip(l1,l): #print 'moving',col,'to',newcol self.posdict[key][newcol] = self.posdict[key][col] del self.posdict[key][col] self.maxcol = max(self.maxcol,newcol) obj = self.GBsizer.FindItemAtPosition((row+1,col)) self.GBsizer.SetItemPosition(obj.GetWindow(),(row+1,newcol)) for wid in obj.GetWindow().Children: if wid in self.chceDict: self.chceDict[wid] = (row,newcol) wid.SetSelection(self.chceDict[wid][1]) # has the table gotten larger? If so we need new column heading(s) if prevmaxcol != self.maxcol: for i in range(prevmaxcol+1,self.maxcol+1): wid = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,str(i),style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) wid.SetBackgroundColour(DULL_YELLOW) wid.SetMinSize((50,-1)) self.GBsizer.Add(wid,(0,i),flag=wx.EXPAND) colList = [str(i) for i in range(self.maxcol+2)] for wid in self.chceDict: wid.SetItems(colList) wid.SetSelection(self.chceDict[wid][1]) self.GBsizer.Layout() self.FitInside()
[docs] def GetImportFile(G2frame, message, defaultDir="", defaultFile="", style=wx.FD_OPEN, parent=None,*args, **kwargs): '''Uses a customized dialog that gets files from the appropriate import directory. Arguments are used the same as in :func:`wx.FileDialog`. Selection of multiple files is allowed if argument style includes wx.FD_MULTIPLE. The default initial directory (unless overridden with argument defaultDir) is found in G2frame.TutorialImportDir, config setting Import_directory or G2frame.LastImportDir, see :func:`GetImportPath`. The path of the first file entered is used to set G2frame.LastImportDir and optionally config setting Import_directory. :returns: a list of files or an empty list ''' if not parent: parent = G2frame pth = GetImportPath(G2frame) #if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): # print('debug: GetImportFile from '+defaultDir) # print('debug: GetImportFile pth '+pth) dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent, message, defaultDir, defaultFile, *args,style=style, **kwargs) # dlg.CenterOnParent() if not defaultDir and pth: dlg.SetDirectory(pth) try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if style & wx.FD_MULTIPLE: filelist = dlg.GetPaths() if len(filelist) == 0: return [] else: filelist = [dlg.GetPath(),] # not sure if we want to do this (why use wx.CHANGE_DIR?) if style & wx.FD_CHANGE_DIR: # to get Mac/Linux to change directory like windows! os.chdir(dlg.GetDirectory()) else: # cancel was pressed return [] finally: dlg.Destroy() # save the path of the first file and reset the TutorialImportDir variable pth = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(filelist[0]))[0] if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Save_paths'): SaveImportDirectory(pth) G2frame.LastImportDir = pth G2frame.TutorialImportDir = None return filelist
[docs] def GetImportPath(G2frame): '''Determines the default location to use for importing files. Tries sequentially G2frame.TutorialImportDir, config var Import_directory, G2frame.LastImportDir and G2frame.LastGPXdir :returns: a string containing the path to be used when reading files or '.' if none of the above are specified. ''' if G2frame.TutorialImportDir: if os.path.exists(G2frame.TutorialImportDir): return G2frame.TutorialImportDir elif GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('DBG_Tutorial location (TutorialImportDir) not found: '+G2frame.TutorialImportDir) pth = GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Import_directory') if pth: pth = os.path.expanduser(pth) if os.path.exists(pth): return pth elif GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('Ignoring Config Import_directory value: '+GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Import_directory')) if G2frame.LastImportDir: if os.path.exists(G2frame.LastImportDir): return G2frame.LastImportDir elif GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('DBG_Warning: G2frame.LastImportDir not found = '+G2frame.LastImportDir) elif G2frame.LastGPXdir: return G2frame.LastGPXdir print('Import path not found - set to current directory') #now shouldn't happen return '.'
[docs] def GetExportPath(G2frame): '''Determines the default location to use for writing files. Tries sequentially G2frame.LastExportDir and G2frame.LastGPXdir. :returns: a string containing the path to be used when writing files or '.' if none of the above are specified. ''' if G2frame.LastExportDir: return G2frame.LastExportDir elif G2frame.LastGPXdir: return G2frame.LastGPXdir print('Export path not found - set to current directory') #now shouldn't happen return '.'
[docs] class SGMessageBox(wx.Dialog): ''' Special version of MessageBox that displays space group & super space group text in two blocks ''' def __init__(self,parent,title,text,table,spins=[],): wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,title,pos=wx.DefaultPosition, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) self.text = text self.table = table self.panel = wx.Panel(self) self.spins = spins self.useAlt = False mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add((0,10)) for line in text: mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=' %s '%(line))) ncol = self.table[0].count(',')+1 tableSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,2*ncol+3,0,0) j = 0 for item in self.table: if 'for' in item: mainSizer.Add(tableSizer,0,wx.ALIGN_LEFT) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=item),0) tableSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,2*ncol+3,0,0) continue num,flds = item.split(')') tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=' %s '%(num+')')),0,WACV|wx.ALIGN_LEFT) flds = flds.replace(' ','').split(',') for i,fld in enumerate(flds): if i < ncol-1: text = wx.StaticText(self.panel,label='%s, '%(fld)) else: text = wx.StaticText(self.panel,label='%s'%(fld)) if len(self.spins) and self.spins[j] < 0: text.SetForegroundColour('Red') tableSizer.Add(text,0,WACV|wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) if not j%2: tableSizer.Add((20,0)) j += 1 def OnPrintOps(event): print(' Symmetry operations for %s:'%self.text[0].split(':')[1]) for iop,opText in enumerate(G2spc.TextOps(self.text,self.table,reverse=True)): if self.useAlt: opText = opText.replace('x','x1').replace('y','x2').replace('z','x3').replace('t','x4') if len(self.spins): if self.spins[iop] > 0: print('%s,+%d'%(opText.replace(' ',''),self.spins[iop])) else: print('%s,%d'%(opText.replace(' ',''),self.spins[iop])) else: print(opText.replace(' ','')) def OnAlt(event): self.useAlt = altBtn.GetValue() mainSizer.Add(tableSizer,0,wx.ALIGN_LEFT) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) OKbtn = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_OK) OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk) btnsizer.Add(OKbtn) printBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,label='Print Ops') printBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnPrintOps) btnsizer.Add(printBtn) altBtn = wx.CheckBox(self.panel,label=' Use alt. symbols?') altBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX,OnAlt) btnsizer.Add(altBtn,0,WACV) mainSizer.Add((0,10)) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.panel.Fit() self.Fit() size = self.GetSize() self.SetSize([size[0]+20,size[1]])
[docs] def Show(self): '''Use this method after creating the dialog to post it ''' self.ShowModal() return
def OnOk(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
[docs] class SGMagSpinBox(wx.Dialog): ''' Special version of MessageBox that displays magnetic spin text ''' def __init__(self,parent,title,text,table,Cents,names,spins,ifGray): wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,title,pos=wx.DefaultPosition, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER,size=wx.Size(420,350)) self.text = text self.table = table self.names = names Nnames = len(self.names) self.spins = spins self.ifGray = ifGray self.PrintTable = [' Magnetic symmetry operations for %s:'%self.text[0].split(':')[1],] self.panel = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(self) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add((0,10)) cents = [0,] if len(Cents) > 1: cents = self.text[-1].split(';') for line in self.text: mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=' %s '%(line)),0) if 'equivalent' in line: break ncol = self.table[0].count(',')+2 nG = 1 j = 0 for ng in range(nG): if ng: mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=" for (0,0,0)+1'"),0) j = 0 for ic,cent in enumerate(cents): Cent = np.zeros(3) if cent: cent = cent.strip(' (').strip(')+\n') Cent = np.array(eval(cent)[:3]) # Cent = np.array(Cents[ic]) if ic: if cent: cent = cent.strip(' (').strip(')+\n') label = ' for (%s)+'%(cent) if ng: #test for gray operators label += "1'" mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=label),0) tableSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,2*ncol+3,0,0) for item in self.table: if ')' not in item: continue flds = item.split(')')[1] tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=' (%2d) '%(j+1)),0,WACV) flds = flds.replace(' ','').split(',') for i,fld in enumerate(flds): if i < ncol-1: text = wx.StaticText(self.panel,label='%s, '%(fld)) else: text = wx.StaticText(self.panel,label='%s '%(fld)) tableSizer.Add(text,0,WACV) text = wx.StaticText(self.panel,label=' (%s) '%(self.names[j%Nnames])) try: if self.spins[j] < 0: text.SetForegroundColour('Red') item += ',-1' else: item += ',+1' except IndexError: print(self.spins,j,self.names[j%Nnames]) item += ',+1' M,T,S = G2spc.MagText2MTS(item.split(')')[1].replace(' ',''),CIF=False) T = (T+Cent)%1. item = G2spc.MT2text([M,T],reverse=True) if S > 0: item += ',+1' else: item += ',-1' self.PrintTable.append(item.replace(' ','').lower()) tableSizer.Add(text,0,WACV) if not j%2: tableSizer.Add((20,0)) j += 1 mainSizer.Add(tableSizer,0) def OnPrintOps(event): for item in self.PrintTable: print(item) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) OKbtn = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_OK) btnsizer.Add(OKbtn) printBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,label='Print Ops') printBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnPrintOps) btnsizer.Add(printBtn) OKbtn.SetFocus() mainSizer.Add((0,10)) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.panel.SetAutoLayout(True) self.panel.SetScrollRate(10,10) self.panel.SendSizeEvent()
[docs] def Show(self): '''Use this method after creating the dialog to post it ''' self.ShowModal() return
[docs] class DisAglDialog(wx.Dialog): '''Distance/Angle Controls input dialog. After :meth:`ShowModal` returns, the results are found in dict :attr:``, which is accessed using :meth:`GetData`. :param wx.Frame parent: reference to parent frame (or None) :param dict data: a dict containing the current search ranges or an empty dict, which causes default values to be used. Will be used to set element `DisAglCtls` in :ref:`Phase Tree Item <Phase_table>` :param dict default: A dict containing the default search ranges for each element. :param bool Reset: if True (default), show Reset button :param bool Angle: if True (default), show angle radii ''' def __init__(self,parent,data,default,Reset=True,Angle=True): text = 'Distance Angle Controls' if not Angle: text = 'Distance Controls' wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,text, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) self.default = default self.Reset = Reset self.Angle = Angle self.panel = None self._default(data,self.default) self.Draw( self.CenterOnParent() def _default(self,data,default): '''Set starting values for the search values, either from the input array or from defaults, if input is null ''' if data: = copy.deepcopy(data) # don't mess with originals else: = {}['Name'] = default['Name']['Factors'] = [0.85,0.85]['AtomTypes'] = default['AtomTypes']['BondRadii'] = default['BondRadii'][:]['AngleRadii'] = default['AngleRadii'][:]
[docs] def Draw(self,data): '''Creates the contents of the dialog. Normally called by :meth:`__init__`. ''' if self.panel: self.panel.Destroy() self.panel = wx.Panel(self) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1,'Controls for phase '+data['Name']),0,wx.LEFT,10) mainSizer.Add((10,10),1) ncol = 3 if not self.Angle: ncol=2 radiiSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,ncol,5,5) radiiSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1,' Type'),0,WACV) radiiSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1,'Bond radii'),0,WACV) if self.Angle: radiiSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1,'Angle radii'),0,WACV) self.objList = {} for id,item in enumerate(['AtomTypes']): radiiSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1,' '+item),0,WACV) bRadii = ValidatedTxtCtrl(self.panel,data['BondRadii'],id,nDig=(10,3)) radiiSizer.Add(bRadii,0,WACV) if self.Angle: aRadii = ValidatedTxtCtrl(self.panel,data['AngleRadii'],id,nDig=(10,3)) radiiSizer.Add(aRadii,0,WACV) mainSizer.Add(radiiSizer,0,wx.EXPAND) Names = ['Bond'] factorSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,2,5,5) if self.Angle: Names = ['Bond','Angle'] for i,name in enumerate(Names): factorSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel,-1,name+' search factor'),0,WACV) bondFact = ValidatedTxtCtrl(self.panel,data['Factors'],i,nDig=(10,3)) factorSizer.Add(bondFact) mainSizer.Add(factorSizer,0,wx.EXPAND) OkBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,"Ok") OkBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk) btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(OkBtn) if self.Reset: ResetBtn = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,'Reset') ResetBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnReset) btnSizer.Add(ResetBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) mainSizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 10) self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) self.panel.Fit() self.Fit()
[docs] def GetData(self): 'Returns the values from the dialog' return
[docs] def OnOk(self,event): 'Called when the OK button is pressed' parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
[docs] def OnReset(self,event): 'Called when the Reset button is pressed' data = {} self._default(data,self.default) wx.CallAfter(self.Draw,
[docs] class ShowLSParms(wx.Dialog): '''Create frame to show least-squares parameters ''' def __init__(self,G2frame,title,parmDict,varyList,fullVaryList, Controls, size=(650,430)): wx.Dialog.__init__(self,G2frame,wx.ID_ANY,title,size=size, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) self.parmChoice = 'Phase' self.G2frame = G2frame self.parmDict = parmDict self.varyList = varyList self.fullVaryList = fullVaryList self.Controls = Controls self.choiceDict = {} parmFrozen = Controls.get('parmFrozen',{}) if G2frame.testSeqRefineMode(): frozenList = set() for h in parmFrozen: if h == 'FrozenList': continue frozenList = frozenList.union(parmFrozen[h]) self.frozenList = list(frozenList) elif 'FrozenList' in parmFrozen: self.frozenList = copy.copy(parmFrozen['FrozenList']) else: self.frozenList = [] # make lists of variables of different types along with lists of parameter names, histogram #s, phase #s,... self.parmNames = sorted(list(parmDict.keys())) if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: basestr = basestring else: basestr = str splitNames = [item.split(':') for item in self.parmNames if len(item) > 3 and not isinstance(self.parmDict[item],basestr)] globNames = [':'.join(item) for item in splitNames if not item[0] and not item[1]] if len(globNames): self.choiceDict['Global'] = G2obj.SortVariables(globNames) self.globVars = sorted(list(set([' ',]+[item[2] for item in splitNames if not item[0] and not item[1]]))) hisNames = [':'.join(item) for item in splitNames if not item[0] and item[1]] self.choiceDict['Histogram'] = G2obj.SortVariables(hisNames) self.hisNums = sorted(list(set([int(item.split(':')[1]) for item in hisNames]))) self.hisNums = ['*',]+[str(item) for item in self.hisNums] self.hisVars = sorted(list(set([' ',]+[item[2] for item in splitNames if not item[0]]))) phasNames = [':'.join(item) for item in splitNames if not item[1] and not item[2].startswith('is')] self.choiceDict['Phase'] = G2obj.SortVariables(phasNames) self.phasNums = sorted(['*',]+list(set([item.split(':')[0] for item in phasNames]))) if '' in self.phasNums: self.phasNums.remove('') self.phasVars = sorted(list(set([' ',]+[item[2] for item in splitNames if not item[1] and not item[2].startswith('is')]))) hapNames = [':'.join(item) for item in splitNames if item[0] and item[1]] self.choiceDict['Phase/Histo'] = G2obj.SortVariables(hapNames) self.hapVars = sorted(list(set([' ',]+[item[2] for item in splitNames if item[0] and item[1]]))) self.hisNum = '*' self.phasNum = '*' self.varName = ' ' self.listSel = 'Refined' self.DrawPanel()
[docs] def repaintScrollTbl(self): '''Shows the selected variables in a ListCtrl ''' #start = time.time() self.varBox.SetContents(self) self.SendSizeEvent()
#if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): # print('repaintScrollTbl',time.time()-start)
[docs] def DrawPanel(self): '''Draws the contents of the entire dialog. Called initially & when radio buttons are pressed ''' def _OnParmSel(event): 'New parameter type, reset var name choice as list changes' self.parmChoice = parmSel.GetStringSelection() if varSel: varSel.SetSelection(0) self.varName = ' ' wx.CallLater(100,self.DrawPanel) def OnPhasSel(event): 'phase has been selected' event.Skip() self.phasNum = phasSel.GetValue() if varSel: try: varSel.SetSelection(varSel.GetItems().index(self.varName)) except: varSel.SetSelection(0) self.varName = ' ' wx.CallAfter(self.repaintScrollTbl) def OnHistSel(event): 'histogram has been selected' event.Skip() self.hisNum = histSel.GetValue() if varSel: try: varSel.SetSelection(varSel.GetItems().index(self.varName)) except: varSel.SetSelection(0) self.varName = ' ' wx.CallAfter(self.repaintScrollTbl) def OnVarSel(event): 'parameter name has been selected' event.Skip() self.varName = varSel.GetValue() if phasSel: try: phasSel.SetSelection(phasSel.GetItems().index(self.phasNum)) except: phasSel.SetSelection(0) self.phasNum = '*' if histSel: try: histSel.SetSelection(histSel.GetItems().index(self.hisNum)) except: histSel.SetSelection(0) self.hisNum = '*' wx.CallAfter(self.repaintScrollTbl) def OnListSel(event): self.listSel = listSel.GetStringSelection() wx.CallLater(100,self.DrawPanel) def OnVarSpin(event): '''Respond when any of the SpinButton widgets are pressed''' event.Skip() Spinner = event.GetEventObject() move = Spinner.GetValue() Spinner.SetValue(0) varSel,binding = self.SpinDict[Spinner.GetId()] i = varSel.GetSelection() - move if i < 0: i = varSel.GetCount()-1 elif i >= varSel.GetCount(): i = 0 varSel.SetSelection(i) wx.CallLater(100,binding,event) def AddSpinner(varSizer,label,SelCtrl,binding): '''Add a label and a SpinButton to a Combo widget (SelCtrl) Saves a pointer to the combo widget and the callback used by that widget ''' SelCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,binding) varSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,label=label)) varSelSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) varSelSizer.Add(SelCtrl,0) varSpin = wx.SpinButton(self,style=wx.SP_VERTICAL) varSpin.SetValue(0) varSpin.SetRange(-1,1) varSpin.Bind(wx.EVT_SPIN, OnVarSpin) self.SpinDict[varSpin.GetId()] = SelCtrl,binding varSelSizer.Add(varSpin,0) varSizer.Add(varSelSizer,0) if self.GetSizer(): self.GetSizer().Clear(True) self.SpinDict = {} mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) num = len(self.varyList) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,label='View Parameters in Project'),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) parmSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) parmSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,label=' Number of refined variables: {}'.format(num)),0,wx.ALIGN_LEFT) if len(self.varyList) != len(self.fullVaryList): num = len(self.fullVaryList) - len(self.varyList) parmSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,label= ' + {} varied via constraints'.format( len(self.fullVaryList) - len(self.varyList)) )) parmFrozen = self.Controls.get('parmFrozen',{}) fcount = 0 if self.G2frame.testSeqRefineMode(): for h in parmFrozen: if h == 'FrozenList': continue fcount += len(parmFrozen[h]) elif 'FrozenList' in parmFrozen: fcount = len(parmFrozen['FrozenList']) if fcount: parmSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,label= ' - {} frozen variables'.format(fcount))) mainSizer.Add(parmSizer) choice = ['Phase','Phase/Histo','Histogram'] if 'Global' in self.choiceDict: choice += ['Global',] parmSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) parmSel = wx.RadioBox(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Parameter type:',choices=choice, majorDimension=1,style=wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS) parmSel.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX,_OnParmSel) parmSel.SetStringSelection(self.parmChoice) parmSizer.Add(parmSel,0) selectionsSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) varSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) varSel = None if self.parmChoice != 'Global': if self.parmChoice in ['Phase',]: varSel = wx.ComboBox(self,choices=self.phasVars,value=self.varName, style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) elif self.parmChoice in ['Histogram',]: varSel = wx.ComboBox(self,choices=self.hisVars,value=self.varName, style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) elif self.parmChoice in ['Phase/Histo',]: varSel = wx.ComboBox(self,choices=self.hapVars,value=self.varName, style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) AddSpinner(varSizer,'Parameter',varSel,OnVarSel) selectionsSizer.Add(varSizer,0) varSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) phasSel = None if self.parmChoice in ['Phase','Phase/Histo'] and len(self.phasNums) > 1: numSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) phasSel = wx.ComboBox(self,choices=self.phasNums,value=self.phasNum, style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN,size=(50,-1)) AddSpinner(numSizer,'Phase',phasSel,OnPhasSel) varSizer.Add(numSizer) histSel = None if self.parmChoice in ['Histogram','Phase/Histo'] and len(self.hisNums) > 1: numSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) histSel = wx.ComboBox(self,choices=self.hisNums,value=self.hisNum, style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN,size=(50,-1)) AddSpinner(numSizer,'Histogram',histSel,OnHistSel) varSizer.Add(numSizer) selectionsSizer.Add(varSizer,0) parmSizer.Add(selectionsSizer,0) refChoices = ['All','Refined'] txt = ('"R" indicates a refined variable\n'+ '"C" indicates generated from a user entered constraint') if fcount: refChoices += ['Frozen'] txt += '\n"F" indicates a variable that is Frozen due to exceeding min/max' listSel = wx.RadioBox(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Refinement Status:', choices=refChoices, majorDimension=0,style=wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS) listSel.SetStringSelection(self.listSel) listSel.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX,OnListSel) parmSizer.Add(listSel,0,wx.CENTER|wx.ALL,15) mainSizer.Add(parmSizer,0) self.countSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(self.countSizer) self.headSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # non-scrolling header mainSizer.Add(self.headSizer,0) self.varBox = VirtualVarBox(self) mainSizer.Add(self.varBox,1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) mainSizer.Add( wx.StaticText(self,label=txt),0, wx.ALL,0) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # make Close button btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CLOSE,"Close") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onClose) btnsizer.Add(btn) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) wx.CallAfter(self.repaintScrollTbl)
def _onClose(self,event): self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
[docs] class VirtualVarBox(wx.ListCtrl): def __init__(self, parent): self.parmWin = parent #patch (added Oct 2020) convert variable names for parm limits to G2VarObj G2sc.patchControls(self.parmWin.Controls) # end patch wx.ListCtrl.__init__( self, parent, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.LC_VIRTUAL|wx.LC_HRULES|wx.LC_VRULES ) for i,(lbl,wid) in enumerate(zip( ('#', "Parameter", "Ref", "Value", "Min", "Max", "Explanation"), (40 , 125 , 30 , 100 , 75 , 75 , 700),)): self.InsertColumn(i, lbl) self.SetColumnWidth(i, wid) self.SetItemCount(0) try: self.attr1 = wx.ItemAttr() except: self.attr1 = wx.ListItemAttr() # deprecated in wx4.1 self.attr1.SetBackgroundColour((255,255,150)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.OnRowSelected) def SetContents(self,parent): self.varList = [] for name in parent.choiceDict[parent.parmChoice]: if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: basestr = basestring else: basestr = str if isinstance(parent.parmDict[name],basestr): continue if 'Refined' in parent.listSel and (name not in parent.fullVaryList ) and (name not in parent.varyList): continue if 'Frozen' in parent.listSel and not ( name in self.parmWin.fullVaryList and name in self.parmWin.frozenList): continue if 'Phase' in parent.parmChoice: if parent.phasNum != '*' and name.split(':')[0] != parent.phasNum: continue if 'Histo' in parent.parmChoice: if parent.hisNum != '*' and name.split(':')[1] != parent.hisNum: continue if (parent.varName != ' ') and (parent.varName not in name): continue self.varList.append(name) oldlen = self.GetItemCount() self.SetItemCount(len(self.varList))
[docs] def OnRowSelected(self, event, row=None): 'Creates an edit window when a parameter is selected' def ResetFrozen(event): '''release a frozen parameter (from all histograms in the case of a sequential fit). ''' if name in self.parmWin.frozenList: del self.parmWin.frozenList[self.parmWin.frozenList.index(name)] parmFrozen = self.parmWin.Controls.get('parmFrozen',{}) if self.parmWin.G2frame.testSeqRefineMode(): for h in parmFrozen: if h == 'FrozenList': continue if name in parmFrozen[h]: del parmFrozen[h][parmFrozen[h].index(name)] elif 'FrozenList' in parmFrozen: if name in parmFrozen['FrozenList']: del parmFrozen['FrozenList'][parmFrozen['FrozenList'].index(name)] dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL) self.parmWin.SendSizeEvent() def delM(event): 'Get event info & prepare to delete Max or Min limit' if hasattr(event.EventObject,'max'): d = self.parmWin.Controls['parmMaxDict'] else: d = self.parmWin.Controls['parmMinDict'] # close sub-dialog then delete item and redraw dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) wx.CallAfter(delMafter,d,name) def delMafter(d,name): 'Delete Max or Min limit once dialog is deleted' key,val = G2obj.prmLookup(name,d) # is this a wild-card? if val is not None: del d[key] self.OnRowSelected(None, row) def AddM(event): 'Get event info & add a Max or Min limit' if hasattr(event.EventObject,'max'): d = self.parmWin.Controls['parmMaxDict'] else: d = self.parmWin.Controls['parmMinDict'] # close sub-dialog then delete item and redraw dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) wx.CallAfter(AddMafter,d,name) def AddMafter(d,name): 'Add a Max or Min limit & redraw' try: d[G2obj.G2VarObj(name)] = float(value) except: pass self.OnRowSelected(None, row) def SetWild(event): 'Get event info & prepare to set/clear item as wildcard' if hasattr(event.EventObject,'max'): d = self.parmWin.Controls['parmMaxDict'] else: d = self.parmWin.Controls['parmMinDict'] ns = name.split(':') if hasattr(event.EventObject,'hist'): ns[1] = '*' else: ns[3] = '*' wname = ':'.join(ns) # close sub-dialog then delete item and redraw dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) wx.CallAfter(SetWildAfter,d,name,wname,event.EventObject.GetValue()) def SetWildAfter(d,name,wname,mode): 'Set/clear item as wildcard & delete old name(s), redraw' n,val = G2obj.prmLookup(name,d) # is this a wild-card? if val is None: print('Error: Limit for parameter {} not found. Should not happen'.format(name)) return if mode: # make wildcard for n in list(d.keys()): # delete names matching wildcard if str(n) == wname: continue if n == wname: # respects wildcards del d[n] d[G2obj.G2VarObj(wname)] = val else: del d[n] d[G2obj.G2VarObj(name)] = val self.OnRowSelected(None, row) # start of OnRowSelected if event is not None: row = event.Index elif row is None: print('Error: row and event should not both be None!') return name = self.varList[row] dlg = wx.Dialog(self.parmWin,wx.ID_ANY,'Parameter {} info'.format(name), size=(600,-1), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add((5,5)) subSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) try: value = G2fil.FormatSigFigs(self.parmWin.parmDict[name]) except TypeError: value = str(self.parmWin.parmDict[name])+' -?' # unexpected subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY, 'Parameter "{}" information and settings. Value={}' .format(name,value))) subSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add(subSizer,0,wx.EXPAND,0) mainSizer.Add((0,10)) v = G2obj.getVarDescr(name) if v is not None and v[-1] is not None: txt = G2obj.fmtVarDescr(name) if txt: #txt = txt.replace('Ph=','Phase: ') #txt = txt.replace('Pwd=','Histogram: ') txtwid = wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Parameter meaning is "'+txt+'"') txtwid.Wrap(580) mainSizer.Add(txtwid) mainSizer.Add((0,10)) freezebtn = None if name in self.parmWin.fullVaryList and name in self.parmWin.frozenList: msg = "Parameter {} exceeded limits and has been frozen".format(name) freezebtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_ANY,'Unfreeze') freezebtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, ResetFrozen) elif name in self.parmWin.varyList: msg = "Parameter {} is refined".format(name) elif name in self.parmWin.fullVaryList: msg = "Parameter {} is refined via a constraint".format(name) else: msg = "" if msg: subSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,msg),0,wx.CENTER) if freezebtn: subSizer.Add(freezebtn,0,wx.ALL|wx.CENTER,5) mainSizer.Add(subSizer,0) # draw min value widgets mainSizer.Add((-1,10),0) if name not in self.parmWin.varyList and name in self.parmWin.fullVaryList: mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Limits not allowed on constrained variables'),0) for key in 'parmMinDict','parmMaxDict': d = self.parmWin.Controls[key] n,v = G2obj.prmLookup(name,d) if v is not None and str(n) == name: try: # strange hard to reproduce problem with this not working del d[n] except: if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('debug: failed to delete ',name,'in',key) else: n,val = G2obj.prmLookup(name,self.parmWin.Controls['parmMinDict']) # is this a wild-card? if val is None: addMbtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_ANY,'Add Lower limit') addMbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, AddM) mainSizer.Add(addMbtn,0) else: subSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Minimum limit'),0,wx.CENTER) subSizer.Add(ValidatedTxtCtrl(dlg,self.parmWin.Controls['parmMinDict'],n,nDig=(10,2,'g')),0,WACV) delMbtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_ANY,'Delete',style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) subSizer.Add((5,-1),0,WACV) subSizer.Add(delMbtn,0,WACV) delMbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, delM) if name.split(':')[1]: # is this using a histogram? subSizer.Add((5,-1),0,WACV) wild = wx.CheckBox(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,label='Match all histograms ') wild.SetValue(str(n).split(':')[1] == '*') wild.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX,SetWild) wild.hist = True subSizer.Add(wild,0,WACV) elif len(name.split(':')) > 3: subSizer.Add((5,-1),0,WACV) wild = wx.CheckBox(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,label='Match all atoms ') wild.SetValue(str(n).split(':')[3] == '*') wild.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX,SetWild) subSizer.Add(wild,0,WACV) mainSizer.Add(subSizer,0) # draw max value widgets mainSizer.Add((-1,10),0) n,val = G2obj.prmLookup(name,self.parmWin.Controls['parmMaxDict']) # is this a wild-card? if val is None: addMbtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_ANY,'Add Upper limit') addMbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, AddM) addMbtn.max = True mainSizer.Add(addMbtn,0) else: subSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Maximum limit'),0,wx.CENTER) subSizer.Add(ValidatedTxtCtrl(dlg,self.parmWin.Controls['parmMaxDict'],n,nDig=(10,2,'g')),0,WACV) delMbtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_ANY,'Delete',style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) subSizer.Add((5,-1),0,WACV) subSizer.Add(delMbtn,0,WACV) delMbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, delM) delMbtn.max = True if name.split(':')[1]: # is this using a histogram? subSizer.Add((5,-1),0,WACV) wild = wx.CheckBox(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,label='Match all histograms ') wild.SetValue(str(n).split(':')[1] == '*') wild.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX,SetWild) wild.max = True wild.hist = True subSizer.Add(wild,0,WACV) elif len(name.split(':')) > 3: subSizer.Add((5,-1),0,WACV) wild = wx.CheckBox(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,label='Match all atoms ') wild.SetValue(str(n).split(':')[3] == '*') wild.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX,SetWild) wild.max = True subSizer.Add(wild,0,WACV) mainSizer.Add(subSizer,0) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() OKbtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_OK) OKbtn.SetDefault() OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,lambda event: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)) btnsizer.AddButton(OKbtn) btnsizer.Realize() mainSizer.Add((-1,5),1,wx.EXPAND,1) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER,0) mainSizer.Add((-1,10)) dlg.SetSizer(mainSizer) dlg.CenterOnParent() if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: # if not OK, destroy & reopen dlg.Destroy() wx.CallAfter(self.OnRowSelected, None, row) return dlg.Destroy() self.parmWin.SendSizeEvent()
#----------------------------------------------------------------- # Callbacks to display info in table
[docs] def OnGetItemText(self, item, col): name = self.varList[item] if col == 0: return str(item) elif col == 1: return name elif col == 2: if name in self.parmWin.fullVaryList and name in self.parmWin.frozenList: return "F" elif name in self.parmWin.varyList: return "R" elif name in self.parmWin.fullVaryList: return "C" return "" elif col == 3: try: value = G2fil.FormatSigFigs(self.parmWin.parmDict[name]) except TypeError: value = str(self.parmWin.parmDict[name])+' -?' # unexpected return value elif col == 4 or col == 5: # min/max value if col == 4: # min d = self.parmWin.Controls['parmMinDict'] else: d = self.parmWin.Controls['parmMaxDict'] n,val = G2obj.prmLookup(name,d) if val is None: return "" try: return G2fil.FormatSigFigs(val,8) except TypeError: return "?" elif col == 6: v = G2obj.getVarDescr(name) if v is not None and v[-1] is not None: txt = G2obj.fmtVarDescr(name) if txt: return txt return "" else: return "?"
[docs] def OnGetItemAttr(self, item): name = self.varList[item] if name in self.parmWin.varyList and name in self.parmWin.frozenList: return self.attr1 else: return None
##### Customized Grid Support ################################################################################
[docs] class GSGrid(wg.Grid): '''Basic wx.Grid implementation ''' def __init__(self, parent, name=''): wg.Grid.__init__(self,parent,-1,name=name) if hasattr(parent.TopLevelParent,'currentGrids'): parent.TopLevelParent.currentGrids.append(self) # save a reference to the grid in the Frame self.SetScrollRate(0,0) #GSAS-II grids have no scroll bars by default def Clear(self): wg.Grid.ClearGrid(self) def SetCellReadOnly(self,r,c,readonly=True): self.SetReadOnly(r,c,isReadOnly=readonly) def SetCellStyle(self,r,c,color="white",readonly=True): self.SetCellBackgroundColour(r,c,color) self.SetReadOnly(r,c,isReadOnly=readonly)
[docs] def SetTable(self, table, *args, **kwargs): '''Overrides the standard SetTable method with one that uses GridFractionEditor for all numeric columns (unless useFracEdit is false) ''' setFracEdit = kwargs.get('useFracEdit',True) if 'useFracEdit' in kwargs: del kwargs['useFracEdit'] wg.Grid.SetTable(self, table, *args, **kwargs) if setFracEdit: for i,t in enumerate(table.dataTypes): if not t.startswith(wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT): continue attr = wx.grid.GridCellAttr() attr.IncRef() attr.SetEditor(GridFractionEditor(self)) self.SetColAttr(i, attr)
def GetSelection(self): #this is to satisfy structure drawing stuff in G2plt when focus changes return None
[docs] def InstallGridToolTip(self, rowcolhintcallback, colLblCallback=None,rowLblCallback=None): '''code to display a tooltip for each item on a grid from (buggy!), expanded to column and row labels using hints from!topic/wxPython-users/bm8OARRVDCs :param function rowcolhintcallback: a routine that returns a text string depending on the selected row and column, to be used in explaining grid entries. :param function colLblCallback: a routine that returns a text string depending on the selected column, to be used in explaining grid columns (if None, the default), column labels do not get a tooltip. :param function rowLblCallback: a routine that returns a text string depending on the selected row, to be used in explaining grid rows (if None, the default), row labels do not get a tooltip. ''' prev_rowcol = [None,None,None] def OnMouseMotion(event): # event.GetRow() and event.GetCol() would be nice to have here, # but as this is a mouse event, not a grid event, they are not # available and we need to compute them by hand. x, y = self.CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetPosition()) row = self.YToRow(y) col = self.XToCol(x) hinttext = '' win = event.GetEventObject() if [row,col,win] == prev_rowcol: # no change from last position if event: event.Skip() return if win == self.GetGridWindow() and row >= 0 and col >= 0: hinttext = rowcolhintcallback(row, col) elif win == self.GetGridColLabelWindow() and col >= 0: if colLblCallback: hinttext = colLblCallback(col) elif win == self.GetGridRowLabelWindow() and row >= 0: if rowLblCallback: hinttext = rowLblCallback(row) else: # this should be the upper left corner, which is empty if event: event.Skip() return if hinttext is None: hinttext = '' if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): win.SetToolTip(hinttext) else: win.SetToolTipString(hinttext) prev_rowcol[:] = [row,col,win] if event: event.Skip() if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): self.GetGridWindow().Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION,OnMouseMotion) if colLblCallback: self.GetGridColLabelWindow().Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION,OnMouseMotion) if rowLblCallback: self.GetGridRowLabelWindow().Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION,OnMouseMotion) else: wx.EVT_MOTION(self.GetGridWindow(), OnMouseMotion) if colLblCallback: wx.EVT_MOTION(self.GetGridColLabelWindow(), OnMouseMotion) if rowLblCallback: wx.EVT_MOTION(self.GetGridRowLabelWindow(), OnMouseMotion)
[docs] def setupPopup(self,lblList,callList): '''define a callback that creates a popup menu. The rows associated with the items selected items are selected in the table and if an item is called from the menu, the corresponding function is called to perform an action on the :param list lblList: list of str items that will be placed in the popup menu :param list callList: list of functions to be called when a :returns: a callback that can be used to create the menu Sample usage:: lblList = ('Delete','Set atom style','Set atom label', 'Set atom color','Set view point','Generate copy', 'Generate surrounding sphere','Transform atoms', 'Generate bonded') callList = (DrawAtomsDelete,DrawAtomStyle, DrawAtomLabel, DrawAtomColor,SetViewPoint,AddSymEquiv, AddSphere,TransformSymEquiv, FillCoordSphere) onRightClick = drawAtoms.setupPopup(lblList,callList) drawAtoms.Bind(wg.EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK, onRightClick) drawAtoms.Bind(wg.EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK, onRightClick) ''' def createPopup(event): def OnPopup(event): callback = callList[menuIndx.index(event.GetId())] self.ClearSelection() for r in indx: self.SelectRow(r,True) callback(event) # get selections indx = self.GetSelectedRows() indx += [row for row,col in self.GetSelectedCells()] for top,bottom in zip([r for r,c in self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()], [r for r,c in self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()]): indx += list(range(top,bottom+1)) indx = list(set(indx)) if len(indx) == 0: # nothing selected, get current row r,_ = event.GetRow(),event.GetCol() if r < 0: return indx = [r] # make a pop-up menu menu = wx.Menu() menuIndx = [] for l in lblList: menuIndx.append(wx.NewIdRef()) menu.Append(menuIndx[-1], l) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnPopup, id=menuIndx[-1]) self.PopupMenu(menu) menu.Destroy() return createPopup
[docs] def completeEdits(self): 'complete any outstanding edits' if self.IsCellEditControlEnabled(): # complete any grid edits in progress self.SaveEditControlValue() self.HideCellEditControl() self.DisableCellEditControl()
[docs] class Table(wg.GridTableBase): '''Basic data table for use with GSgrid ''' def __init__(self, data=[], rowLabels=None, colLabels=None, types = None): wg.GridTableBase.__init__(self) self.colLabels = colLabels self.rowLabels = rowLabels self.dataTypes = types = data
[docs] def AppendRows(self, numRows=1):[]) return True
[docs] def CanGetValueAs(self, row, col, typeName): if self.dataTypes: colType = self.dataTypes[col].split(':')[0] if typeName == colType: return True else: return False else: return False
[docs] def CanSetValueAs(self, row, col, typeName): return self.CanGetValueAs(row, col, typeName)
def DeleteRow(self,pos): data = self.GetData() self.SetData([]) new = [] for irow,row in enumerate(data): if irow != pos: new.append(row) self.SetData(new)
[docs] def GetColLabelValue(self, col): if self.colLabels: return self.colLabels[col]
def GetData(self): data = [] for row in range(self.GetNumberRows()): data.append(self.GetRowValues(row)) return data
[docs] def GetNumberCols(self): try: return len(self.colLabels) except TypeError: return None
[docs] def GetNumberRows(self): return len(
[docs] def GetRowLabelValue(self, row): if self.rowLabels: return self.rowLabels[row]
def GetColValues(self, col): data = [] for row in range(self.GetNumberRows()): data.append(self.GetValue(row, col)) return data def GetRowValues(self, row): data = [] for col in range(self.GetNumberCols()): data.append(self.GetValue(row, col)) return data
[docs] def GetTypeName(self, row, col): try: if[row][col] is None: return wg.GRID_VALUE_STRING return self.dataTypes[col] except (TypeError,IndexError): return wg.GRID_VALUE_STRING
[docs] def GetValue(self, row, col): try: if[row][col] is None: return "" return[row][col] except IndexError: return None
[docs] def InsertRows(self, pos, rows): for row in range(rows):,[]) pos += 1
[docs] def IsEmptyCell(self,row,col): try: return not[row][col] except IndexError: return True
def OnKeyPress(self, event): dellist = self.GetSelectedRows() if event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_DELETE and dellist: grid = self.GetView() for i in dellist: grid.DeleteRow(i)
[docs] def SetColLabelValue(self, col, label): numcols = self.GetNumberCols() if col > numcols-1: self.colLabels.append(label) else: self.colLabels[col]=label
def SetData(self,data): for row in range(len(data)): self.SetRowValues(row,data[row])
[docs] def SetRowLabelValue(self, row, label): self.rowLabels[row]=label
def SetRowValues(self,row,data):[row] = data
[docs] def SetValue(self, row, col, value): def innerSetValue(row, col, value): try:[row][col] = value except TypeError: return except IndexError: # has this been tested? #print row,col,value if self.GetNumberRows() == 0: return # add a new row if row > self.GetNumberRows():[''] * self.GetNumberCols()) elif col > self.GetNumberCols(): for row in range(self.GetNumberRows()): # bug fixed here[row].append('') #print[row][col] = value innerSetValue(row, col, value)
[docs] class GridFractionEditor(wg.PyGridCellEditor): '''A grid cell editor class that allows entry of values as fractions as well as sine and cosine values [as s() and c(), sin() or sind(), etc]. Any valid Python expression will be evaluated. The current value can be incremented, multiplied or divided by prefixing an expression by +, * or / respectively. ''' def __init__(self,grid): if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): wg.GridCellEditor.__init__(self) else: wg.PyGridCellEditor.__init__(self)
[docs] def Create(self, parent, id, evtHandler): self._tc = wx.TextCtrl(parent, id, "") self._tc.SetInsertionPoint(0) self.SetControl(self._tc) if evtHandler: self._tc.PushEventHandler(evtHandler) self._tc.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
[docs] def SetSize(self, rect): if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): self._tc.SetSize(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width+2, rect.height+2, wx.SIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE) else: self._tc.SetDimensions(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width+2, rect.height+2, wx.SIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE)
[docs] def BeginEdit(self, row, col, grid): self.startValue = grid.GetTable().GetValue(row, col) self._tc.SetValue(str(self.startValue)) self._tc.SetInsertionPointEnd() self._tc.SetFocus() self._tc.SetSelection(0, self._tc.GetLastPosition())
[docs] def EndEdit(self, row, col, grid, oldVal=None): changed = False self.nextval = self.startValue val = self._tc.GetValue().lower().strip() val = val.replace(',','.') # allow , for decimal if val != str(self.startValue): changed = True neg = False mult = False divide = False add = False if val.startswith('*'): mult = True val = val[1:] elif val.startswith('/'): divide = True val = val[1:] elif val.startswith('+'): add = True val = val[1:] if val.startswith('-'): neg = True val = val[1:] # allow old GSAS s20 and c20 etc for sind(20) and cosd(20) if val.startswith('s') and '(' not in val: val = 'sind('+val.strip('s')+')' elif val.startswith('c') and '(' not in val: val = 'cosd('+val.strip('c')+')' if neg: val = '-' + val val = G2fil.FormulaEval(val) if val is not None: if mult: self.nextval *= val elif divide: if val != 0: self.nextval /= val elif add: self.nextval += val else: self.nextval = val else: return None if oldVal is None: # this arg appears in 2.9+; before, we should go ahead & change the table grid.GetTable().SetValue(row, col, val) # update the table # otherwise self.ApplyEdit gets called self.startValue = '' self._tc.SetValue('') return changed
[docs] def ApplyEdit(self, row, col, grid): """ Called only in wx >= 2.9 Save the value of the control into the grid if EndEdit() returns as True """ grid.GetTable().SetValue(row, col, self.nextval) # update the table
[docs] def Reset(self): self._tc.SetValue(str(self.startValue)) self._tc.SetInsertionPointEnd()
[docs] def Clone(self,grid): return GridFractionEditor(grid)
[docs] def StartingKey(self, evt): self.OnChar(evt) if evt.GetSkipped(): self._tc.EmulateKeyPress(evt)
def OnChar(self, evt): key = evt.GetKeyCode() if key < 32 or key >= 127: # outside printable ascii range; needed for backspace etc. evt.Skip() elif chr(key).lower() in '.+-*/0123456789cosind(),': evt.Skip() else: evt.StopPropagation()
##### Get an output file or directory ################################################################################
[docs] def askSaveFile(G2frame,defnam,extension,longFormatName,parent=None): '''Ask the user to supply a file name; used for svn :param wx.Frame G2frame: The main GSAS-II window :param str defnam: a default file name :param str extension: the default file extension beginning with a '.' :param str longFormatName: a description of the type of file :param wx.Frame parent: the parent window for the dialog. Defaults to G2frame. :returns: a file name (str) or None if Cancel is pressed ''' if not parent: parent = G2frame pth = GetExportPath(G2frame) #if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('debug: askSaveFile to '+pth) dlg = wx.FileDialog( parent, 'Input name for file to write', pth, defnam, longFormatName+' (*'+extension+')|*'+extension, wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) dlg.CenterOnParent() try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetPath() G2frame.LastExportDir = os.path.split(filename)[0] filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]+extension # make sure extension is correct else: filename = None finally: dlg.Destroy() return filename
[docs] def askSaveDirectory(G2frame): '''Ask the user to supply a directory name. Path name is used as the starting point for the next export path search. :returns: a directory name (str) or None if Cancel is pressed ''' pth = GetExportPath(G2frame) dlg = wx.DirDialog(G2frame,'Input directory where file(s) will be written',pth,wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) dlg.CenterOnParent() try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetPath() G2frame.LastExportDir = filename else: filename = None finally: dlg.Destroy() return filename
##### Customized Notebook ################################################################################
[docs] class GSNoteBook(wx.aui.AuiNotebook): '''Notebook used in various locations; implemented with wx.aui extension ''' def __init__(self, parent, name='',size = None,style=wxaui_NB_TOPSCROLL): wx.aui.AuiNotebook.__init__(self, parent, style=style) if size: self.SetSize(size) self.parent = parent self.PageChangeHandler = None def PageChangeEvent(self,event): pass # G2frame = self.parent.G2frame # page = event.GetSelection() # if self.PageChangeHandler: # if log.LogInfo['Logging']: # log.MakeTabLog( # G2frame.dataWindow.GetTitle(), # G2frame.dataDisplay.GetPageText(page) # ) # self.PageChangeHandler(event) # def Bind(self,eventtype,handler,*args,**kwargs): # '''Override the Bind() function so that page change events can be trapped # ''' # if eventtype == wx.aui.EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED: # self.PageChangeHandler = handler # wx.aui.AuiNotebook.Bind(self,eventtype,self.PageChangeEvent) # return # wx.aui.AuiNotebook.Bind(self,eventtype,handler,*args,**kwargs) def Clear(self): GSNoteBook.DeleteAllPages(self)
[docs] def FindPage(self,name): numPage = self.GetPageCount() for page in range(numPage): if self.GetPageText(page) == name: return page return None
[docs] def ChangeSelection(self,page): # in wx.Notebook ChangeSelection is like SetSelection, but it # does not invoke the event related to pressing the tab button # I don't see a way to do that in aui. oldPage = self.GetSelection() self.SetSelection(page) return oldPage
# def __getattribute__(self,name): # '''This method provides a way to print out a message every time # that a method in a class is called -- to see what all the calls # might be, or where they might be coming from. # Cute trick for debugging! # ''' # attr = object.__getattribute__(self, name) # if hasattr(attr, '__call__'): # def newfunc(*args, **kwargs): # print('GSauiNoteBook calling %s' %attr.__name__) # result = attr(*args, **kwargs) # return result # return newfunc # else: # return attr #### Help support routines ################################################################################
[docs] class MyHelp(wx.Menu): ''' A class that creates the contents of a help menu. The menu will start with two entries: * 'Help on <helpType>': where helpType is a reference to an HTML page to be opened * About: opens an About dialog using OnHelpAbout. N.B. on the Mac this gets moved to the App menu to be consistent with Apple style. NOTE: for this to work properly with respect to system menus, the title for the menu must be &Help, or it will not be processed properly: :: menu.Append(menu=MyHelp(self,...),title="&Help") ''' def __init__(self,frame,includeTree=False,morehelpitems=[]): wx.Menu.__init__(self,'') self.HelpById = {} self.frame = frame self.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT,'&About GSAS-II', 'Shows version and citation info') frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHelpAbout, id=wx.ID_ABOUT) if GSASIIpath.HowIsG2Installed(): helpobj = self.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'&Check for updates\tCtrl+U', 'Updates to latest GSAS-II version') if os.access(GSASIIpath.path2GSAS2, os.W_OK): frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnCheckUpdates, helpobj) else: helpobj.Enable(False) helpobj = self.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'&Regress to old GSAS-II version', 'Installs previous GSAS-II version') if os.access(GSASIIpath.path2GSAS2, os.W_OK): frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSelectVersion, helpobj) else: helpobj.Enable(False) # provide special help topic names for extra items in help menu for lbl,indx in morehelpitems: helpobj = self.Append(wx.ID_ANY,lbl,'') frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHelpById, helpobj) self.HelpById[helpobj.GetId()] = indx # add help lookup(s) in gsasii.html self.AppendSeparator() if includeTree: helpobj = self.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'Help on GSAS-II', 'Access web page with information on GSAS-II') frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHelpById, id=helpobj.GetId()) self.HelpById[helpobj.GetId()] = 'Data tree' helpobj = self.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'Help on current data tree item\tF1', 'Access web page on selected item in tree') frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHelpById, id=helpobj.GetId())
[docs] def OnHelpById(self,event): '''Called when Help on... is pressed in a menu. Brings up a web page for documentation. Uses the helpKey value from the dataWindow window unless a special help key value has been defined for this menu id in self.HelpById Note that self should now (2frame) be child of the main window (G2frame) ''' if hasattr(self.frame,'dataWindow'): # Debug code: check this is called from menu in G2frame # should always be true in 2 Frame version dW = self.frame.dataWindow else: print('help error: not called from standard menu?') print (self) return try: helpKey = dW.helpKey # look up help from helpKey in data window #if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print 'DBG_dataWindow help: key=',helpKey except AttributeError: helpKey = '' if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('DBG_No helpKey for current dataWindow!') helpType = self.HelpById.get(event.GetId(),helpKey) # see if there is a special help topic #if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print 'DBG_helpKey=',helpKey,' helpType=',helpType if helpType == 'Tutorials': dlg = OpenTutorial(self.frame) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return else: ShowHelp(helpType,self.frame)
[docs] def OnHelpAbout(self, event): "Display an 'About GSAS-II' box" try: import wx.adv as wxadv # AboutBox moved here in Phoenix except: wxadv = wx info = wxadv.AboutDialogInfo() info.Name = 'GSAS-II' info.SetVersion(GSASIIpath.getG2VersionInfo()) #info.Developers = ['Robert B. Von Dreele','Brian H. Toby'] info.Copyright = ('(c) ' + time.strftime('%Y') + ''' Argonne National Laboratory This product includes software developed by the UChicago Argonne, LLC, as Operator of Argonne National Laboratory.''') info.Description = '''General Structure Analysis System-II (GSAS-II) Robert B. Von Dreele and Brian H. Toby Please cite as: B.H. Toby & R.B. Von Dreele, J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 544-549 (2013) For small angle use cite: R.B. Von Dreele, J. Appl. Cryst. 47, 1748-9 (2014) For DIFFaX use cite: M.M.J. Treacy, J.M. Newsam & M.W. Deem, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 433, 499-520 (1991) ''' info.WebSite = ("","GSAS-II home page") wxadv.AboutBox(info)
[docs] def OnCheckUpdates(self,event): '''Check if the GSAS-II repository has an update for the current source files and perform that update if requested. ''' if GSASIIpath.HowIsG2Installed().startswith('git'): gitCheckUpdates(self.frame) elif GSASIIpath.HowIsG2Installed().startswith('svn'): svnCheckUpdates(self.frame) else: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.frame, 'No VCS','Cannot update GSAS-II because it was not installed with a version control system or the VCS system could not be accessed.', wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return
[docs] def OnSelectVersion(self,event): '''Allow the user to select a specific version of GSAS-II ''' if GSASIIpath.HowIsG2Installed().startswith('git'): gitSelectVersion(self.frame) elif GSASIIpath.HowIsG2Installed().startswith('svn'): svnSelectVersion(self.frame) else: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.frame, 'No VCS','Cannot update GSAS-II because it was not installed with a version control system or the VCS system could not be accessed.', wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return
[docs] class HelpButton(wx.Button): '''Create a help button that displays help information. The text can be displayed in a modal message window or it can be a reference to a location in the gsasII.html (etc.) help web page, in which case that page is opened in a web browser. TODO: it might be nice if it were non-modal: e.g. it stays around until the parent is deleted or the user closes it, but this did not work for me. :param parent: the panel/frame where the button will be placed :param str msg: the help text to be displayed. Indentation on multiline help text is stripped (see :func:`StripIndents`). If wrap is set as non-zero, all new lines are :param str helpIndex: location of the help information in the gsasII.html help file in the form of an anchor string. The URL will be constructed from: location + gsasII.html + "#" + helpIndex :param int wrap: if specified, the text displayed is reformatted by wrapping it to fit in wrap pixels. Default is None which prevents wrapping. ''' def __init__(self,parent,msg='',helpIndex='',wrap=None): if sys.platform == "darwin": wx.Button.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_HELP) else: wx.Button.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,'?',style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onPress) if wrap: self.msg=StripIndents(msg,True) else: self.msg=StripIndents(msg) self.parent = parent self.helpIndex = helpIndex self.wrap = wrap self.msg = self.msg.replace(' & ',' && ') def _onClose(self,event): self.dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL) def _onPress(self,event): 'Respond to a button press by displaying the requested text' if self.helpIndex: ShowHelp(self.helpIndex,self.parent) return self.dlg = wx.Dialog(self.parent,wx.ID_ANY,'Help information', style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) txt = wx.StaticText(self.dlg,wx.ID_ANY,self.msg) if self.wrap: txt.Wrap(self.wrap) mainSizer.Add(txt,1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,10) txt.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btn = wx.Button(self.dlg, wx.ID_CLOSE) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onClose) btnsizer.Add(btn) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) self.dlg.SetSizer(mainSizer) mainSizer.Fit(self.dlg) self.dlg.CenterOnParent() self.dlg.ShowModal() self.dlg.Destroy()
################################################################################ updateNoticeDict = {4919:True} # example: {1234:True, 5000:False} '''A dict with versions that should be noted. The value associated with the tag is if all older projects should show the warning, or only the first to be opened. '''
[docs] def updateNotifier(G2frame,fileVersion): '''Posts an update notice when a a specially tagged GSAS-II version is seen for the first time. Versions to be tagged are set in global updateNoticeDict; version info is found in file versioninfo.txt. :param wx.Frame G2frame: GSAS-II main window :param int fileVersion: version of GSAS-II used to create the current .gpx file ''' def tblLine(dlg,pixels=3): 'place line in table' txtbox = wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'',size=(-1,pixels)) txtbox.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(0,0,0)) tblSizer.Add(txtbox,0,wx.EXPAND) txtbox = wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'',size=(-1,pixels)) txtbox.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(0,0,0)) tblSizer.Add(txtbox,0,wx.EXPAND) size = (700,500) rev = GSASIIpath.GetVersionNumber() try: int(rev) except: pass lastNotice = max(GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('lastUpdateNotice',0),fileVersion) show = None # first version number to show allProjects = False # if True notice is shown for all projects, otherwise only once for key in updateNoticeDict: if updateNoticeDict[key]: if key >= fileVersion: if show is None: show = fileVersion else: show = min(show,fileVersion) allProjects = True else: if key >= lastNotice: if show is None: show = lastNotice else: show = min(show,lastNotice) if show is None: return filnam = os.path.join(GSASIIpath.path2GSAS2,'inputs','versioninfo.txt') if not os.path.exists(filnam): # patch 3/2024 for svn dir organization filnam = os.path.join(GSASIIpath.path2GSAS2,'versioninfo.txt') if not os.path.exists(filnam): print('Warning: file versioninfo.txt not found') return fp = open(filnam, 'r') vers = None noticeDict = {} for line in fp: if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue if vers is not None: if len(line.strip()) == 0: vers = None continue else: noticeDict[vers] += ' ' noticeDict[vers] += line.strip().replace('%%','\n') elif ':' in line: vers,tag = line.strip().split(':',1) try: vers = int(vers) except: continue noticeDict[vers] = tag.strip().replace('%%','\n') fp.close() for key in list(noticeDict.keys()): if key <= show: del noticeDict[key] if len(noticeDict) == 0: return dlg = wx.Dialog(G2frame,wx.ID_ANY,'Update notices', style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) txtbox = wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY, 'Please read the notices below about major GSAS-II updates since' ' this project was last saved') sizer.Add(txtbox,0) txtbox.Wrap(size[0]-10) sizer.Add((10,10)) panel = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(dlg, wx.ID_ANY, size=(size[0]-20, size[1])) sizer.Add(panel,1,wx.EXPAND,1) tblSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,2,5,10) tblLine(panel) txtbox = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,'Version') tblSizer.Add(txtbox,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) txtbox = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,'Notice') tblSizer.Add(txtbox,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND) tblLine(panel) sizer.Add((10,10)) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() if allProjects: # will be shown again OKbtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_OK) else: OKbtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_OK,label='Record as seen') btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_CANCEL,label='Show again') btnsizer.AddButton(btn) OKbtn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(OKbtn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add((-1,5)) sizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER,50) for i,key in enumerate(sorted(noticeDict,reverse=True)): if i != 0: tblLine(panel,1) txtbox = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,str(key)) txtbox.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) tblSizer.Add(txtbox,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) txtbox = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,noticeDict[key]) txtbox.Wrap(size[0]-110) txtbox.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) tblSizer.Add(txtbox) tblLine(panel) panel.SetSizer(tblSizer) panel.SetAutoLayout(1) panel.SetupScrolling() dlg.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(dlg) dlg.CenterOnParent() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if not allProjects: vars = GetConfigValsDocs() vars['lastUpdateNotice'][1] = rev GSASIIpath.SetConfigValue(vars) SaveConfigVars(vars) dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy()
[docs] class MyHtmlPanel(wx.Panel): '''Defines a panel to display HTML help information, as an alternative to displaying help information in a web browser. ''' def __init__(self, frame, newId): self.frame = frame wx.Panel.__init__(self, frame, newId) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) back = wx.Button(self, -1, "Back") back.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnBack) self.htmlwin = G2HtmlWindow(self, newId, size=(750,450)) sizer.Add(self.htmlwin, 1,wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(back, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT, 0) self.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(frame) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE,self.OnHelpSize) def OnHelpSize(self,event): #does the job but weirdly!! anchor = self.htmlwin.GetOpenedAnchor() if anchor: self.htmlwin.ScrollToAnchor(anchor) wx.CallAfter(self.htmlwin.ScrollToAnchor,anchor) if event: event.Skip() def OnBack(self, event): self.htmlwin.HistoryBack() def LoadFile(self,file): pos = file.rfind('#') if pos != -1: helpfile = file[:pos] helpanchor = file[pos+1:] else: helpfile = file helpanchor = None self.htmlwin.LoadPage(helpfile) if helpanchor is not None: self.htmlwin.ScrollToAnchor(helpanchor) xs,ys = self.htmlwin.GetViewStart() self.htmlwin.Scroll(xs,ys-1)
[docs] class G2HtmlWindow(wx.html.HtmlWindow): '''Displays help information in a primitive HTML browser type window ''' def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): self.parent = parent wx.html.HtmlWindow.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def LoadPage(self, *args, **kwargs): wx.html.HtmlWindow.LoadPage(self, *args, **kwargs) self.TitlePage()
[docs] def OnLinkClicked(self, *args, **kwargs): wx.html.HtmlWindow.OnLinkClicked(self, *args, **kwargs) xs,ys = self.GetViewStart() self.Scroll(xs,ys-1) self.TitlePage()
[docs] def HistoryBack(self, *args, **kwargs): wx.html.HtmlWindow.HistoryBack(self, *args, **kwargs) self.TitlePage()
def TitlePage(self): self.parent.frame.SetTitle(self.GetOpenedPage() + ' -- ' + self.GetOpenedPageTitle())
[docs] def StripIndents(msg,singleLine=False): '''Strip unintended indentation from multiline strings. When singleLine is True, all newline are removed, but inserting "%%" into the string will cause a blank line to be inserted at that point and %t% will generate a new line and tab (to indent a line) :param str msg: a string containing one or more lines of text. spaces or tabs following a newline are removed. :param bool singleLine: removes all newlines from the msg so that the text may be wrapped. :returns: the string but reformatted ''' msg1 = msg.replace('\n ','\n') while msg != msg1: msg = msg1 msg1 = msg.replace('\n ','\n') msg1 = msg1.replace(' ',' ') msg1 = msg.replace('\n\t','\n') while msg != msg1: msg = msg1 msg1 = msg.replace('\n\t','\n') if singleLine: msg = msg.replace('\n',' ') msg1 = msg.replace(' ',' ') while msg != msg1: msg = msg1 msg1 = msg1.replace(' ',' ') msg = msg.replace('%%','\n\n') msg = msg.replace('%t%','\n\t') return msg
[docs] def StripUnicode(string,subs='.'): '''Strip non-ASCII characters from strings :param str string: string to strip Unicode characters from :param str subs: character(s) to place into string in place of each Unicode character. Defaults to '.' :returns: a new string with only ASCII characters ''' s = '' for c in string: if ord(c) < 128: s += c else: s += subs return s.encode('ascii','replace')
[docs] def getTextSize(txt): 'Get the size of the text string txt in points, returns (x,y)' dc = wx.ScreenDC() return tuple(dc.GetTextExtent(txt))
# wx classes for reading various types of data files ######################################################################
[docs] def BlockSelector(ChoiceList, ParentFrame=None,title='Select a block', size=None, header='Block Selector',useCancel=True): ''' Provide a wx dialog to select a single block where one must be selected. Used for selecting for banks for instrument parameters if the file contains more than one set. ''' if useCancel: dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog( ParentFrame,title, header,ChoiceList) else: dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog( ParentFrame,title, header,ChoiceList, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.OK|wx.CENTRE) if size: dlg.SetMinSize(size) dlg.CenterOnParent() dlg.SendSizeEvent() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: sel = dlg.GetSelection() return sel else: return None dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def MultipleBlockSelector(ChoiceList, ParentFrame=None, title='Select a block',size=None, header='Block Selector'): '''Provide a wx dialog to select a block of data if the file contains more than one set of data and one must be selected. Used in :mod:`G2pwd_CIF` only. :returns: a list of the selected blocks ''' dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(ParentFrame,title, header,ChoiceList+['Select all'], wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) if size: dlg.SetMinSize(size) dlg.CenterOnScreen() dlg.SendSizeEvent() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: sel = dlg.GetSelections() else: return [] dlg.Destroy() selected = [] if len(ChoiceList) in sel: return range(len(ChoiceList)) else: return sel return selected
[docs] class MultipleChoicesDialog(wx.Dialog): '''A dialog that offers a series of choices, each with a title and a wx.Choice widget. Intended to be used Modally. typical input: * choicelist=[ ('a','b','c'), ('test1','test2'),('no choice',)] * headinglist = [ 'select a, b or c', 'select 1 of 2', 'No option here'] selections are placed in self.chosen when OK is pressed Also see GSASIIctrlGUI ''' def __init__(self,choicelist,headinglist, head='Select options', title='Please select from options below', parent=None): self.chosen = [] wx.Dialog.__init__( self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,head, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) panel = wx.Panel(self) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add((10,10),1) topLabl = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,title) mainSizer.Add(topLabl,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.CENTER,10) self.ChItems = [] for choice,lbl in zip(choicelist,headinglist): mainSizer.Add((10,10),1) self.chosen.append(0) topLabl = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,' '+lbl) mainSizer.Add(topLabl,0,wx.ALIGN_LEFT,10) self.ChItems.append(wx.Choice(self, wx.ID_ANY, (100, 50), choices = choice)) mainSizer.Add(self.ChItems[-1],0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER,10) OkBtn = wx.Button(panel,-1,"Ok") OkBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk) cancelBtn = wx.Button(panel,-1,"Cancel") cancelBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel) btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(OkBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(cancelBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) mainSizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 10) panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) panel.Fit() self.Fit() def OnOk(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() # save the results from the choice widgets self.chosen = [] for w in self.ChItems: self.chosen.append(w.GetSelection()) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def OnCancel(self,event): parent = self.GetParent() if parent is not None: parent.Raise() self.chosen = [] self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
[docs] def MultipleChoicesSelector(choicelist, headinglist, ParentFrame=None, **kwargs): '''A modal dialog that offers a series of choices, each with a title and a wx.Choice widget. Used in :mod:`G2pwd_CIF` only. Typical input: * choicelist=[ ('a','b','c'), ('test1','test2'),('no choice',)] * headinglist = [ 'select a, b or c', 'select 1 of 2', 'No option here'] optional keyword parameters are: head (window title) and title returns a list of selected indicies for each choice (or None) ''' result = None dlg = MultipleChoicesDialog(choicelist,headinglist, parent=ParentFrame, **kwargs) dlg.CenterOnParent() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: result = dlg.chosen dlg.Destroy() return result
[docs] def PhaseSelector(ChoiceList, ParentFrame=None, title='Select a phase', size=None,header='Phase Selector'): ''' Provide a wx dialog to select a phase, used in importers if a file contains more than one phase ''' return BlockSelector(ChoiceList,ParentFrame,title, size,header)
[docs] def XformMatrix(panel,Trans,Uvec,Vvec,OnLeave=None,OnLeaveArgs={}): '''Display a transformation matrix and two vectors''' Trmat = wx.FlexGridSizer(4,6,0,0) Trmat.Add((10,0),0) Trmat.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,label=' M'),wx.ALIGN_CENTER) Trmat.Add((10,0),0) Trmat.Add((10,0),0) Trmat.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,label=' U'),wx.ALIGN_CENTER) Trmat.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,label=' V'),wx.ALIGN_CENTER) for iy,line in enumerate(Trans): for ix,val in enumerate(line): item = ValidatedTxtCtrl(panel,Trans[iy],ix,nDig=(10,3),size=(65,25), OnLeave=OnLeave,OnLeaveArgs=OnLeaveArgs) Trmat.Add(item) Trmat.Add((25,0),0) vec = ValidatedTxtCtrl(panel,Uvec,iy,nDig=(10,3),size=(65,25), OnLeave=OnLeave,OnLeaveArgs=OnLeaveArgs) Trmat.Add(vec) vec = ValidatedTxtCtrl(panel,Vvec,iy,nDig=(10,3),size=(65,25), OnLeave=OnLeave,OnLeaveArgs=OnLeaveArgs) Trmat.Add(vec) return Trmat
[docs] def showUniqueCell(frame,cellSizer,row,cell,SGData=None, editAllowed=False,OnCellChange=None): '''function to put cell values into a GridBagSizer. First column (#0) is reserved for labels etc. if editAllowed is True, values are placed in a wx.TextCtrl and if needed two rows are used in the table. ''' cellGUIlist = [ [['m3','m3m'],[" Unit cell: a = "],["{:.5f}"],[0]], [['3R','3mR'],[" a = ",u" \u03B1 = "],["{:.5f}","{:.3f}"],[0,3]], [['3','3m1','31m','6/m','6/mmm','4/m','4/mmm'], [" a = "," c = ",u" \u03B3 = "], ["{:.5f}","{:.5f}","{:.3f}"],[0,2,-5]], [['mmm'],[" a = "," b = "," c = "],["{:.5f}","{:.5f}","{:.5f}"], [0,1,2]], [['2/m'+'a'],[" a = "," b = "," c = ",u" \u03B1 = "], ["{:.5f}","{:.5f}","{:.5f}","{:.3f}"],[0,1,2,3]], [['2/m'+'b'],[" a = "," b = "," c = ",u" \u03B2 = "], ["{:.5f}","{:.5f}","{:.5f}","{:.3f}"],[0,1,2,4]], [['2/m'+'c'],[" a = "," b = "," c = ",u" \u03B3 = "], ["{:.5f}","{:.5f}","{:.5f}","{:.3f}"],[0,1,2,5]], [['-1'],[" a = "," b = "," c = ",u" \u03B1 = ",u" \u03B2 = ",u" \u03B3 = "], ["{:.5f}","{:.5f}","{:.5f}","{:.3f}","{:.3f}","{:.3f}"],[0,1,2,3,4,5]] ] cellList = [] if SGData is None: laue = '-1' else: laue = SGData['SGLaue'] if laue == '2/m': laue += SGData['SGUniq'] for cellGUI in cellGUIlist: if laue in cellGUI[0]: useGUI = cellGUI break for txt,fmt,indx in zip(*useGUI[1:]): col = 1+2*abs(indx) cellrow = row if editAllowed and abs(indx) > 2: cellrow = row + 1 col = 1+2*(abs(indx)-3) cellSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame,label=txt),(cellrow,col)) if editAllowed and indx >= 0: Fmt = (10,5) if '.3' in fmt: Fmt = (10,3) cellVal = ValidatedTxtCtrl(frame,cell,indx, xmin=0.1,xmax=500.,nDig=Fmt,OnLeave=OnCellChange) cellSizer.Add(cellVal,(cellrow,col+1)) cellList.append(cellVal.GetId()) else: cellSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame,label=fmt.format(cell[abs(indx)])),(cellrow,col+1)) #volume volCol = 13 if editAllowed: volCol = 8 cellSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame,label=' Vol = '),(row,volCol)) if editAllowed: volVal = wx.TextCtrl(frame,value=('{:.2f}'.format(cell[6])),style=wx.TE_READONLY) volVal.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)) cellSizer.Add(volVal,(row,volCol+1)) else: cellSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(frame,label='{:.2f}'.format(cell[6])),(row,volCol+1)) return cellrow,cellList
################################################################################ # configuration routines (for editing def SaveGPXdirectory(path,write=True): if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Starting_directory') == path: return vars = GetConfigValsDocs() try: vars['Starting_directory'][1] = path if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('DBG_Saving GPX path: '+path) if write: SaveConfigVars(vars) except KeyError: pass def SaveImportDirectory(path): if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Import_directory') == path: return vars = GetConfigValsDocs() try: vars['Import_directory'][1] = path if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('DBG_Saving Import path: '+path) SaveConfigVars(vars) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def GetConfigValsDocs(): '''Reads the module referenced in fname (often <module>.__file__) and return a dict with names of global variables as keys. For each global variable, the value contains four items: :returns: a dict where keys are names defined in module where the value is a list of four items, as follows: * item 0: the default value * item 1: the current value * item 2: the initial value (starts same as item 1) * item 3: the "docstring" that follows variable definition ''' import config_example import ast fname = os.path.splitext(config_example.__file__)[0]+'.py' # convert .pyc to .py if '3' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: with open(fname, 'r',encoding='utf-8') as f: fstr = else: with open(fname, 'r') as f: fstr = fstr = fstr.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n') if not fstr.endswith('\n'): fstr += '\n' tree = ast.parse(fstr) d = {} key = None for node in ast.walk(tree): if isinstance(node,ast.Assign): key = node.targets[0].id d[key] = [config_example.__dict__.get(key), GSASIIpath.configDict.get(key), GSASIIpath.configDict.get(key),''] elif isinstance(node,ast.Expr) and key: d[key][3] = node.value.s.strip() else: key = None return d
inhibitSave = False
[docs] def SaveConfigVars(vars,parent=None): '''Write the current config variable values to :params dict vars: a dictionary of variable settings and meanings as created in :func:`GetConfigValsDocs`. :param parent: wx.Frame object or None (default) for parent of error message if no file can be written. :returns: True if unable to write the file, None otherwise ''' if inhibitSave: if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('inhibitSave prevents saving configuration') return # try to write to where an old config file is located try: import config savefile = config.__file__ except ImportError: # no file yet savefile = os.path.join(GSASIIpath.path2GSAS2,'') except Exception: # import failed # find the bad file, save it in a new name and prepare to overwrite it for p in sys.path: savefile = os.path.join(p,'') if os.path.exists(savefile): import distutils.file_util as dfu keepfile = os.path.join(p,'config.py_corrupt') print('Current config file contains an error:',savefile) print('saving that file as',keepfile) dfu.copy_file(savefile,keepfile) print('preparing to overwrite...') break else: print('unexpected error importing') savefile = os.path.join(GSASIIpath.path2GSAS2,'') # try to open file for write try: savefile = os.path.splitext(savefile)[0]+'.py' # convert .pyc to .py fp = open(savefile,'w') except IOError: # can't write there, write in local mods directory # create a local mods directory, if needed g2local = os.path.expanduser('~/.G2local/') if not os.path.exists(g2local): try: print(u'Creating directory '+g2local) os.mkdir(g2local) except: if parent: G2MessageBox(parent,u'Error trying to create directory '+g2local, 'Unable to save') else: print(u'Error trying to create directory '+g2local) return True sys.path.insert(0,os.path.expanduser('~/.G2local/')) savefile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.G2local/'),'') try: fp = open(savefile,'w') except IOError: if parent: G2MessageBox(parent,'Error trying to write configuration to '+savefile, 'Unable to save') else: print('Error trying to write configuration to '+savefile) return True import datetime fp.write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n'''\n") fp.write("* Configuration options*\n----------------------------------\n") fp.write("This file created in SelectConfigSetting on {:%d %m %Y %H:%M}\n". format( fp.write("'''\n\n") fp.write("import os.path\n") fp.write("import GSASIIpath\n\n") for var in sorted(vars.keys(),key=lambda s: s.lower()): if vars[var][1] is None: continue if vars[var][1] == '': continue if vars[var][0] == vars[var][1]: continue try: float(vars[var][1]) # test for number fp.write(var + ' = ' + str(vars[var][1])+'\n') except: if type(vars[var][1]) is list: fp.write(var + ' = [\n') for varstr in vars[var][1]: if '\\' in varstr: fp.write('\t os.path.normpath("' + varstr.replace('\\','/') +'"),\n') else: fp.write('\t "' + str(varstr)+'",\n') fp.write(' ]\n') elif type(vars[var][1]) is tuple: fp.write(var + ' = ' + str(vars[var][1])+'\n') else: try: eval(vars[var][1]) # test for an expression fp.write(var + ' = ' + str(vars[var][1])+'\n') except: # must be a string varstr = vars[var][1] if '\\' in varstr: fp.write(var + ' = os.path.normpath("' + varstr.replace('\\','/') +'")\n') else: fp.write(var + ' = "' + str(varstr)+'"\n') if vars[var][3]: fp.write("'''" + str(vars[var][3]) + "\n'''\n\n") fp.close() print('wrote file '+savefile)
[docs] class SelectConfigSetting(wx.Dialog): '''Dialog to select configuration variables and set associated values. ''' def __init__(self,parent=None): style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, 'Set Config Variable', style=style) self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.vars = GetConfigValsDocs() label = wx.StaticText( self, wx.ID_ANY, 'Select a GSAS-II configuration variable to change' ) self.sizer.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) self.choice = {} choices = sorted([k for k in self.vars if not k.startswith('enum_')], key=lambda s: s.lower()) btn = G2ChoiceButton(self, choices, strLoc=self.choice,strKey=0,onChoice=self.OnSelection) btn.SetLabel("") self.sizer.Add(btn) self.varsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer.Add(self.varsizer,1,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,1) self.doclbl = wx.StaticBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, "") self.doclblsizr = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.doclbl) self.docinfo = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, "") self.doclblsizr.Add(self.docinfo, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 5) self.sizer.Add(self.doclblsizr, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.saveBtn = wx.Button(self,-1,"Save current settings") btnsizer.Add(self.saveBtn, 0, wx.ALL, 2) self.saveBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSave) self.saveBtn.Enable(False) self.applyBtn = wx.Button(self,-1,"Use current (no save)") btnsizer.Add(self.applyBtn, 0, wx.ALL, 2) self.applyBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnApplyChanges) self.applyBtn.Enable(False) btn = wx.Button(self,wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL, 2) self.sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) self.SetSizer(self.sizer) self.sizer.Fit(self) self.CenterOnParent()
[docs] def OnChange(self,event=None): ''' Check if anything been changed. Turn the save button on/off. ''' for var in self.vars: if self.vars[var][0] is None and self.vars[var][1] is not None: # make blank strings into None, if that is the default if self.vars[var][1].strip() == '': self.vars[var][1] = None if self.vars[var][1] != self.vars[var][2]: #print 'changed',var,self.vars[var][:3] self.saveBtn.Enable(True) self.applyBtn.Enable(True) break else: self.saveBtn.Enable(False) self.applyBtn.Enable(False) try: self.resetBtn.Enable(True) except: pass
[docs] def OnApplyChanges(self,event=None): 'Set config variables to match the current settings' GSASIIpath.SetConfigValue(self.vars) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) global inhibitSave if event is not None: inhibitSave = True import GSASIImpsubs as G2mp G2mp.ResetMP()
[docs] def OnSave(self,event): '''Write the config variables to and then set them as the current settings ''' global inhibitSave inhibitSave = False if not SaveConfigVars(self.vars,parent=self): self.OnApplyChanges() # force a reload of the config settings else: self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
[docs] def OnBoolSelect(self,event): 'Respond to a change in a True/False variable' rb = event.GetEventObject() var = self.choice[0] self.vars[var][1] = (rb.GetSelection() == 0) self.OnChange() wx.CallAfter(self.OnSelection)
[docs] def onSelDir(self,event): 'Select a directory from a menu' dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose a directory:",style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: var = self.choice[0] self.vars[var][1] = dlg.GetPath() self.strEd.SetValue(self.vars[var][1]) self.OnChange() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def onSelExec(self,event): 'Select an executable file from a menu' var = self.choice[0] is_exe = lambda fpath: os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) defD = defF = '' if self.vars[var][1] is not None and os.path.exists(self.vars[var][1]): defD,defF=os.path.split(self.vars[var][1]) repeat = True while repeat: repeat = False if sys.platform == "win32": dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a .exe file:", defaultDir=defD,defaultFile=defF, style=wx.FD_DEFAULT_STYLE|wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST, wildcard="Executable files|*.exe") else: dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose an executable image:", defaultDir=defD,defaultFile=defF, style=wx.FD_DEFAULT_STYLE|wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: val = dlg.GetPath() if os.path.exists(val) and is_exe(val): self.vars[var][1] = val self.strEd.SetValue(self.vars[var][1]) self.OnChange() else: dlg.Destroy() G2MessageBox(self,'File not found or not executable', 'Invalid file') repeat = True continue dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def OnSelection(self): 'show a selected variable and allow it to be changed' def OnNewColorBar(event): self.vars['Contour_color'][1] = self.colSel.GetValue() self.OnChange(event) if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): self.varsizer.Clear(True) else: self.varsizer.DeleteWindows() var = self.choice[0] showdef = True if var not in self.vars: raise Exception("How did this happen?") if 'enum_'+var in self.vars: choices = self.vars['enum_'+var][0] self.colSel = EnumSelector(self,self.vars[var],1,choices, OnChange=self.OnChange) self.varsizer.Add(self.colSel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) elif type(self.vars[var][0]) is int: ed = ValidatedTxtCtrl(self,self.vars[var],1,typeHint=int,OKcontrol=self.OnChange) self.varsizer.Add(ed, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) elif type(self.vars[var][0]) is float: ed = ValidatedTxtCtrl(self,self.vars[var],1,typeHint=float,OKcontrol=self.OnChange) self.varsizer.Add(ed, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) elif type(self.vars[var][0]) is bool: showdef = False lbl = "value for "+var ch = [] for i,v in enumerate((True,False)): s = str(v) if v == self.vars[var][0]: defopt = i s += ' (default)' ch += [s] rb = wx.RadioBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, lbl, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, ch, 1, wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS) # set initial value if self.vars[var][1] is None: rb.SetSelection(defopt) elif self.vars[var][1]: rb.SetSelection(0) else: rb.SetSelection(1) rb.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX,self.OnBoolSelect) self.varsizer.Add(rb, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) else: if var.endswith('_directory') or var.endswith('_location'): btn = wx.Button(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Select from dialog...') btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onSelDir) sz = (400,-1) elif var.endswith('_exec'): btn = wx.Button(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Select from dialog...') btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onSelExec) sz = (400,-1) else: btn = None sz = (250,-1) if var == 'Contour_color': if self.vars[var][1] is None: self.vars[var][1] = 'Paired' colorList = sorted([m for m in]+['GSPaired','GSPaired_r',],key=lambda s: s.lower()) #if not m.endswith("_r") self.colSel = wx.ComboBox(self,value=self.vars[var][1],choices=colorList, style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.colSel.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, OnNewColorBar) self.varsizer.Add(self.colSel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) elif var == 'Image_calibrant': import ImageCalibrants as calFile calList = sorted([m for m in calFile.Calibrants.keys()], key=lambda s: s.lower()) self.colSel = EnumSelector(self,self.vars[var],1,calList, OnChange=self.OnChange) self.varsizer.Add(self.colSel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) else: self.strEd = ValidatedTxtCtrl(self,self.vars[var],1,typeHint=str, OKcontrol=self.OnChange,size=sz) if self.vars[var][1] is not None: self.strEd.SetValue(self.vars[var][1]) if btn: self.varsizer.Add(self.strEd, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5) self.varsizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) else: self.varsizer.Add(self.strEd, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) # button for reset to default value lbl = "Reset to Default" if showdef: # spell out default when needed lbl += ' (='+str(self.vars[var][0])+')' #label = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, 'Default value = '+str(self.vars[var][0])) #self.varsizer.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 5) self.resetBtn = wx.Button(self,-1,lbl) self.resetBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClear) if self.vars[var][1] is not None and self.vars[var][1] != '': # show current value, if one #label = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, 'Current value = '+str(self.vars[var][1])) #self.varsizer.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 5) self.resetBtn.Enable(True) else: self.resetBtn.Enable(False) self.varsizer.Add(self.resetBtn, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) # show meaning, if defined self.doclbl.SetLabel("Description of "+str(var)) vartxt = self.vars[var][3] vartxt = StripIndents(vartxt.replace(' & ',' && '),True) if vartxt: self.docinfo.SetLabel(vartxt) else: self.docinfo.SetLabel("(not documented)") self.docinfo.Wrap(500) self.sizer.Fit(self) self.CenterOnParent() wx.CallAfter(self.SendSizeEvent)
def OnClear(self, event): var = self.choice[0] self.vars[var][1] = self.vars[var][0] self.OnChange() wx.CallAfter(self.OnSelection)
[docs] class RefinementProgress(wx.ProgressDialog): '''Defines a wrapper to place around wx.ProgressDialog to be used for showing refinement progress. At some point a better progress window should be created that keeps useful info on the screen such as some starting and current fit metrics, but for now all this adds is window defaults and a wx.Yield call during progress update calls. ''' def __init__(self, title='Residual', message='All data Rw =', maximum=101, parent=None, trialMode=False, seqLen=0, style=None): if style is None: style = wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME|wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE|wx.PD_CAN_ABORT super(self.__class__,self).__init__(title, message, int(maximum), parent, style) Size = self.GetSize() if 50 < Size[0] < 500: # sanity check on size, since this fails w/Win & wx3.0 self.SetSize((int(Size[0]*1.2),Size[1])) # increase size a bit along x self.CenterOnParent() self.Show()
[docs] def Update(self,value, newmsg=""): wx.GetApp().Yield() #print('wx Yield called') #print('Update:',value,newmsg) return super(self.__class__,self).Update(int(value), newmsg)
################################################################################ fmtRw = lambda value: '{:.2f}'.format(float(value))
[docs] class G2RefinementProgress(wx.Dialog): '''Defines an replacement for wx.ProgressDialog to be used for showing refinement progress. :param str title: string to place on border of window (default is 'Refinement progress'). :param str message: initial string to place on top line of window. :param int maximum: maximum value for progress gauge bar on bottom of window. :param wx.Frame parent: parent window for creation of this dialog :param bool trialMode: Set to True for Levenberg-Marquardt fitting where Rw may be computed several times for a single cycle. Call :meth:`AdvanceCycle` when trialMode is True to indicate that a cycle has been completed. Default is False. :param int seqLen: Number of histograms in sequential fit. A value of zero (default) means that the fit is not a sequential fit. :param int seqShow: Number of histograms to shown in a sequential fit (default 3) :param int style: optional parameters that determine how the dialog is is displayed. ''' def __init__(self, title='Refinement progress', message='All data Rw =', maximum=101, parent=None, trialMode=False,seqLen=0, seqShow=3,style=None): self.trialRw = trialMode # used for Levenberg-Marquardt fitting self.SeqLen = seqLen self.seqShow = seqShow if self.SeqLen: self.maxCycle = self.SeqLen self.SeqCount = -1 self.rows = 4 if self.trialRw: self.rows = 5 if style is None: style = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER super(self.__class__,self).__init__(parent, wx.ID_ANY, title,style=style, size=(-1,-1)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self._onClose) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.startTime = time.time() self.abortStatus = False self.SetSizer(mainSizer) mainSizer.Add((-1,3)) self.msgLine1 = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,message) mainSizer.Add(self.msgLine1) mainSizer.Add((-1,3)) self.msgLine2 = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,'') mainSizer.Add(self.msgLine2) hSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) lblSizer = self._makeLabeledTable() # make the Table for Rfactors in the RwPanel vSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) vSizer.Add(lblSizer,0,wx.EXPAND) vSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) hSizer.Add(vSizer,1,wx.EXPAND,1) pltPanel = wx.Panel(self,size=(-1,-1)) self.figure = mplfig.Figure(dpi=100,figsize=(3,2)) self.figure.subplots_adjust(right=0.99,top=0.99) Canvas(pltPanel, wx.ID_ANY, self.figure) # no need to save, get this from self.figure.canvas self.plotaxis = self.figure.add_subplot() hSizer.Add(pltPanel,0,wx.EXPAND,0) mainSizer.Add(hSizer,1,wx.EXPAND,1) mainSizer.Add((-1,5)) hSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.gaugemaximum = int(maximum) self.gauge = wx.Gauge(self,wx.ID_ANY,range=int(self.gaugemaximum)) self.gauge.SetValue(0) vSizer.Add(self.gauge,1,wx.EXPAND,1) vSizer.Add((-1,3)) tSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) tSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) tSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Elapsed time: ')) self.elapsed = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,'0:00:00.0') tSizer.Add(self.elapsed) tSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) vSizer.Add(tSizer) hSizer.Add(vSizer,1,wx.EXPAND,1) hSizer.Add((10,-1)) btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CLOSE,"Abort refinement") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onClose) hSizer.Add(btn,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(hSizer,0,wx.EXPAND,5) self.Labels.label[2].SetLabel('Start') self.cycleLbl = self.Labels.label[3] self.cycleLbl.SetLabel('Cycle ?') if self.trialRw: self.Labels.label[4].SetLabel('trial parms') self.Show() self.Layout() self.SetSizer(mainSizer) mainSizer.Fit(self) self.CenterOnParent() self.SendSizeEvent() self.tblCols = {} self.tblLbls = {} self.fitVals = {} self.trialVals = {} # used when self.trialRw is True self.trialcount = 0 self.cols = 0 self.maxCycle = 10 self.curHist = None # number of current histogram (may be <0 for overall) self.seqHist = None # number of current sequential histogram (never <0) self.prevSeqHist = [] # previous sequential histograms that are still shown self.plotted = [] self.histOff = {} def _onClose(self,event): '''Respond to abort button or close of window ''' self.abortStatus = True self.Show(False)
[docs] def Destroy(self): '''Destroy the window, but allow events to clear before doing so ''' wx.CallAfter(wx.Dialog.Destroy,self)
def _makeLabeledTable(self): '''Create two grid sizers, one with row labels and one scrolled. Use _xferLabeledTable to make the row heights match. ''' lblSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.Labels = wx.GridBagSizer(2,2) lblSizer.Add(self.Labels) self.RwPanel = wx.lib.scrolledpanel.ScrolledPanel(self, wx.ID_ANY, size=(180, 130), style = wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) lblSizer.Add(self.RwPanel,1,wx.EXPAND,1) self.Labels.label = {} for i in range(self.rows): self.Labels.label[i] = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,'',style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.Labels.Add(self.Labels.label[i],(i,0)) mainsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) tblsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.gridSiz = wx.GridBagSizer(2,2) tblsizer.Add(self.gridSiz) mainsizer.Add(tblsizer) self.RwPanel.SetSizer(mainsizer) self.RwPanel.SetAutoLayout(1) self.RwPanel.SetupScrolling() return lblSizer def _xferLabeledTable(self): '''Matches the row sizes of the labels to the row heights in the table ''' for i,h in enumerate(self.gridSiz.GetRowHeights()): self.Labels.label[i].SetMinSize((-1,h)) self.Labels.Layout()
[docs] def SetMaxCycle(self,value): '''Set the maximum number of cycles or histograms (sequential fit). Used to scale settings so the gauge bar completes close to 100%. Ignored for sequential refinements. ''' if self.SeqLen: return self.maxCycle = value
def _AddTableColumn(self,label='',col=None): 'add a column to the Rfactor table' if col is None: self.cols += 1 col = self.cols lbls = [] for i in range(self.rows-1): lbls.append(wx.StaticText(self.RwPanel,wx.ID_ANY,'',style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER)) self.gridSiz.Add(lbls[-1],(1+i,col)) return col,lbls
[docs] def SetHistogram(self,nextHist,histLbl): '''Set this before beginning processing of each histogram ''' if nextHist is None: self.curHist = None self.msgLine1.SetLabel(histLbl) return if self.SeqLen: self._SetSeqHistogram(nextHist,histLbl) return col = None lbl = 'Hist {}'.format(nextHist) if nextHist == -1: # overall fit goes in the 1st column, if shown col = 0 lbl = 'Overall' elif nextHist == -2: # Restraint Chi2 contribution goes in the last col lbl = 'Restraints' if nextHist not in self.tblCols: self.tblCols[nextHist],lbls = self._AddTableColumn(lbl,col) self.tblLbls[nextHist] = lbls self.tblLbls[nextHist][0].SetLabel(lbl) self.fitVals[nextHist] = [] if nextHist >= 0: self.msgLine1.SetLabel('Fitting '+histLbl) self.curHist = nextHist
def _SetSeqHistogram(self,nextHist,histLbl): '''Set this before beginning processing of each histogram in a sequential fit. Advances the completion gauge. ''' if nextHist == -1: # overall fit is not shown self.curHist = nextHist return elif nextHist == -2: # Restraint Chi2 contribution goes in the 1st col if nextHist not in self.tblCols: self.tblCols[-2],lbls = self._AddTableColumn('Restraints',0) self.tblLbls[-2] = lbls self.tblLbls[-2][0].SetLabel('Restraints') self.fitVals[-2] = [] elif self.seqHist != nextHist and nextHist >= 0: if nextHist not in self.tblCols: lbl = 'Hist {}'.format(nextHist) self.tblCols[nextHist],lbls = self._AddTableColumn(lbl,None) self.tblLbls[nextHist] = lbls self.tblLbls[nextHist][0].SetLabel(lbl) if len(self.prevSeqHist) < self.seqShow: self.prevSeqHist.append(nextHist) else: del self.fitVals[self.prevSeqHist[0]] del self.prevSeqHist[0] self.prevSeqHist.append(nextHist) self.fitVals[nextHist] = [] if -2 in self.fitVals: self.fitVals[-2] = [] if nextHist >= 0: self.msgLine1.SetLabel('Fitting '+histLbl) self.curHist = nextHist if nextHist >= 0 and self.seqHist != nextHist: self.seqHist = nextHist self.SeqCount += 1 self.gauge.SetValue(int(min(self.gaugemaximum,100.*self.SeqCount/self.SeqLen))) def _plotBar(self,h): 'plot a vertical bar for a histogram' sym,lbl = self._getPlotSetting(h) l = len(self.fitVals[h]) wid = 10. if h < 0: if h == -2 and -1 in self.fitVals: self.histOff[h] = h/wid else: self.histOff[h] = -1/wid else: self.histOff[h] = len([i for i in self.plotted if i >= 0])/wid[h],self.fitVals[h], width=1/wid,label=lbl,color=sym) self.plotted.append(h) def _getPlotSetting(self,h): 'determines how a plot is drawn' if h == -1: sym = "m" # magenta lbl = 'o' elif h == -2: sym = "c" # cyan lbl = 'r' else: symbols = ['b','r','g'] sym = symbols[h%3] lbl = str(h) return sym,lbl def _SetCycleRw(self,value): '''Used to process an Rwp value from the :meth:`Update` method. The value will be associated with the current histogram (as set in :meth:`SetHistogram`). If this is the 1st supplied value for that histogram, the value is set and displayed as as the starting Rwp. If :data`:self.trialRw` is False, the values are saved to a list specific to the current histogram, and are displayed and plotted. When :data`:self.trialRw` is True, the Rwp values are considered trial values and are only saved and plotted when :meth:`AdvanceCycle` is called. ''' if self.curHist in self.fitVals: cycle = len(self.fitVals[self.curHist]) else: return if self.maxCycle and not self.SeqLen: self.gauge.SetValue(int(min(self.gaugemaximum,100.*cycle/self.maxCycle))) self.cycleLbl.SetLabel('Cycle {:}'.format(cycle)) if cycle == 0: self.tblLbls[self.curHist][1].SetLabel('{:8.3g}'.format(value)) self.RwPanel.SetupScrolling() self._xferLabeledTable() if not self.trialRw: # show & plot current status here self.fitVals[self.curHist].append(value) self.tblLbls[self.curHist][2].SetLabel('{:8.3g}'.format(value)) self.plotaxis.clear() self.plotted = [] if self.SeqLen: for h in self.fitVals: # loop over all histograms but not all get plotted if h == -1: continue if h in self.prevSeqHist: self._plotBar(h) else: for h in self.fitVals: # loop over all histograms but not all get plotted if h < 0 or h == self.curHist or len(self.fitVals) < 6 or ( self.curHist < 0 and h==0): # plot overall & restraints, or p to 5 histograms self._plotBar(h) if self.plotted: self.plotaxis.legend(loc=3) self.figure.canvas.draw() else: # save as trial value self.trialVals[self.curHist] = value self.tblLbls[self.curHist][3].SetLabel('{:8.3g}'.format(value)) if self.curHist in self.plotted: sym,lbl = self._getPlotSetting(self.curHist) c = len(self.fitVals[self.curHist]) - 1 + self.histOff[self.curHist] self.plotaxis.plot(c,value,'o'+sym) self.figure.canvas.draw() if (self.curHist ==-1 and -2 not in self.fitVals) or self.curHist == -2: self.trialcount += 1 self.Layout() # in case sizes change self.RwPanel.ScrollChildIntoView(self.tblLbls[self.curHist][1])
[docs] def AdvanceCycle(self,cycle=None): '''Call this directly with Levenberg-Marquardt fitting after a cycle completes. Plots the results. ''' self.plotaxis.clear() self.trialcount = 0 self.plotted = [] for h,value in self.trialVals.items(): if h not in self.fitVals or h not in self.tblLbls: continue self.fitVals[h].append(value) self.tblLbls[h][2].SetLabel('{:8.3g}'.format(value)) self.tblLbls[h][3].SetLabel('') if self.SeqLen or h < 3 or len(self.trialVals) < 6: # plot overall & restraints, or p to 5 histograms self._plotBar(h) if self.plotted: self.plotaxis.legend(loc=3) self.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def Update(self, value=None, newmsg=""): '''designed to work with calls intended for wx.ProgressDialog.Update the value is assumed to be the current wR value for the histogram selected with SetHistogram and newmsg goes into the 2nd status line. ''' if self.curHist is not None and value != 101.: self._SetCycleRw(value) if newmsg: self.msgLine2.SetLabel(newmsg) m,s = divmod(time.time()-self.startTime,60) h,m = divmod(m,60) self.elapsed.SetLabel('{:0d}:{:02d}:{:04.1f}'.format(int(h), int(m), s)) wx.GetApp().Yield() return (not self.abortStatus, True)
[docs] class downdate(wx.Dialog): '''Dialog to allow a user to select a version of GSAS-II to install svn version ''' def __init__(self,parent=None): style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, 'Select Version', style=style) pnl = wx.Panel(self) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) insver = GSASIIpath.svnGetRev(local=True) curver = int(GSASIIpath.svnGetRev(local=False)) label = wx.StaticText( pnl, wx.ID_ANY, 'Select a specific GSAS-II version to install' ) sizer.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer1.Add( wx.StaticText(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, 'Currently installed version: '+str(insver)), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) sizer.Add(sizer1) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer1.Add( wx.StaticText(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, 'Select GSAS-II version to install: '), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) self.spin = wx.SpinCtrl(pnl, wx.ID_ANY,size=(150,-1)) self.spin.SetRange(1, curver) self.spin.SetValue(curver) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self._onSpin, self.spin) self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self._onSpin, self.spin) sizer1.Add(self.spin) sizer.Add(sizer1) line = wx.StaticLine(pnl,-1, size=(-1,3), style=wx.LI_HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(line, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) self.text = wx.StaticText(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, "") sizer.Add(self.text, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) line = wx.StaticLine(pnl,-1, size=(-1,3), style=wx.LI_HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(line, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) sizer.Add( wx.StaticText( pnl, wx.ID_ANY, 'If "Install" is pressed, your project will be saved;\n' 'GSAS-II will exit; The specified version will be loaded\n' 'and GSAS-II will restart. Press "Cancel" to abort.'), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_OK, "Install") btn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) pnl.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) self.topsizer=sizer self.CenterOnParent() self._onSpin(None) def _onSpin(self,event): 'Called to load info about the selected version in the dialog' if event: event.Skip() ver = self.spin.GetValue() d = GSASIIpath.svnGetLog(version=ver) date = d.get('date','?').split('T')[0] s = '(Version '+str(ver)+' created '+date s += ' by '+d.get('author','?')+')' msg = d.get('msg') if msg: s += '\n\nComment: '+msg self.text.SetLabel(s) self.topsizer.Fit(self)
[docs] def getVersion(self): 'Get the version number in the dialog' return self.spin.GetValue()
[docs] class gitVersionSelector(wx.Dialog): '''Dialog to allow a user to select a version of GSAS-II to install from a git repository ''' def __init__(self,parent=None): import git self.g2repo = GSASIIpath.openGitRepo(path2GSAS2) self.githistory = GSASIIpath.gitHistory('hash',self.g2repo) # patch Feb 2024: don't allow access to versions that are too old # since they are hard-coded to use svn import datetime tz = self.g2repo.commit(self.githistory[0]).committed_datetime.tzinfo cutoff = datetime.datetime(2024,2,20,tzinfo=tz) # 20-feb-2024 self.githistory = [h for h in self.githistory if self.g2repo.commit(h).committed_datetime > cutoff] # end patch self.initial_commit = self.g2repo.commit('HEAD') self.initial_commit_info = self.docCommit(self.initial_commit) wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, 'Select GSAS-II Version', style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) remoteupdates,localupdates = GSASIIpath.gitCountRegressions(self.g2repo) self.verselection = remoteupdates sizer.Add((-1,10)) #label = wx.StaticText( # self, wx.ID_ANY, # 'Select a specific GSAS-II version to install' # ) msg = 'This allows you to revert back to a previous GSAS-II version ' msg += 'to compare results between versions and temporarily bypass ' msg += 'bugs. If there is something that works better in an older ' msg += 'GSAS-II version, be sure to test the latest version and ' msg += 'if the problem remains, report it so that it can be fixed.' label = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, msg) label.Wrap(400) sizer.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) sizer.Add((-1,20)) sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, ' Currently installed version:')) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer1.Add((50,-1)) initpnl = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(self, wx.ID_ANY,size=(450,90), style = wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) ssizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) txt = wx.StaticText(initpnl, wx.ID_ANY, self.initial_commit_info) txt.Wrap(435) ssizer.Add(txt) initpnl.SetSizer(ssizer) initpnl.SetAutoLayout(1) initpnl.SetupScrolling() sizer1.Add(initpnl) sizer.Add(sizer1) sizer.Add((-1,20)) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer1.Add( wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, 'Select how many versions to regress: '), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) self.spin = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY,size=(150,-1)) self.spin.SetRange(-len(self.githistory)+1, 0) self.spin.SetValue(-self.verselection) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self._onSpin, self.spin) self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self._onSpin, self.spin) sizer1.Add(self.spin) sizer.Add(sizer1) sizer.Add((-1,20)) sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, ' Selected version to install:')) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer1.Add((50,-1)) self.spanel = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(self, wx.ID_ANY,size=(450,90), style = wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) ssizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.text = wx.StaticText(self.spanel, wx.ID_ANY, "") ssizer.Add(self.text) self.spanel.SetSizer(ssizer) self.spanel.SetAutoLayout(1) self.spanel.SetupScrolling() sizer1.Add(self.spanel) sizer.Add(sizer1) sizer.Add((-1,20)) sizer.Add( wx.StaticText( self, wx.ID_ANY, 'Press "Continue" after selecting a version to continue;\n' 'Press "Cancel" to stop regression.'), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) sizer.Add((-1,5)) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "Continue") btn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) self.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) siz = self.GetSize() siz[0] = max(siz[0],500) self.SetSize(siz) self.CenterOnParent() self._onSpin(None) def _onSpin(self,event): 'Called to load info about the selected version in the dialog' if event: event.Skip() try: commit_info = self.docCommit(self.githistory[-self.spin.GetValue()]) self.text.SetLabel(commit_info) self.text.Wrap(435) except IndexError: return self.spanel.SetAutoLayout(1) self.spanel.SetupScrolling()
[docs] def getVersion(self): '''Gets the selected version that should be installed :return: returns one of three values: * 0: if the newest version is selected, so that the installation should be updated rather than regressed * None: if the currently installed version is selected, so that nothing need be done * A hexsha string: the regressed version that should be selected. ''' if self.spin.GetValue() == 0: return 0 commit = self.githistory[-self.spin.GetValue()] if self.g2repo.commit(commit) == self.initial_commit: return None return commit
[docs] def docCommit(self,commit): '''Provides a string with information about a specific git commit. :returns: a multi-line string ''' import datetime fmtdate = lambda c:"{:%d-%b-%Y %H:%M}".format(c.committed_datetime) commit = self.g2repo.commit(commit) # converts a hash, if supplied msg = f'git {commit.hexsha[:10]} from {fmtdate(commit)}' tags = self.g2repo.git.tag('--points-at',commit).split('\n') if tags != ['']: msg += f"\ntags: {', '.join(tags)}" msg += '\ncomment: ' + commit.message return msg
[docs] class SortableLstCtrl(wx.Panel): '''Creates a read-only table with sortable columns. Sorting is done by clicking on a column label. A triangle facing up or down is added to indicate the column is sorted. To use, the header is labeled using :meth:`PopulateHeader`, then :meth:`PopulateLine` is called for every row in table and finally :meth:`SetColWidth` is called to set the column widths. :param wx.Frame parent: parent object for control ''' def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY)#, style=wx.WANTS_CHARS) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.list = G2LstCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.LC_REPORT| wx.BORDER_SUNKEN) sizer.Add(self.list, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(sizer) self.SetAutoLayout(True) #self.SortListItems(0, True)
[docs] def PopulateHeader(self, header, justify): '''Defines the column labels :param list header: a list of strings with header labels :param list justify: a list of int values where 0 causes left justification, 1 causes right justification, and -1 causes centering ''' info = wx.ListItem() info.Mask = wx.LIST_MASK_TEXT | wx.LIST_MASK_IMAGE | wx.LIST_MASK_FORMAT info.Image = -1 for i,(h,j) in enumerate(zip(header, justify)): info.Text = h if j > 0: info.Align = wx.LIST_FORMAT_RIGHT elif j < 0: info.Align = wx.LIST_FORMAT_CENTER else: info.Align = 0 self.list.InsertColumn(i, info) listmix.ColumnSorterMixin.__init__(self.list, len(header)) self.list.itemDataMap = {}
[docs] def PopulateLine(self, key, data): '''Enters each row into the table :param int key: a unique int value for each line, probably should be sequential :param list data: a list of strings for each column in that row ''' index = self.list.InsertItem(self.list.GetItemCount(), data[0]) for i,d in enumerate(data[1:]): self.list.SetItem(index, i+1, d) self.list.SetItemData(index, key) self.list.itemDataMap[key] = data
[docs] def SetColWidth(self,col,width=None,auto=True,minwidth=0,maxwidth=None): '''Sets the column width. :param int width: the column width in pixels :param bool auto: if True (default) and width is None (default) the width is set by the maximum width entry in the column :param int minwidth: used when auto is True, sets a minimum column width :param int maxwidth: used when auto is True, sets a maximum column width. Do not use with minwidth ''' if width: self.list.SetColumnWidth(col, width) elif auto: self.list.SetColumnWidth(col, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE) if minwidth and self.list.GetColumnWidth(col) < minwidth: self.list.SetColumnWidth(col, minwidth) elif maxwidth and self.list.GetColumnWidth(col) > maxwidth: self.list.SetColumnWidth(col, maxwidth) else: print('Error in SetColWidth: use either auto or width')
try: class G2LstCtrl(wx.ListCtrl, listmix.ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin, listmix.ColumnSorterMixin): '''Creates a custom ListCtrl with support for images in column labels ''' def __init__(self, parent, ID=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0): wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, pos, size, style) listmix.ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin.__init__(self) from wx.lib.embeddedimage import PyEmbeddedImage # from demo/ SmallUpArrow = PyEmbeddedImage( b"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAADxJ" b"REFUOI1jZGRiZqAEMFGke2gY8P/f3/9kGwDTjM8QnAaga8JlCG3CAJdt2MQxDCAUaOjyjKMp" b"cRAYAABS2CPsss3BWQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==") SmallDnArrow = PyEmbeddedImage( b"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAEhJ" b"REFUOI1jZGRiZqAEMFGke9QABgYGBgYWdIH///7+J6SJkYmZEacLkCUJacZqAD5DsInTLhDR" b"bcPlKrwugGnCFy6Mo3mBAQChDgRlP4RC7wAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==") = wx.ImageList(16, 16) self.UpArrow = self.DownArrow = self.parent=parent self.SetImageList(, wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL) def GetListCtrl(self): # needed for sorting return self
[docs] def GetSortImages(self): #return (self.parent.DownArrow, self.parent.UpArrow) return (self.DownArrow, self.UpArrow)
except TypeError: # avoid "duplicate base class _MockObject" error in class G2LstCtrl(): # where listmix.ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin, listmix.ColumnSorterMixin are same # in docs build
[docs] class G2LstCtrl(wx.ListCtrl): '''Creates a custom ListCtrl with support for images in column labels ''' pass
print('docs build kludge for G2LstCtrl') #### Display Help information ################################################################################ # define some globals htmlPanel = None htmlFrame = None htmlFirstUse = True #helpLocDict = {} # to be implemented if we ever split gsasii.html over multiple files path2GSAS2 = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # save location of this file
[docs] def ShowHelp(helpType,frame): '''Called to bring up a web page for documentation.''' global htmlFirstUse,htmlPanel,htmlFrame # no defined link to use, create a default based on key if helpType.lower().startswith('pwdr'): helplink = 'gsasII-pwdr.html#'+helpType.replace(')','').replace('(','_').replace(' ','_') elif helpType.lower().startswith('phase'): helplink = 'gsasII-phase.html#'+helpType.replace(')','').replace('(','_').replace(' ','_') elif helpType.lower().startswith('hist/phase'): helplink = 'gsasII-phase.html#Phase-Data' elif helpType: helplink = 'gsasII.html#'+helpType.replace(')','').replace('(','_').replace(' ','_') else: helplink = 'gsasII.html' # determine if a web browser or the internal viewer should be used for help info if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Help_mode'): helpMode = GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Help_mode') else: helpMode = 'browser' if helpMode == 'internal': helplink = os.path.join(path2GSAS2,'help',helplink) try: htmlPanel.LoadFile(helplink) htmlFrame.Raise() except: htmlFrame = wx.Frame(frame, -1, size=(610, 510)) htmlFrame.Show(True) htmlFrame.SetTitle("HTML Window") # N.B. reset later in LoadFile htmlPanel = MyHtmlPanel(htmlFrame,-1) htmlPanel.LoadFile(helplink) else: import webbrowser # postpone this until now for quicker startup wb = webbrowser if sys.platform == "darwin": # on Mac, use a OSXscript so that file anchors work # Get the default browser, this will fail in py2.7 and might fail, so # use safari as a backup appleScript = ''' use framework "AppKit" use AppleScript version "2.4" use scripting additions property NSWorkspace : a reference to current application's NSWorkspace property NSURL : a reference to current application's NSURL set wurl to NSURL's URLWithString:"" set thisBrowser to (NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace)'s ¬ URLForApplicationToOpenURL:wurl set appname to (thisBrowser's absoluteString)'s lastPathComponent()'s ¬ stringByDeletingPathExtension() as text return appname as text ''' import subprocess try: browser = subprocess.check_output(["osascript","-e",appleScript], encoding='UTF-8').strip() wb = webbrowser.MacOSXOSAScript(browser) except: wb = webbrowser.MacOSXOSAScript('safari') # open the link helplink = os.path.join(path2GSAS2,'help',helplink) pfx = "file://" if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'): pfx = '' #if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print 'DBG_Help link=',pfx+helplink if htmlFirstUse: wb.open_new(pfx+helplink) htmlFirstUse = False else:, new=0, autoraise=True)
[docs] def ShowWebPage(URL,frame): '''Called to show a tutorial web page. ''' global htmlFirstUse,htmlPanel,htmlFrame # determine if a web browser or the internal viewer should be used for help info if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Help_mode'): helpMode = GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Help_mode') else: helpMode = 'browser' if helpMode == 'internal': try: htmlPanel.LoadFile(URL) htmlFrame.Raise() except: htmlFrame = wx.Frame(frame, -1, size=(610, 510)) htmlFrame.Show(True) htmlFrame.SetTitle("HTML Window") # N.B. reset later in LoadFile htmlPanel = MyHtmlPanel(htmlFrame,-1) htmlPanel.LoadFile(URL) else: import webbrowser # postpone this until now for quicker startup if URL.startswith('http'): pfx = '' elif sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'): pfx = '' else: pfx = "file://" if htmlFirstUse: webbrowser.open_new(pfx+URL) htmlFirstUse = False else:, new=0, autoraise=True)
#### Tutorials support ################################################################################ G2TutURL = "" tutorialCatalog = [l for l in tutorialIndex if len(l) >= 3] # A catalog of GSAS-II tutorials generated from the table in :data:`tutorialIndex` def OpenTutorial(parent): if GSASIIpath.HowIsG2Installed().startswith('git'): return OpenGitTutorial(parent) else: return OpenSvnTutorial(parent)
[docs] class OpenSvnTutorial(wx.Dialog): '''Open a tutorial web page, optionally copying the web page, screen images and data file(s) to the local disk. ''' def __init__(self,parent): style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, 'Open Tutorial', style=style) self.G2frame = self.frame = parent pnl = wx.Panel(self) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) label = wx.StaticText( pnl, wx.ID_ANY, 'Select the tutorial to be run and the mode of access' ) msg = '''GSAS-II tutorials and their sample data files require a fair amount of storage space; few users will use all of them. This dialog allows users to load selected tutorials (along with their sample data) to their computer; optionally all tutorials can be downloaded. Downloaded tutorials can be viewed and run without internet access. Tutorials can also be viewed without download, but users will need to download the sample data files manually. The location used to download tutorials is set using the "Set download location" which is saved as the "Tutorial_location" configuration option see File/Preference or the file. System managers can select to have tutorial files installed at a shared location. ''' self.SetTutorialPath() hlp = HelpButton(pnl,msg) sizer1.Add((-1,-1),1, wx.EXPAND, 0) sizer1.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 0) sizer1.Add((-1,-1),1, wx.EXPAND, 0) sizer1.Add(hlp) sizer.Add(sizer1,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,0) sizer.Add((10,10)) sizer0 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer1a = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer1b = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Download a tutorial and view") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.SelectAndDownload) sizer1a.Add(btn,0) btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Select from downloaded tutorials") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onSelectDownloaded) sizer1a.Add(btn,0) btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Browse tutorial on web") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onWebBrowse) sizer1a.Add(btn,0) btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Update downloaded tutorials") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.UpdateDownloaded) sizer1b.Add(btn,0) btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Download all tutorials") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.DownloadAll) sizer1b.Add(btn,0) sizer0.Add(sizer1a,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,0) sizer0.Add(sizer1b,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,0) sizer.Add(sizer0,5,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,5) sizer.Add((10,10)) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Set download location") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.SelectDownloadLoc) sizer1.Add(btn,0,WACV) self.dataLoc = wx.StaticText(pnl, wx.ID_ANY,self.tutorialPath) sizer1.Add(self.dataLoc,0,WACV) sizer.Add(sizer1) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_CANCEL,"Done") btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) pnl.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) self.topsizer=sizer self.CenterOnParent()
[docs] def SetTutorialPath(self): '''Get the tutorial location if set; if not pick a default directory in a logical place ''' # has the user set a location and is it valid? if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Tutorial_location'): tutorialPath = os.path.abspath(GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Tutorial_location')) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return try: os.makedirs(tutorialPath) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return except: print('Unable to use Tutorial_location config setting', tutorialPath) # try a system-specific location if (sys.platform.lower().startswith('win')): for p in ('Documents','My Documents',''): if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~',p)))): tutorialPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~',p,'G2tutorials'))) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return try: os.makedirs(tutorialPath) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return except: pass else: tutorialPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~','G2tutorials'))) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return try: os.makedirs(tutorialPath) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return except: pass # no success so far, use current working directory tutorialPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'G2tutorials')) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return try: os.makedirs(tutorialPath) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return except: pass # nothing worked, set self.tutorialPath with os.getcwd() and hope for the best print('Warning: Unable to set a TutorialPath, using',os.getcwd()) tutorialPath = os.getcwd()
[docs] def SelectAndDownload(self,event): '''Make a list of all tutorials on web and allow user to choose one to download and then view ''' indices = [j for j,i in enumerate(tutorialCatalog) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,i[0],i[1]))] if not indices: G2MessageBox(self,'All tutorials are downloaded','None to download') return # choices = [tutorialCatalog[i][2] for i in indices] # selected = self.ChooseTutorial(choices) choices2 = [tutorialCatalog[i][2:4] for i in indices] selected = self.ChooseTutorial2(choices2) if selected is None: return j = indices[selected] fullpath = os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,tutorialCatalog[j][0],tutorialCatalog[j][1]) fulldir = os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,tutorialCatalog[j][0]) #URL = G2BaseURL+'/Tutorials/'+tutorialCatalog[j][0]+'/' URL = G2TutURL + tutorialCatalog[j][0]+'/' if GSASIIpath.svnInstallDir(URL,fulldir): ShowWebPage(fullpath,self.frame) else: G2MessageBox(self,'Error downloading tutorial','Download error') self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) self.G2frame.TutorialImportDir = os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,tutorialCatalog[j][0],'data')
[docs] def onSelectDownloaded(self,event): '''Select a previously downloaded tutorial ''' indices = [j for j,i in enumerate(tutorialCatalog) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,i[0],i[1]))] if not indices: G2MessageBox(self, 'There are no downloaded tutorials in '+self.tutorialPath, 'None downloaded') return # choices = [tutorialCatalog[i][2] for i in indices] # selected = self.ChooseTutorial(choices) choices2 = [tutorialCatalog[i][2:4] for i in indices] selected = self.ChooseTutorial2(choices2) if selected is None: return j = indices[selected] fullpath = os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,tutorialCatalog[j][0],tutorialCatalog[j][1]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) ShowWebPage(fullpath,self.frame) self.G2frame.TutorialImportDir = os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,tutorialCatalog[j][0],'data')
[docs] def onWebBrowse(self,event): '''Make a list of all tutorials on web and allow user to view one. ''' # choices = [i[2] for i in tutorialCatalog] # selected = self.ChooseTutorial(choices) choices2 = [i[2:4] for i in tutorialCatalog] selected = self.ChooseTutorial2(choices2) if selected is None: return tutdir = tutorialCatalog[selected][0] tutfil = tutorialCatalog[selected][1] # open web page remotely, don't worry about data #URL = G2BaseURL+'/Tutorials/'+tutdir+'/'+tutfil URL = G2TutURL + tutdir + '/' +tutfil self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) ShowWebPage(URL,self.frame)
[docs] def ChooseTutorial2(self,choices): '''Select tutorials from a two-column table, when possible ''' lbls = ('tutorial name (indent indicates previous is required)','description') colWidths=[400,400] dlg = MultiColumnSelection(self,'select tutorial',lbls,choices,colWidths) selection = dlg.Selection dlg.Destroy() if selection is not None: # wx from EPD Python if selection == -1: return return selection else: return self.ChooseTutorial([i[0] for i in choices])
[docs] def ChooseTutorial(self,choices): '''choose a tutorial from a list (will eventually only be used with very old wxPython ''' def onDoubleClick(event): 'double-click closes the dialog' dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) dlg = wx.Dialog(self,wx.ID_ANY, 'Select a tutorial to view. NB: indented ones require prerequisite', style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) pnl = wx.Panel(dlg) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) listbox = wx.ListBox(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, choices=choices,size=(450, 100),style=wx.LB_SINGLE) sizer.Add(listbox,1,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,1) listbox.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK, onDoubleClick) sizer.Add((10,10)) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) OKbtn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_OK) OKbtn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(OKbtn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add((-1,5)) sizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT,50) pnl.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(dlg) dlg.CenterOnParent() if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return selected = listbox.GetSelection() dlg.Destroy() wx.Yield() # close window right away so user sees something happen if selected < 0: return return selected
[docs] def UpdateDownloaded(self,event): 'Find the downloaded tutorials and run an svn update on them' updated = 0 wx.BeginBusyCursor() for i in tutorialCatalog: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,i[0],i[1])): continue print('Updating '+i[0]) GSASIIpath.svnUpdateDir(os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,i[0])) updated += 1 wx.EndBusyCursor() if not updated: G2MessageBox(self,'Warning, you have no downloaded tutorials','None Downloaded') else: G2MessageBox(self,'{} updates completed'.format(updated),'Updates done')
[docs] def DownloadAll(self,event): 'Download or update all tutorials' fail = '' for i in tutorialCatalog: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,i[0],i[1])): print('Updating '+i[0]) GSASIIpath.svnUpdateDir(os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,i[0])) else: fulldir = os.path.join(self.tutorialPath,i[0]) #URL = G2BaseURL+'/Tutorials/'+i[0]+'/' URL = G2TutURL + i[0] + '/' if not GSASIIpath.svnInstallDir(URL,fulldir): if fail: fail += ', ' fail += i[0] if fail: G2MessageBox(self,'Error downloading tutorial(s)\n\t'+fail,'Download error') self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
[docs] def SelectDownloadLoc(self,event): '''Select a download location, Cancel resets to the default ''' dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose a directory for tutorial downloads:", defaultPath=self.tutorialPath)#,style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) try: if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: return pth = dlg.GetPath() finally: dlg.Destroy() if not os.path.exists(pth): try: os.makedirs(pth) #failing for no obvious reason except OSError: msg = 'The selected directory is not valid.\n\t' msg += pth msg += '\n\nAn attempt to create the directory failed' G2MessageBox(self.frame,msg) return if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pth,"help")) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(pth,"Exercises")): print("Note that you may have old tutorial files in the following directories") print('\t'+os.path.join(pth,"help")) print('\t'+os.path.join(pth,"Exercises")) print('Subdirectories in the above can be deleted to save space\n\n') self.tutorialPath = pth self.dataLoc.SetLabel(self.tutorialPath) if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Tutorial_location') == pth: return vars = GetConfigValsDocs() try: vars['Tutorial_location'][1] = pth if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('DBG_Saving Tutorial_location: '+pth) GSASIIpath.SetConfigValue(vars) SaveConfigVars(vars) except KeyError: pass
[docs] class OpenGitTutorial(wx.Dialog): '''Open a tutorial web page from the git repository, optionally copying the tutorial's exercise data file(s) to the local disk. ''' def __init__(self,parent): style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, 'Open Tutorial', style=style) self.G2frame = self.frame = parent pnl = wx.Panel(self) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) msg = ('To open a tutorial, select below the mode to be used. '+ 'With either choice you can select a tutorial and view it '+ 'in a web browser, but the 2nd option offers the option '+ 'to automatically download the data files needed to run '+ 'that tutorial.') label = wx.StaticText(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, msg) label.Wrap(450) msg = '''The data files needed to run the GSAS-II tutorials require a fair amount of storage space; few users will use all of them. This dialog allows you to open a tutorial in a web browser and select if you want the data needed to run that exercise to be downloaded to your computer. The location used to download tutorials is set using the "Set download location" which is saved as the "Tutorial_location" configuration option see File/Preference or the file. ''' self.SetTutorialPath() hlp = HelpButton(pnl,msg) sizer1.Add((-1,-1),1, wx.EXPAND, 0) sizer1.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) sizer1.Add((-1,-1),1, wx.EXPAND, 0) sizer1.Add(hlp) sizer.Add(sizer1,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,0) sizer.Add((10,10)) sizer0 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Select a tutorial to view") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onWebBrowse) sizer1.Add(btn,0) btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Select a tutorial to view and download its data files") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.SelectAndDownload) sizer1.Add(btn,0,wx.TOP,5) sizer0.Add(sizer1,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,0) sizer.Add(sizer0,5,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,5) sizer.Add((10,10)) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Set download location") btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.SelectDownloadLoc) sizer1.Add(btn,0,WACV|wx.RIGHT|wx.LEFT,5) self.dataLoc = wx.StaticText(pnl, wx.ID_ANY,self.tutorialPath) sizer1.Add(self.dataLoc,0,WACV) sizer.Add(sizer1) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() btn = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_CANCEL,"Close") btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) pnl.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) self.topsizer=sizer self.CenterOnParent()
[docs] def SetTutorialPath(self): '''Get the tutorial location if set; if not pick a default directory in a logical place ''' # has the user set a location and is it valid? if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Tutorial_location'): tutorialPath = os.path.abspath(GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Tutorial_location')) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return try: os.makedirs(tutorialPath) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return except: print('Unable to use Tutorial_location config setting', tutorialPath) # try a system-specific location if (sys.platform.lower().startswith('win')): for p in ('Documents','My Documents',''): if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~',p)))): tutorialPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~',p,'G2tutorials'))) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return try: os.makedirs(tutorialPath) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return except: pass else: tutorialPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~','G2tutorials'))) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return try: os.makedirs(tutorialPath) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return except: pass # no success so far, use current working directory tutorialPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'G2tutorials')) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return try: os.makedirs(tutorialPath) if os.path.exists(tutorialPath): self.tutorialPath = tutorialPath return except: pass # nothing worked, set self.tutorialPath with os.getcwd() and hope for the best print('Warning: Unable to set a TutorialPath, using',os.getcwd()) tutorialPath = os.getcwd()
[docs] def SelectAndDownload(self,event): '''Shows a list of all tutorials so user can select one to view. The data files associated with that directory are then downloaded. ''' tutdir = self.onWebBrowse(event) GSASIIpath.downloadDirContents([tutdir,'data'],self.tutorialPath)
[docs] def onWebBrowse(self,event): '''Shows a list of all tutorials so user can select one to view. :returns: the name of the directory where the tutorial is located, which is used if called from :meth:`SelectAndDownload`. ''' choices2 = [i[2:4] for i in tutorialCatalog] selected = self.ChooseTutorial2(choices2) if selected is None: return tutdir = tutorialCatalog[selected][0] tutfil = tutorialCatalog[selected][1] # open web page remotely, don't worry about data #URL = G2BaseURL+'/Tutorials/'+tutdir+'/'+tutfil URL = G2TutURL + tutdir + '/' + tutfil wx.CallAfter(self.EndModal,wx.ID_OK) ShowWebPage(URL,self.frame) return tutdir
[docs] def ChooseTutorial2(self,choices): '''Select tutorials from a two-column table, when possible ''' lbls = ('tutorial name (indent indicates previous is required)','description') colWidths=[400,400] dlg = MultiColumnSelection(self,'select tutorial',lbls,choices,colWidths) selection = dlg.Selection dlg.Destroy() if selection is not None: if selection == -1: return return selection
[docs] def SelectDownloadLoc(self,event): '''Select a download location, Cancel resets to the default ''' dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose a directory for tutorial downloads:", defaultPath=self.tutorialPath)#,style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) try: if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: return pth = dlg.GetPath() finally: dlg.Destroy() if not os.path.exists(pth): try: os.makedirs(pth) #failing for no obvious reason except OSError: msg = 'The selected directory is not valid.\n\t' msg += pth msg += '\n\nAn attempt to create the directory failed' G2MessageBox(self.frame,msg) return if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pth,"help")) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(pth,"Exercises")): print("Note that you may have old tutorial files in the following directories") print('\t'+os.path.join(pth,"help")) print('\t'+os.path.join(pth,"Exercises")) print('Subdirectories in the above can be deleted to save space\n\n') self.tutorialPath = pth self.dataLoc.SetLabel(self.tutorialPath) if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Tutorial_location') == pth: return vars = GetConfigValsDocs() try: vars['Tutorial_location'][1] = pth if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('DBG_Saving Tutorial_location: '+pth) GSASIIpath.SetConfigValue(vars) SaveConfigVars(vars) except KeyError: pass
### Autoload PWDR files ################################################################################ AutoLoadWindow = None def AutoLoadFiles(G2frame,FileTyp='pwd'): def OnBrowse(event): '''Responds when the Browse button is pressed to load a file. The routine determines which button was pressed and gets the appropriate file type and loads it into the appropriate place in the dict. ''' if btn3 == event.GetEventObject(): d = wx.DirDialog(dlg, 'Select directory for input files', Settings['indir'],wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) d.CenterOnParent() try: if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: Settings['indir'] = d.GetPath() fInp3.SetValue(Settings['indir']) finally: d.Destroy() elif btn4 == event.GetEventObject(): extList = 'GSAS iparm file (*.prm,*.inst,*.ins,.instprm)|*.prm;*.inst;*.ins;*.instprm' d = wx.FileDialog(dlg, 'Choose instrument parameter file', '', '',extList, wx.FD_OPEN) if os.path.exists(Settings['instfile']): d.SetFilename(Settings['instfile']) try: if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: Settings['instfile'] = d.GetPath() fInp4.SetValue(Settings['instfile']) finally: d.Destroy() TestInput() def onSetFmtSelection(): extSel.Clear() extSel.AppendItems(fileReaders[Settings['fmt']].extensionlist) Settings['extStr'] = fileReaders[Settings['fmt']].extensionlist[0] extSel.SetSelection(0) onSetExtSelection() def onSetExtSelection(): Settings['filter'] = os.path.splitext(Settings['filter'])[0] + Settings['extStr'] flterInp.SetValue(Settings['filter']) TestInput() def OnQuit(event): Settings['timer'].Stop() wx.CallAfter(dlg.Destroy) def TestInput(*args,**kwargs): valid = True if not os.path.exists(Settings['indir']): valid = False if FileTyp == 'pwd' and not os.path.exists(Settings['instfile']): valid = False btnstart.Enable(valid) def OnStart(event): if btnstart.GetLabel() == 'Pause': Settings['timer'].Stop() btnstart.SetLabel('Continue') return else: btnstart.SetLabel('Pause') if Settings['timer'].IsRunning(): return PollTime = 1 # sec G2frame.CheckNotebook() Settings['timer'].Start(int(1000*PollTime),oneShot=False) # get a list of existing histograms if FileTyp == 'pwd': treePrfx = 'PWDR ' else: treePrfx = 'PDF ' ReadList = [] if G2frame.GPXtree.GetCount(): item, cookie = G2frame.GPXtree.GetFirstChild(G2frame.root) while item: name = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemText(item) if name.startswith(treePrfx) and name not in ReadList: ReadList.append(name) item, cookie = G2frame.GPXtree.GetNextChild(G2frame.root, cookie) Settings['ReadList'] = ReadList def RunTimerPWDR(event): if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): import datetime print ("DBG_Timer tick at {:%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S}\n".format( filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(Settings['indir'],Settings['filter'])) if not filelist: return #if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print(filelist) Id = None for f in filelist: if f in Settings['filesread']: continue Settings['filesread'].append(f) rd = fileReaders[Settings['fmt']] rd.ReInitialize() if not rd.ContentsValidator(f): Settings['timer'].Stop() btnstart.SetLabel('Continue') G2MessageBox(dlg,'Error in reading file {}: {}'.format( f, rd.errors)) return #if len(rd.selections) > 1: # G2fil.G2Print('Warning: Skipping file {}: multibank not yet implemented'.format(f)) # continue block = 0 rdbuffer = {} repeat = True while repeat: repeat = False try: flag = rd.Reader(f,buffer=rdbuffer, blocknum=block) except: flag = False if flag: rd.readfilename = f if rd.warnings: G2fil.G2Print("Read warning by", rd.formatName, "reader:", rd.warnings) elif not block: G2fil.G2Print("{} read by Reader {}" .format(f,rd.formatName)) else: G2fil.G2Print("{} block # {} read by Reader {}" .format(f,block,rd.formatName)) block += 1 repeat = rd.repeat else: G2fil.G2Print("Warning: {} Reader failed to read {}" .format(rd.formatName,f)) Iparm1, Iparm2 = G2sc.load_iprms(Settings['instfile'],rd) if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): HistName = 'PWDR '+rd.idstring else: HistName = 'PWDR '+G2obj.StripUnicode(rd.idstring,'_') # make new histogram names unique HistName = G2obj.MakeUniqueLabel(HistName,Settings['ReadList']) Settings['ReadList'].append(HistName) # put into tree Id = G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(parent=G2frame.root,text=HistName) if 'T' in Iparm1['Type'][0]: if not rd.clockWd and rd.GSAS: rd.powderdata[0] *= 100. #put back the CW centideg correction cw = np.diff(rd.powderdata[0]) rd.powderdata[0] = rd.powderdata[0][:-1]+cw/2. if rd.GSAS: #NB: old GSAS wanted intensities*CW even if normalized! npts = min(len(rd.powderdata[0]),len(rd.powderdata[1]),len(cw)) rd.powderdata[1] = rd.powderdata[1][:npts]/cw[:npts] rd.powderdata[2] = rd.powderdata[2][:npts]*cw[:npts]**2 #1/var=w at this point else: #NB: from topas/fullprof type files rd.powderdata[1] = rd.powderdata[1][:-1] rd.powderdata[2] = rd.powderdata[2][:-1] if 'Itype' in Iparm2: Ibeg = np.searchsorted(rd.powderdata[0],Iparm2['Tminmax'][0]) Ifin = np.searchsorted(rd.powderdata[0],Iparm2['Tminmax'][1]) rd.powderdata[0] = rd.powderdata[0][Ibeg:Ifin] YI,WYI = G2pwd.calcIncident(Iparm2,rd.powderdata[0]) rd.powderdata[1] = rd.powderdata[1][Ibeg:Ifin]/YI var = 1./rd.powderdata[2][Ibeg:Ifin] var += WYI*rd.powderdata[1]**2 var /= YI**2 rd.powderdata[2] = 1./var rd.powderdata[3] = np.zeros_like(rd.powderdata[0]) rd.powderdata[4] = np.zeros_like(rd.powderdata[0]) rd.powderdata[5] = np.zeros_like(rd.powderdata[0]) Ymin = np.min(rd.powderdata[1]) Ymax = np.max(rd.powderdata[1]) valuesdict = { 'wtFactor':1.0, 'Dummy':False, 'ranId':ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize), 'Offset':[0.0,0.0],'delOffset':0.02*Ymax,'refOffset':-.1*Ymax,'refDelt':0.1*Ymax, 'Yminmax':[Ymin,Ymax] } # apply user-supplied corrections to powder data if 'CorrectionCode' in Iparm1: print('Warning: CorrectionCode from instprm file not applied') # code below produces error on Py2.7: unqualified exec is not # allowed in this function because it is a nested function # no attempt made to address this. # # print('Applying corrections from instprm file') # corr = Iparm1['CorrectionCode'][0] # try: # exec(corr) # print('done') # except Exception as err: # print(u'error: {}'.format(err)) # print('with commands -------------------') # print(corr) # print('---------------------------------') # finally: # del Iparm1['CorrectionCode'] rd.Sample['ranId'] = valuesdict['ranId'] # this should be removed someday G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData(Id,[valuesdict,rd.powderdata]) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData( G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='Comments'), rd.comments) Tmin = min(rd.powderdata[0]) Tmax = max(rd.powderdata[0]) Tmin1 = Tmin if 'NT' in Iparm1['Type'][0] and G2lat.Pos2dsp(Iparm1,Tmin) < 0.4: Tmin1 = G2lat.Dsp2pos(Iparm1,0.4) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData( G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='Limits'), rd.pwdparms.get('Limits',[(Tmin,Tmax),[Tmin1,Tmax]]) ) G2frame.PatternId = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,Id,'Limits') G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData( G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='Background'), rd.pwdparms.get('Background', [['chebyschev-1',True,3,1.0,0.0,0.0],{'nDebye':0,'debyeTerms':[],'nPeaks':0,'peaksList':[], 'background PWDR':['',1.0,False]}])) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData( G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='Instrument Parameters'), [Iparm1,Iparm2]) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData( G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='Sample Parameters'), rd.Sample) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData( G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='Peak List') ,{'peaks':[],'sigDict':{}}) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData( G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='Index Peak List'), [[],[]]) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData( G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='Unit Cells List'), []) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData( G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='Reflection Lists'), {}) # if any Control values have been set, move them into tree Controls = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root, 'Controls')) Controls.update(rd.Controls) # Tree entries complete # select and show last PWDR file to be read if Id: G2frame.EnablePlot = True G2frame.GPXtree.Expand(Id) G2frame.GPXtree.SelectItem(Id) def RunTimerGR(event): if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): import datetime print ("DBG_Timer tick at {:%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S}\n".format( filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(Settings['indir'],Settings['filter'])) if not filelist: return #if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print(filelist) Id = None for f in filelist: if f in Settings['filesread']: continue Settings['filesread'].append(f) rd = fileReaders[Settings['fmt']] rd.ReInitialize() if not rd.ContentsValidator(f): Settings['timer'].Stop() btnstart.SetLabel('Continue') G2MessageBox(dlg,'Error in reading file {}: {}'.format( f, rd.errors)) return #if len(rd.selections) > 1: # G2fil.G2Print('Warning: Skipping file {}: multibank not yet implemented'.format(f)) # continue block = 0 rdbuffer = {} repeat = True while repeat: repeat = False try: flag = rd.Reader(f,buffer=rdbuffer, blocknum=block) except: flag = False if flag: rd.readfilename = f if rd.warnings: G2fil.G2Print("Read warning by", rd.formatName, "reader:", rd.warnings) elif not block: G2fil.G2Print("{} read by Reader {}" .format(f,rd.formatName)) else: G2fil.G2Print("{} block # {} read by Reader {}" .format(f,block,rd.formatName)) block += 1 repeat = rd.repeat else: G2fil.G2Print("Warning: {} Reader failed to read {}" .format(rd.formatName,f)) if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): HistName = 'PDF '+rd.idstring else: HistName = 'PDF '+G2obj.StripUnicode(rd.idstring,'_') HistName = G2obj.MakeUniqueLabel(HistName,Settings['ReadList']) Settings['ReadList'].append(HistName) # put into tree Id = G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(parent=G2frame.root,text=HistName) Ymin = np.min(rd.pdfdata[1]) Ymax = np.max(rd.pdfdata[1]) valuesdict = { 'wtFactor':1.0,'Dummy':False,'ranId':ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize), 'Offset':[0.0,0.0],'delOffset':0.02*Ymax, 'Yminmax':[Ymin,Ymax], } G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData( G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='PDF Controls'), {'G(R)':[valuesdict,rd.pdfdata,HistName], 'diffGRname':'','diffMult':1.0,'Rmax':Ymax,}) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData(G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,text='PDF Peaks'), {'Limits':[1.,5.],'Background':[2,[0.,-0.2*np.pi],False],'Peaks':[]}) # select and show last PWDR file to be read if Id: G2frame.EnablePlot = True G2frame.GPXtree.Expand(Id) G2frame.GPXtree.SelectItem(Id) global AutoLoadWindow Settings = {} if AutoLoadWindow: # make sure only one window is open at a time try: AutoLoadWindow.Destroy() except: pass AutoLoadWindow = None if FileTyp == 'pwd': fileReaders = [i for i in G2fil.LoadImportRoutines("pwd", "Powder_Data") if i.scriptable] fmtchoices = [p.longFormatName for p in fileReaders] Settings['fmt'] = [i for i,v in enumerate(fmtchoices) if 'fxye' in v][0] else: fileReaders = [i for i in G2frame.ImportPDFReaderlist] # if i.scriptable] fmtchoices = [p.longFormatName for p in fileReaders] Settings['fmt'] = 0 Settings['ext'] = 0 Settings['extStr'] = '' Settings['filter'] = '*.*' Settings['indir'] = os.getcwd() Settings['instfile'] = '' Settings['timer'] = wx.Timer() if FileTyp == 'pwd': Settings['timer'].Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER,RunTimerPWDR) else: Settings['timer'].Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER,RunTimerGR) Settings['filesread'] = [] dlg = wx.Frame(G2frame,title='Automatic Data Loading', style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ wx.CLOSE_BOX) mnpnl = wx.Panel(dlg) mnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(mnpnl, wx.ID_ANY,'Select format:')) fmtSel = G2ChoiceButton(mnpnl,fmtchoices,Settings,'fmt',onChoice=onSetFmtSelection) sizer.Add(fmtSel,1,wx.EXPAND) mnsizer.Add(sizer,0,wx.EXPAND) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(mnpnl, wx.ID_ANY,'Select extension:')) extSel = G2ChoiceButton(mnpnl,[],Settings,'ext',Settings,'extStr',onChoice=onSetExtSelection) sizer.Add(extSel,0) mnsizer.Add(sizer,0,wx.EXPAND) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(mnpnl, wx.ID_ANY,' File filter: ')) flterInp = ValidatedTxtCtrl(mnpnl,Settings,'filter') sizer.Add(flterInp) mnsizer.Add(sizer,0,wx.EXPAND,0) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(mnpnl, wx.ID_ANY,'Read from: '),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) fInp3 = ValidatedTxtCtrl(mnpnl,Settings,'indir',size=(300,-1),OnLeave=TestInput) sizer.Add(fInp3,1,wx.EXPAND) btn3 = wx.Button(mnpnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Browse") btn3.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnBrowse) sizer.Add(btn3,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) mnsizer.Add(sizer,0,wx.EXPAND) if FileTyp == 'pwd': sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(mnpnl, wx.ID_ANY,'Instrument parameter file from: '),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) fInp4 = ValidatedTxtCtrl(mnpnl,Settings,'instfile',size=(300,-1),OnLeave=TestInput) sizer.Add(fInp4,1,wx.EXPAND) btn4 = wx.Button(mnpnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Browse") btn4.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnBrowse) sizer.Add(btn4,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) mnsizer.Add(sizer,0,wx.EXPAND) # buttons on bottom sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) btnstart = wx.Button(mnpnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Start") btnstart.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnStart) sizer.Add(btnstart) sizer.Add((20,-1),0,wx.EXPAND) btnclose = wx.Button(mnpnl, wx.ID_ANY, "Close") onSetFmtSelection() btnclose.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnQuit) sizer.Add(btnclose) sizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) mnsizer.Add(sizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP,5) mnpnl.SetSizer(mnsizer) mnsizer.Fit(dlg) dlg.Show() AutoLoadWindow = dlg # save window reference # Deal with Origin 1/2 ambiguities ################################################################################ def ChooseOrigin(G2frame,rd): G2elem.SetupGeneral(rd.Phase,G2frame.dirname) # make copy of Phase but shift atoms Origin 1->2 O2Phase = copy.deepcopy(rd.Phase) # make copy of atoms, shift to alternate origin T = G2spc.spg2origins[rd.Phase['General']['SGData']['SpGrp']] O2atoms = O2Phase['Atoms'] cx,ct,cs,cia = rd.Phase['General']['AtomPtrs'] SGData = rd.Phase['General']['SGData'] for atom in O2atoms: for i in [0,1,2]: atom[cx+i] += T[i] atom[cs:cs+2] = G2spc.SytSym(atom[3:6],SGData)[0:2] # update symmetry & mult #get density & distances DisAglData = {} DisAglData['SGData'] = rd.Phase['General']['SGData'] DisAglData['Cell'] = rd.Phase['General']['Cell'][1:] #+ volume DisAglCtls = {'Factors': [0.85, 0], 'BondRadii': [], 'AngleRadii': [], 'AtomTypes': []} for atom in rd.Phase['Atoms']: DisAglCtls['BondRadii'].append(1.5) DisAglCtls['AngleRadii'].append(0) DisAglCtls['AtomTypes'].append(atom[ct]) txt = '' for i,phObj in enumerate([rd.Phase,O2Phase]): if i: txt += "\n\nWith origin shift applied\n" else: txt += "\nWith original origin\n" cellContents = {} for atom in phObj['Atoms']: if atom[ct] in cellContents: cellContents[atom[ct]] += atom[cs+1] else: cellContents[atom[ct]] = atom[cs+1] txt += ' Unit cell Contents: ' for i,k in enumerate(cellContents): if i: txt += ', ' txt += '{}*{}'.format(cellContents[k],k) den,_ = G2mth.getDensity(phObj['General']) txt += "\n Density {:.2f} g/cc\n".format(den) DisAglData['OrigAtoms'] = DisAglData['TargAtoms'] = [ [i,]+atom[ct-1:ct+1]+atom[cx:cx+3] for i,atom in enumerate(phObj['Atoms'])] # lbl,dis,angle = G2stMn.RetDistAngle(DisAglCtls,DisAglData) # # get unique distances # minDis = {} # for i in dis: # for j,o,s,d,e in dis[i]: # key = '-'.join(sorted([lbl[i],lbl[j]])) # if key not in minDis: # minDis[key] = d # elif d < minDis[key]: # minDis[key] = d # thirdShortest = sorted([minDis[k] for k in minDis])[:3][-1] # shortTxt = '' # for k in minDis: # if minDis[k] <= thirdShortest: # if shortTxt: shortTxt += ', ' # shortTxt += "{}: {:.2f}".format(k,minDis[k]) # txt += " Shortest distances are "+shortTxt # do we know if there is a center of symmetry at origin? centro = None if 'xyz' in rd.SymOps: centro = False if '-x,-y,-z' in [i.replace(' ','').lower() for i in rd.SymOps['xyz']]: centro = True msg = 'Be careful here. This space group has two origin settings. GSAS-II requires the origin to be placed at a center of symmetry (Origin 2). You must choose the correct option below or all subsequent results will be *wrong*. For more info, press the help button (bottom right).\n' if centro: msg += '\nThere is an -x,-y,-z symmetry op in the file input, so this is likely already in Origin 2.\n' elif centro is None: msg += '\nNo symmetry operations read from the input file; you must decide what to do. You are recommended to review a plot of the structure to make sure the symmetry is correct.\n' else: msg += '\nSymmetry operations in the input file do not contain -x,-y,-z, indicating an origin shift is likely needed.\n' msg += '\nNote that computations below, made from the coordinates, may help determine the correct origin choice:' width = 600 dlg = wx.Dialog(G2frame,wx.ID_ANY,'Warning: Shift origin?', pos=wx.DefaultPosition,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, size=(width,-1)) dlg.CenterOnParent() mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) txtbox = wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,msg) txtbox.Wrap(width-10) mainSizer.Add(txtbox,0) mainSizer.Add((5,5)) txtbox = wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,txt) mainSizer.Add(txtbox,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER,1) mainSizer.Add((10,10)) O1Btn = wx.Button(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,"Shift to Origin 2") O1Btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda x: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)) O2Btn = wx.Button(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,"Keep current coordinates") O2Btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda x: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_YES)) if centro: O2Btn.SetDefault() elif centro is not None: O1Btn.SetDefault() btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(O1Btn) btnSizer.Add((10,10),0) btnSizer.Add(O2Btn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(HelpButton(dlg,helpIndex='Origin1'),0,wx.RIGHT,5) mainSizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 10) dlg.SetSizer(mainSizer) dlg.Fit() ans = dlg.ShowModal() if ans == wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return O2Phase elif ans == wx.ID_YES: dlg.Destroy() return rd.Phase else: dlg.Destroy() return None
[docs] def makeContourSliders(G2frame,Ymax,PlotPatterns,newPlot,plottype): '''Create a non-modal dialog for sliders to set contour plot intensity thresholds. ''' def updatePlot(): 'updates plot after a change in values' wx.CallAfter(PlotPatterns,G2frame,newPlot=newPlot,plotType=plottype) def OnSlider(event): 'respond when min or max slider is moved' obj = event.GetEventObject() val = obj.GetValue()/100. if obj.mode == 'max': G2frame.Cmax = val else: G2frame.Cmin = val obj.txt.SetValue(int(Ymax*val)) updatePlot() def OnNewVal(*args,**kwargs): 'respond when a value is placed in the min or max text box' obj = kwargs['tc'] if obj.mode == 'max': val = Range[1] G2frame.Cmax = val/Ymax else: val = Range[0] G2frame.Cmin = val/Ymax obj.slider.SetValue(int((100*val/Ymax) + 0.5)) updatePlot() # makeContourSliders starts here Range = [Ymax*G2frame.Cmin,Ymax*G2frame.Cmax] dlg = wx.Dialog(G2frame.plotFrame,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox.Add((-1,5)) hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) hbox.Add(wx.StaticText( dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Set Contour Intensity Limits'),1,wx.ALL) hbox.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) vbox.Add(hbox) vbox.Add((-1,10)) dlg.slideSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(2,3,5,5) dlg.slideSizer.AddGrowableCol(2) dlg.slideSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent=dlg,label=' Min intensity'),0,WACV) minSel = wx.Slider(parent=dlg,style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL, value=int(100*G2frame.Cmin+0.5)) minSel.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, OnSlider) minVal = ValidatedTxtCtrl(dlg,Range,0,xmin=0, xmax=Ymax-1, OnLeave=OnNewVal) minVal.slider = minSel minVal.mode = 'min' minSel.txt = minVal minSel.mode = 'min' dlg.slideSizer.Add(minVal,0,WACV) dlg.slideSizer.Add(minSel,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,3) dlg.slideSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent=dlg,label=' Max intensity'),0,WACV) maxSel = wx.Slider(parent=dlg,style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL, value=int(100*G2frame.Cmax+0.5)) maxSel.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, OnSlider) maxVal = ValidatedTxtCtrl(dlg,Range,1,xmin=1, xmax=Ymax, OnLeave=OnNewVal) maxVal.slider = maxSel maxVal.mode = 'max' maxSel.txt = maxVal maxSel.mode = 'max' dlg.slideSizer.Add(maxVal,0,WACV) dlg.slideSizer.Add(maxSel,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,3) vbox.Add(dlg.slideSizer,0,wx.EXPAND,0) vbox.Add((-1,15)) hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_CLOSE) hbox.Add(btn,0,wx.ALL,0) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,lambda x: dlg.Destroy()) hbox.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) vbox.Add(hbox,0,wx.EXPAND,0) vbox.Add((-1,5)) dlg.SetSizer(vbox) vbox.Fit(dlg) wx.CallLater(100,minVal.SetValue,Range[0]) dlg.Show()
################################################################################ # GPX browser routines
[docs] def skimGPX(fl): '''pull out fit information from a .gpx file quickly :returns: dict with status info ''' if fl is None: return {} result = {'other':[]} if not os.path.exists(fl): return {'error':'File does not exist!'} cnt = 0 hist = 0 fp = open(fl,'rb') result['last saved'] = time.ctime(os.stat(fl).st_mtime) try: while True: cnt += 1 note = None try: data = G2IO.cPickleLoad(fp) except EOFError: #print(cnt,'entries read') break if cnt > 50: # don't spend too long on this file, if big result['PWDR'] += 3*[' .'] break datum = data[0] if datum[0] == 'Notebook': result[datum[0]] = datum[1][-1] elif 'Controls' in datum[0]: # datum[0]['Seq Data'] if 'LastSavedUsing' in datum[1]: result['last saved'] += ' (v' + datum[1]['LastSavedUsing'] +')' elif datum[0] == 'Covariance': d = datum[1].get('Rvals') if d: result[datum[0]] = 'Overall: Rwp={:.2f}, GOF={:.1f}'.format( d.get('Rwp','?'),d.get('GOF','?')) if d.get('converged',False): result[datum[0]] += ' **Converged**' elif datum[0].startswith('PWDR '): if 'Residuals' not in datum[1][0]: continue if 'PWDR' not in result: result['PWDR'] = [] result['PWDR'].append( "hist #{}: wR={:.2f} ({:})".format( hist,datum[1][0]['Residuals'].get('wR','?'),datum[0])) hist += 1 elif datum[0].startswith('HKLF '): note = 'Single crystal histogram(s)' elif datum[0].startswith('REFD '): note = 'Reflectivity histogram(s)' elif datum[0].startswith('SASD '): note = 'Small angle histogram(s)' elif datum[0].startswith('PDF '): note = 'PDF histogram(s)' elif datum[0].startswith('IMG '): note = 'Image(s)' elif datum[0] == 'Sequential results': note = 'Sequential results' elif datum[0] in ('Constraints','Restraints','Rigid bodies'): pass else: # print(datum[0]) # breakpoint() pass if note: if note not in result['other']: result['other'].append(note) except Exception as msg: result['error'] = 'read error: '+str(msg) finally: fp.close() return result
[docs] class gpxFileSelector(wx.Dialog): '''Create a file selection widget for locating .gpx files as a modal dialog. Displays status information on selected files. After creating this use dlg.ShowModal() to wait for selection of a file. If dlg.ShowModal() returns wx.ID_OK, use dlg.Selection (multiple=False) to obtain the selected file or dlg.Selections (multiple=True) to obtain a list of multiple files. :param wx.Frame parent: name of panel or frame that will be the parent to the dialog. Can be None. :param path startdir: Specifies the initial directory that is opened when the window is initially opened. Default is '.' :param bool multiple: if True, checkboxes are used to allow selection of multiple files. Default is False ''' def __init__(self,parent,startdir='.',multiple=False,*args,**kwargs): self.timer = None self.delay = 1500 # time to wait before applying filter (1.5 sec) self.Selection = None self.Selections = [] self.startDir = startdir if startdir == '.': self.startDir = os.getcwd() self.multiple = multiple wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent=parent, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER) self.CenterOnParent() topSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.dirBtn = wxfilebrowse.DirBrowseButton(self,wx.ID_ANY, size=(650, -1), changeCallback = self.DirSelected, startDirectory = self.startDir ) topSizer.Add(self.dirBtn,0,wx.EXPAND,1) subSiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.opt = {'useBak':False, 'sort':0, 'filter':'*'} chk = G2CheckBoxFrontLbl(self,' Include .bakXX?',self.opt,'useBak', OnChange=self.DirSelected) subSiz.Add(chk,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,0) subSiz.Add((10,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) subSiz.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,' Sort by: '),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,1) choices = ['age','name (alpha+case)','name (alpha)'] for w in G2RadioButtons(self,self.opt,'sort',choices, OnChange=self.DirSelected): subSiz.Add(w,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,0) subSiz.Add((10,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) subSiz.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Name \nFilter: '),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,1) self.filterBox = ValidatedTxtCtrl(self, self.opt, 'filter', size=(80,-1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, OnLeave=self.DirSelected, notBlank=False) self.filterBox.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT,self._startUpdateTimer) self.filterBox.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER,self.DirSelected) subSiz.Add(self.filterBox) subSiz.Add((2,-1)) topSizer.Add(subSiz,0,wx.EXPAND,0) mainPanel = wx.SplitterWindow(self, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE|wx.SP_3D) mainPanel.SetMinimumPaneSize(100) if self.multiple: self.fileBox = wx.CheckListBox(mainPanel,wx.ID_ANY, size=(200, 200), style=wx.LB_SINGLE) self.fileBox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKLISTBOX,self.FileSelected) else: self.fileBox = wx.ListBox(mainPanel,wx.ID_ANY, size=(200, 200), style=wx.LB_SINGLE) self.fileBox.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX,self.FileSelected) self.rtc = wxrt.RichTextCtrl(mainPanel, style=wx.VSCROLL|wx.HSCROLL| wx.NO_BORDER|wx.richtext.RE_READONLY) mainPanel.SplitVertically(self.fileBox, self.rtc, 200) topSizer.Add(mainPanel,1,wx.EXPAND) subSiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSiz.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) self.OKbtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, label='Open') self.OKbtn.Enable(False) # A file must be selected 1st btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL) subSiz.Add(self.OKbtn) subSiz.Add((5,-1)) subSiz.Add(btn) subSiz.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND,1) topSizer.Add((-1,5)) topSizer.Add(subSiz,0,wx.EXPAND) topSizer.Add((-1,5)) self.SetSizer(topSizer) topSizer.Fit(self) self.dirBtn.SetValue(self.startDir) def _startUpdateTimer(self,event): if self.timer: self.timer.Restart(self.delay) else: self.timer = wx.CallLater(self.delay,self.DirSelected)
[docs] def DirSelected(self,event=None,*args,**kwargs): '''Respond to a directory being selected. List files found in fileBox and clear any selections. Also clear any reference to a timer. ''' import re try: if self.timer: self.timer.Stop() except: pass self.timer = None self.fileBox.Clear() self.rtc.Clear() self.Selection = None self.Selections = [] self.OKbtn.Enable(False) glb = self.opt['filter'].strip() if not glb: glb = '*' elif not '*' in glb: glb = '*' + glb + '*' fullglob = os.path.join(self.dirBtn.GetValue(),glb+'.gpx') self.fl = glob.glob(fullglob) if self.opt['useBak']: = [(os.path.split(i)[1],os.stat(i).st_mtime,i) for i in self.fl] else: = [(os.path.split(i)[1],os.stat(i).st_mtime,i) for i in self.fl if not re.match(r'.*\.bak\d+\.gpx.*',i)] if self.opt['sort'] == 0: x: x[1],reverse=True) elif self.opt['sort'] == 1: x: x[0]) else: x: x[0].lower()) items = [i[0]+' ('+self._fmtTimeStampDelta(i[1])+')' for i in] if items: self.fileBox.InsertItems(items,0)
[docs] def FileSelected(self,event): '''Respond to a file being selected (or checked in multiple mode) ''' if self.multiple: # disable Open when nothing is selected self.Selections = [] OK = False for i in self.fileBox.GetCheckedItems(): self.Selections.append([i][2]) OK = True self.OKbtn.Enable(OK) else: self.OKbtn.Enable(True) self.Selection =[self.fileBox.GetSelection()][2] result = skimGPX(self.Selection) self.displayGPXrtc(result,self.Selection)
[docs] def displayGPXrtc(self,result,fwp): '''Show info about selected file in a RichText display''' self.rtc.Clear() if fwp is None: return self.rtc.Freeze() self.rtc.BeginSuppressUndo() self.rtc.BeginAlignment(wx.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER) self.rtc.BeginFontSize(14) self.rtc.BeginBold() self.rtc.WriteText(os.path.split(fwp)[1]) self.rtc.EndBold() self.rtc.Newline() self.rtc.EndFontSize() self.rtc.EndAlignment() self.rtc.WriteText('last saved on ') self.rtc.WriteText(result['last saved']) self.rtc.Newline() if 'Covariance' in result: self.rtc.BeginLeftIndent(0,40) self.rtc.WriteText(result['Covariance']) self.rtc.Newline() self.rtc.EndLeftIndent() if 'Notebook' in result and len(result.get('Notebook','').strip()): self.rtc.BeginLeftIndent(0,40) self.rtc.BeginItalic() self.rtc.WriteText('Last notebook entry: ') self.rtc.EndItalic() self.rtc.WriteText(result['Notebook']) self.rtc.Newline() self.rtc.EndLeftIndent() if len(result.get('other',[])) > 0: self.rtc.BeginParagraphSpacing(0,0) self.rtc.BeginLeftIndent(0) self.rtc.BeginBold() self.rtc.WriteText('Data types in project:') self.rtc.EndBold() self.rtc.EndLeftIndent() self.rtc.Newline() self.rtc.BeginLeftIndent(40) for line in result['other']: self.rtc.WriteText(line+'\n') self.rtc.EndLeftIndent() self.rtc.EndParagraphSpacing() if 'PWDR' in result: self.rtc.BeginParagraphSpacing(0,0) self.rtc.BeginLeftIndent(0) self.rtc.BeginBold() self.rtc.WriteText('Powder histograms:') self.rtc.EndBold() self.rtc.EndLeftIndent() self.rtc.Newline() self.rtc.BeginLeftIndent(40) for line in result['PWDR']: self.rtc.WriteText(line+'\n') self.rtc.EndLeftIndent() self.rtc.EndParagraphSpacing() if 'error' in result: self.rtc.Newline() self.rtc.BeginBold() self.rtc.WriteText('Error encountered: ') self.rtc.EndBold() self.rtc.WriteText(result['error']) self.rtc.EndSuppressUndo() self.rtc.Thaw()
def _fmtTimeStampDelta(self,tm): 'Show file age relative to now' delta = time.time() - tm if delta > 60*60*24*365: return "{:.2f} years".format(delta/(60*60*24*365)) elif delta > 60*60*24*7: return "{:.1f} weeks".format(delta/(60*60*24*7)) elif delta > 60*60*24: return "{:.1f} days".format(delta/(60*60*24)) elif delta > 60*60: return "{:.1f} hours".format(delta/(60*60)) else: return "{:.1f} minutes".format(delta/60)
[docs] def setColorButton(parent,array,key,callback=None,callbackArgs=[]): '''Define a button for setting colors This bypasses the bug in wx4.1.x in ColourSelect ''' import wx.lib.colourselect as wcs def OnColor(event): array[key] = list(event.GetValue())[:3] if callback: callback(*callbackArgs) def onSetColour(event): dlg = wx.ColourDialog(parent.GetTopLevelParent()) try: dlg.GetColourData().SetChooseFull(True) dlg.GetColourData().SetColour(array[key]) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: data = dlg.GetColourData() array[key] = data.GetColour().Get() print('OK',array[key]) finally: dlg.Destroy() if wx.__version__.startswith('4.1'): colorButton = wx.Button(parent,wx.ID_ANY,'Set') colorButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, onSetColour) else: colorButton = wcs.ColourSelect(parent,colour=array[key],size=wx.Size(25,25)) colorButton.Bind(wcs.EVT_COLOURSELECT, OnColor) return colorButton
def NISTlatUse(msgonly=False): msg = '''Performing cell symmetry search using NIST*LATTICE. Please cite: V. L. Karen and A. D. Mighell, NIST Technical Note 1290 (1991), and V. L. Karen & A. D. Mighell, U.S. Patent 5,235,523,''' print(msg) if msgonly: return msg wx.MessageBox(msg,caption='Using NIST*LATTICE',style=wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
[docs] def Load2Cells(G2frame,phase): '''Accept two unit cells and use NIST*LATTICE to search for a relationship that relates them. The first unit cell is initialized as the currently selected phase and the second unit cell is set to the first different phase from the tree. The user can initialize the cell parameters to select a different phase for either cell or can type in the values themselves. :param wx.Frame G2frame: The main GSAS-II window :param dict phase: the currently selected frame ''' def setRatioMax(*arg,**kwarg): '''Set the value for the max volume used in the search according to the type of search selected. ''' if nistInput[2] == 'I': volRatW.Validator.xmax = 40 volMaxLbl.SetLabel(' (ratio, 1 to 40)') else: volRatW.Validator.xmax = 10 volMaxLbl.SetLabel(' (ratio, 1 to 10)') volRatW.SetValue(min(volRatW.Validator.xmax,nistInput[3])) def computeNISTlatCompare(event): 'run NIST*LATTICE after the compute button is pressed' import nistlat out = nistlat.CompareCell(cellLen[0], cellCntr[0], cellLen[1], cellCntr[1], tolerance=3*[nistInput[0]]+3*[nistInput[1]], mode=nistInput[2], vrange=nistInput[3]) if len(out): msg = str(len(out))+' Transformations were found. See console for matrices.' G2MessageBox(G2frame,msg,'Transforms found') print(len(out),'transform matrices found') for i in out: print(' ',i[5][0],'/',i[5][1],'/',i[5][2]) else: G2MessageBox(G2frame, 'No transforms were found within supplied limits', 'No transforms found') def setCellFromPhase(event): '''respond to "set from phase" button. A phase is selected and the unit cell info is loaded from that phase into the appropriate cell widgets. ''' cell = event.GetEventObject().cellNum widgets = event.GetEventObject().widgets phaseList = list(Phases.keys()) if len(Phases) == 0: print('No phases in project') return elif len(Phases) == 1: p = phaseList[0] else: dlg = G2SingleChoiceDialog(G2frame,'Select a phase from list', 'Select phase',phaseList) dlg.CenterOnParent() try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: p = phaseList[dlg.GetSelection()] else: return finally: dlg.Destroy() ph2 = Phases[p] cellLen[cell] = ph2['General']['Cell'][1:7] cellCntr[cell] = ph2['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip()[0] for val,wid in zip(cellLen[cell],widgets[:6]): wid.SetValue(val) widgets[6].SetValue(cellCntr[cell]) dlg.Raise() # needed to bring modal dialog to front, at least on Mac # Load2Cells starts here msg = NISTlatUse(True) nistInput=[0.2,1.,'I',8] cellLen = [None,None] cellCntr = [None,None] cellLen[0] = phase['General']['Cell'][1:7] cellCntr[0] = phase['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip()[0] Histograms,Phases = G2frame.GetUsedHistogramsAndPhasesfromTree() cellLen[1] = 3*[1.]+3*[90.] cellCntr[1] = 'P' for p in Phases: ph2 = Phases[p] if ph2['ranId'] != phase['ranId']: cellLen[1] = ph2['General']['Cell'][1:7] cellCntr[1] = ph2['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip()[0] break dlg = wx.Dialog(G2frame,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) dlg.CenterOnParent() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label='NIST*LATTICE: Relate Two Unit Cells'), 0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL,0) sizer.Add((-1,15)) sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=msg)) sizer.Add((-1,15)) tableSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,9,0,0) tableSizer.Add((-1,-1)) for l in u'abc\u03B1\u03B2\u03B3': tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=l),0,WACV|wx.ALIGN_CENTER) tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label='Centering'),0,WACV|wx.ALIGN_LEFT) tableSizer.Add((-1,-1)) for cell in range(2): tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label='Cell '+str(cell+1)),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.RIGHT,5) wlist = [] for i in range(6): l = 3 if i < 3: l = 4 w = ValidatedTxtCtrl(dlg,cellLen[cell],i,nDig=(7,l),size=(60,-1)) wlist.append(w) tableSizer.Add(w,0,wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT,3) w = EnumSelector(dlg,cellCntr,cell,['P','A','B','C','F','I','R']) tableSizer.Add(w) wlist.append(w) btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_ANY, 'Load from phase') btn.cellNum = cell btn.widgets = wlist btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, setCellFromPhase) tableSizer.Add(btn) sizer.Add(tableSizer,0,wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT,20) tableSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,3,0,0) tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label='Cell length tolerance: '), 0,WACV|wx.ALIGN_LEFT) w = ValidatedTxtCtrl(dlg,nistInput,0,nDig=(6,2)) tableSizer.Add(w) tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=' (A) ')) tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label='Cell angle tolerance: '), 0,WACV|wx.ALIGN_LEFT) w = ValidatedTxtCtrl(dlg,nistInput,1,nDig=(6,1)) tableSizer.Add(w) tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=' (degrees) ')) tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label='Cell volume range: '), 0,WACV|wx.ALIGN_LEFT) volRatW = ValidatedTxtCtrl(dlg,nistInput,3,xmin=1,xmax=40) tableSizer.Add(volRatW) volMaxLbl = wx.StaticText(dlg,label=' (ratio, 1 to 40)') tableSizer.Add(volMaxLbl) sizer.Add(tableSizer,0,wx.EXPAND) tableSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(0,2,0,0) tableSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label='Search mode: '),0,WACV|wx.ALIGN_LEFT) tableSizer.Add(EnumSelector(dlg,nistInput,2,['Integral matrices', 'Fractional matrices'], ['I','F'],OnChange=setRatioMax)) sizer.Add(tableSizer,0,wx.EXPAND) btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_ANY,'Compute') btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, computeNISTlatCompare) btnSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) btnSizer.Add(btn) btnSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.CENTER,0) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_CLOSE) btn.SetDefault() btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda x: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) dlg.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(dlg) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return
[docs] class ScrolledStaticText(wx.StaticText): '''Fits a long string into a small space by scrolling it. Inspired by from J Healey <> Use examples:: frm = wx.Frame(None) # create a frame ms = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) text = 'this is a long string that will be scrolled' ms.Add(G2G.ScrolledStaticText(frm,label=text)) txt = G2G.ScrolledStaticText(frm,label=text, lbllen=20) smallfont = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_SYSTEM_FONT) smallfont.SetPointSize(10) txt.SetFont(smallfont) ms.Add(txt) ms.Add(G2G.ScrolledStaticText(frm,label=text,dots=False,delay=250,lbllen=20)) frm.SetSizer(ms) :param w.Frame parent: Frame or Panel where widget will be placed :param str label: string to be displayed :param int delay: time between updates in ms (default is 100) :param int lbllen: number of characters to show (default is 15) :param bool dots: If True (default) ellipsis (...) are placed at the beginning and end of the string when any characters in the string are not shown. The displayed string length will thus be lbllen+6 most of the time :param (other): other optional keyword parameters for the wx.StaticText widget such as size or style may be specified. ''' def __init__(self, parent, label='', delay=100, lbllen=15, dots=True, **kwargs): wx.StaticText.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, '', **kwargs) self.fullmsg = label self.lbllen = lbllen self.msgpos = 0 self.dots = dots self.onTimer(None) self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onTimer) self.timer.Start(delay, wx.TIMER_CONTINUOUS) def onTimer(self,event): if self.dots and self.msgpos > 0: txt = '...' else: txt = '' txt += self.fullmsg[self.msgpos:self.msgpos+self.lbllen+1] if self.dots and self.msgpos+self.lbllen < len(self.fullmsg): txt += '...' try: self.SetLabel(txt) except: self.timer.Stop() self.msgpos += 1 if self.msgpos >= len(self.fullmsg): self.msgpos = 0
[docs] def openInNewTerm(project=None,g2script=None,pythonapp=sys.executable): '''Open a new and independent GSAS-II session in separate terminal or console window and as a separate process that will continue even if the calling process exits. Intended to work on all platforms. This could be used to run other scripts inside python other than GSAS-II :param str project: the name of an optional parameter to be passed to the script (usually a .gpx file to be opened in a new GSAS-II session) :param str g2script: the script to be run. If None (default) the file in the same directory as this file will be used. :param str pythonapp: the Python interpreter to be used. Defaults to sys.executable which is usually what is wanted. :param str terminal: a name for a preferred terminal emulator ''' import subprocess if g2script is None: g2script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'') if sys.platform == "darwin": if project: script = f''' set python to "{pythonapp}" set appwithpath to "{g2script}" set filename to "{project}" set filename to the quoted form of the POSIX path of filename tell application "Terminal" activate do script python & " " & appwithpath & " " & filename & "; exit" end tell ''' else: script = f''' set python to "{pythonapp}" set appwithpath to "{g2script}" tell application "Terminal" activate do script python & " " & appwithpath & " " & "; exit" end tell ''' subprocess.Popen(["osascript","-e",script]) elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): cmds = [pythonapp, g2script] if project: cmds += [project] subprocess.Popen(cmds,creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) else: import shutil script = '' # try a bunch of common terminal emulators in Linux # there does not appear to be a good way to way to specify this # perhaps this should be a GSAS-II config option for term in ("lxterminal", "gnome-terminal", 'konsole', "xterm", "terminator", "terminology", "tilix"): try: found = shutil.which(term) if not found: continue except AttributeError: print(f'shutil.which() failed (why?); assuming {term} present') found = True if term == "gnome-terminal": #terminal = 'gnome-terminal -t "GSAS-II console" --' cmds = [term,'--title','"GSAS-II console"','--'] script = "echo; echo Press Enter to close window; read line" break elif term == "lxterminal": #terminal = 'lxterminal -t "GSAS-II console" -e' cmds = [term,'-t','"GSAS-II console"','-e'] script = "echo;echo Press Enter to close window; read line" break elif term == "xterm": #terminal = 'xterm -title "GSAS-II console" -hold -e' cmds = [term,'-title','"GSAS-II console"','-hold','-e'] script = "echo; echo This window can now be closed" break elif term == "terminator": cmds = [term,'-T','"GSAS-II console"','-x'] script = "echo;echo Press Enter to close window; read line" break elif term == "konsole": cmds = [term,'-p','tabtitle="GSAS-II console"','--hold','-e'] script = "echo; echo This window can now be closed" break elif term == "tilix": cmds = [term,'-t','"GSAS-II console"','-e'] script = "echo;echo Press Enter to close window; read line" break elif term == "terminology": cmds = [term,'-T="GSAS-II console"','--hold','-e'] script = "echo; echo This window can now be closed" break else: print("No known terminal was found to use, Can't start {}") return fil = '/tmp/' cmds += ['/bin/sh',fil] fp = open(fil,'w') if project: fp.write(f"{pythonapp} {g2script} {project}\n") else: fp.write(f"{pythonapp} {g2script}\n") fp.write(f"rm {fil}\n") if script: fp.write(f"{script}\n") fp.close() subprocess.Popen(cmds,start_new_session=True)
[docs] def ExtractFileFromZip(filename, selection=None, confirmread=True, confirmoverwrite=True, parent=None, multipleselect=False): '''If the filename is a zip file, extract a file from that archive. :param list Selection: used to predefine the name of the file to be extracted. Filename case and zip directory name are ignored in selection; the first matching file is used. :param bool confirmread: if True asks the user to confirm before expanding the only file in a zip :param bool confirmoverwrite: if True asks the user to confirm before overwriting if the extracted file already exists :param bool multipleselect: if True allows more than one zip file to be extracted, a list of file(s) is returned. If only one file is present, do not ask which one, otherwise offer a list of choices (unless selection is used). :returns: the name of the file that has been created or a list of files (see multipleselect) If the file is not a zipfile, return the name of the input file. If the zipfile is empty or no file has been selected, return None ''' import zipfile # do this now, since we can save startup time by doing this only on need import shutil zloc = os.path.split(filename)[0] if not zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): #print("not zip") return filename z = zipfile.ZipFile(filename,'r') zinfo = z.infolist() if len(zinfo) == 0: #print('Zip has no files!') zlist = [-1] if selection: choices = [os.path.split(i.filename)[1].lower() for i in zinfo] if selection.lower() in choices: zlist = [choices.index(selection.lower())] else: print('debug: file '+str(selection)+' was not found in '+str(filename)) zlist = [-1] elif len(zinfo) == 1 and confirmread: result = wx.ID_NO dlg = wx.MessageDialog( parent, 'Is file '+str(zinfo[0].filename)+ ' what you want to extract from '+ str(os.path.split(filename)[1])+'?', 'Confirm file', wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION) try: result = dlg.ShowModal() finally: dlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_NO: zlist = [-1] else: zlist = [0] elif len(zinfo) == 1: zlist = [0] elif multipleselect: # select one or more from a from list choices = [i.filename for i in zinfo] dlg = G2MultiChoiceDialog(parent,'Select file(s) to extract from zip file '+str(filename), 'Choose file(s)',choices) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: zlist = dlg.GetSelections() else: zlist = [] dlg.Destroy() else: # select one from a from list choices = [i.filename for i in zinfo] dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(parent, 'Select file to extract from zip file'+str(filename),'Choose file', choices,) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: zlist = [dlg.GetSelection()] else: zlist = [-1] dlg.Destroy() outlist = [] for zindex in zlist: if zindex >= 0: efil = os.path.join(zloc, os.path.split(zinfo[zindex].filename)[1]) if os.path.exists(efil) and confirmoverwrite: result = wx.ID_NO dlg = wx.MessageDialog(parent, 'File '+str(efil)+' already exists. OK to overwrite it?', 'Confirm overwrite',wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION) try: result = dlg.ShowModal() finally: dlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_NO: zindex = -1 if zindex >= 0: # extract the file to the current directory, regardless of it's original path #z.extract(zinfo[zindex],zloc) eloc,efil = os.path.split(zinfo[zindex].filename) outfile = os.path.join(zloc, efil) fpin =[zindex]) fpout = open(outfile, "wb") shutil.copyfileobj(fpin, fpout) fpin.close() fpout.close() outlist.append(outfile) z.close() if multipleselect and len(outlist) >= 1: return outlist elif len(outlist) == 1: return outlist[0] else: return None
#=========================================================================== def gitFetch(G2frame): wx.BeginBusyCursor() pdlg = wx.ProgressDialog('Updating','Performing git update',11, style = wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME|wx.PD_CAN_ABORT, parent=G2frame) pdlg.CenterOnParent() if hasattr(G2frame,'UpdateTask'): # check if git update has completed count = 0 while G2frame.UpdateTask.poll() is None: count += 1 if count > 10: G2MessageBox(G2frame, 'Background git update has not completed, try again later', title='Warning') pdlg.Destroy() wx.EndBusyCursor() return time.sleep(1) ok,_ = pdlg.Update(count) wx.GetApp().Yield() if not ok: pdlg.Destroy() wx.EndBusyCursor() return if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('background update complete') # try update one more time just to make sure GSASIIpath.gitGetUpdate('immediate') pdlg.Destroy() wx.EndBusyCursor()
[docs] def gitCheckUpdates(G2frame): '''Used to update to the latest GSAS-II version, but checks for a variety of repository conditions that could make this process more complex. If there are uncommitted local changes, these changes must be cached or deleted first. If there are local changes that have been committed or a new branch has been created, the user (how obstensibly must know use of git) will probably need to do this manually. If GSAS-II has previously been regressed (using :func:`gitSelectVersion`), then this is noted as well. When all is done, function :func:`GSASIIpath.gitStartUpdate` is called to actually perform the update. ''' try: gitFetch(G2frame) # download latest updates from server except: G2MessageBox(G2frame, 'Unable to access updates: no internet connection?', title='git error') return status = GSASIIpath.gitTestGSASII() if status < 0: G2MessageBox(G2frame, 'Problem with git access to GSAS-II. Seek help or reinstall', title='git error') return localChanges = bool(status & 5) # If True need to select between # --git-stash or --git-reset # False: neither should be used if status&8: # not on local branch if localChanges: G2MessageBox(G2frame, 'You have made a local branch and have uncommited changes. Save, stash or restore then before an update can be done.', title='update not possible') return else: msg = ('You have made a local branch and have switched to that.'+ ' Do you want to update anyway? Doing so will return'+ ' you to the master branch. This may be better handled'+ ' manually.\n\nPress "Yes" to continue with update\n'+ 'Press "Cancel" to stop the update.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, msg, 'Confirm update?', wx.YES|wx.CANCEL|wx.CANCEL_DEFAULT|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_QUESTION) ans = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ans == wx.ID_CANCEL: return regressmsg = '' if status&2: # detached head remoteupdates,localupdates = GSASIIpath.gitCountRegressions() if localupdates: msg = ("Your copy of GSAS-II has been regressed. You are "+ f"{remoteupdates} versions behind the current. "+ f"WARNING: you have committed {localupdates} "+ "changes locally. Your local commits will be difficult "+ "to locate if you update. SUGGESTION: if your changes "+ "are meaningful, create a new git branch and return "+ "to the master branch.\n\n"+ 'Press "Yes" to continue, stranding your local changes\n'+ 'Press "Cancel" to stop the update.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, msg, 'Confirm update?', wx.YES|wx.CANCEL|wx.CANCEL_DEFAULT|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_QUESTION) ans = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ans == wx.ID_CANCEL: return regressmsg = f"Your copy of GSAS-II has been regressed. You are {remoteupdates} versions behind the current.\n\n" else: # on head, standard update, is update needed or blocked by local changes rc,lc,_ = GSASIIpath.gitCheckForUpdates(False) if len(rc) == 0: G2MessageBox(G2frame, 'Your copy of GSAS-II is up to date. No update is needed.', title='no updates') return if len(lc) != 0: msg = ('You have made local changes and committed them '+ 'into the master branch. GUI-based updates cannot '+ 'be made. You should perform a git merge manually') G2MessageBox(G2frame,msg,title='Do manual update') return cmds = ['--git-update'] if localChanges: if gitAskLocalChanges(G2frame,cmds): return if gitAskSave(G2frame,regressmsg,cmds): return # launch changes and restart GSASIIpath.gitStartUpdate(cmds)
def gitAskLocalChanges(G2frame,cmds): msg = ('You have locally-made changes to the GSAS-II source '+ 'code files. Do you want to discard these changes?\n\n'+ 'If you select "Yes" the changes will be overwritten '+ 'before the update.\nIf you select "No" the changes will '+ 'be archived (git stash).\nSelect "Cancel" '+ ' to discontinue the update process.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, msg, 'Save/Discard Local Changes?', wx.YES_NO|wx.CANCEL|wx.NO_DEFAULT|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_QUESTION) ans = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ans == wx.ID_CANCEL: return True elif ans == wx.ID_YES: cmds += ['--git-reset'] else: cmds += ['--git-stash'] return False def gitAskSave(G2frame,regressmsg,cmds): # before doing update, need to save project msg = ('Before continuing, do you want to save your project? '+ 'Select "Yes" to save, "No" to skip the save, or "Cancel"'+ ' to discontinue the update process.\n\n'+ 'If "Yes", GSAS-II will reopen the project after the update. '+ 'The update will now begin unless Cancel is pressed.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, regressmsg+msg, 'Save Project and Start Update?', wx.YES_NO|wx.CANCEL|wx.YES_DEFAULT|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_QUESTION) ans = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ans == wx.ID_CANCEL: return True elif ans == wx.ID_YES: ans = G2frame.OnFileSave(None) if ans: cmds += [G2frame.GSASprojectfile] return False
[docs] def gitSelectVersion(G2frame): '''Used to regress to a previous GSAS-II version, checking first for a variety of repository conditions that could make this process more complex. If there are uncommitted local changes, these changes must be cached or deleted before a different version can be installed. If there are local changes that have been committed or a new branch has been created, the user (how obstensibly must know use of git) will probably need to do this manually. If GSAS-II has previously been regressed (using :func:`gitSelectVersion`), then this is noted as well. When all is done, function :func:`GSASIIpath.gitStartUpdate` is called to actually perform the update. ''' # get updates from server gitFetch(G2frame) # download latest updates from server status = GSASIIpath.gitTestGSASII() if status < 0: G2MessageBox(G2frame, 'Problem with git access to GSAS-II. Seek help or reinstall', title='git error') return localChanges = bool(status & 5) # If True need to select between # --git-stash or --git-reset # False: neither should be used if status&8: # not on local branch if localChanges: msg = ('You have switched to a local branch and have '+ 'uncommited changes. Save, stash or restore and switch '+ 'back to the master branch. Regression is not possible '+ 'from the GUI when on any other branch.') else: msg = ('You have made and switched to a local branch. '+ 'You must manually switch back to the master branch.'+ ' Regression is not possible '+ 'from the GUI when on any other branch.') G2MessageBox(G2frame,msg,title='update not possible') return regressmsg = '' if status&2: # detached head remoteupdates,localupdates = GSASIIpath.gitCountRegressions() if localupdates: msg = ("Your copy of GSAS-II has been regressed. You are "+ f"{remoteupdates} versions behind the current. "+ f"WARNING: you have committed {localupdates} "+ "changes locally. Your local commits will be difficult "+ "to locate if you update. SUGGESTION: if your changes "+ "are meaningful, create a new git branch and return "+ "to the master branch.\n\n"+ 'Press "Yes" to continue, stranding your local changes\n'+ 'Press "Cancel" to stop the update.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, msg, 'Confirm update?', wx.YES|wx.CANCEL|wx.CANCEL_DEFAULT|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_QUESTION) ans = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ans == wx.ID_CANCEL: return regressmsg = f"Your copy of GSAS-II has been regressed. You are {remoteupdates} versions behind the current.\n\n" else: # on head, standard update, is update blocked by local changes rc,lc,_ = GSASIIpath.gitCheckForUpdates(False) if len(lc) != 0: msg = ('You have made local changes and committed them '+ 'into the master branch. GUI-based regression cannot '+ 'be done. You should perform a "git checkout" to the '+ 'desired version manually') G2MessageBox(G2frame,msg,title='Do manual update') return # browse and select a version here dlg = gitVersionSelector() ans = dlg.ShowModal() if ans == wx.ID_CANCEL: return githash = dlg.getVersion() if githash is None: print('Nothing to be done') return if githash == 0: print('select newest GSAS-II version') cmds = ['--git-update'] else: cmds = [f'--git-regress={githash}'] if localChanges: if gitAskLocalChanges(G2frame,cmds): return if gitAskSave(G2frame,regressmsg,cmds): return # launch changes and restart GSASIIpath.gitStartUpdate(cmds)
[docs] def svnCheckUpdates(G2frame): '''Check if the GSAS-II repository has an update for the current source files and perform that update if requested. ''' wx.BeginBusyCursor() local = GSASIIpath.svnGetRev() if local is None: wx.EndBusyCursor() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, 'Unable to run subversion on the GSAS-II current directory. Is GSAS-II installed correctly?', 'Subversion error', wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return print ('Installed GSAS-II version: '+local) repos = GSASIIpath.svnGetRev(local=False) wx.EndBusyCursor() # has the current branch disappeared? If so, switch to the trunk -- not fully tested if (repos is None and "not found" in GSASIIpath.svnLastError.lower() and "path" in GSASIIpath.svnLastError.lower()): print('Repository is gone, will switch to trunk') GSASIIpath.svnSwitch2branch() return elif repos is None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, 'Unable to access the GSAS-II server. Is this computer on the internet?', 'Server unavailable', wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return errmsg,warnmsg = G2gd.TestOldVersions() if (errmsg or warnmsg): msg = 'Based on the age of Python or an installed Python package (see below)' msg += ' you are recommended to' if GSASIIpath.condaTest(): msg += ' either use conda to update (see for version recommendations) and then update GSAS-II. Or' msg += ' reinstall GSAS-II (see, which will update both.\n\n' if errmsg: opt = wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.CANCEL|wx.NO_DEFAULT msg += 'Error(s):\n\t'+errmsg else: opt = wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.CANCEL|wx.YES_DEFAULT if warnmsg: if errmsg: msg += '\n\nWarning(s):\n\t' msg += warnmsg msg += '\n\nContinue to update GSAS-II?' dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, msg,'Confirm update',opt) result = wx.ID_NO try: result = dlg.ShowModal() finally: dlg.Destroy() if result != wx.ID_YES: return print ('GSAS-II version on server: '+repos) if local == repos: up,mod,lock = GSASIIpath.svnGetFileStatus() else: up = 0 mods = GSASIIpath.svnFindLocalChanges() mod = len(mods) if local == repos and up: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, 'You have the current version '+ ' of GSAS-II installed ('+repos+ '). However, '+str(up)+ ' file(s) still need to be updated.'+ ' Most likely a previous update failed to finish.'+ '\n\nPress OK to retry the update.'+ '\n\nIf this problem continues contact', 'Failed Update Likely', wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return else: dlg.Destroy() if lock: GSASIIpath.svnCleanup() elif local == repos: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, 'GSAS-II is up-to-date. Version '+local+' is already loaded.', 'GSAS-II Up-to-date', wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return if mod: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, 'You have version '+local+ ' of GSAS-II installed, but the current version is '+repos+ '. However, '+str(mod)+ ' file(s) on your local computer have been modified.' ' Updating will attempt to merge your local changes with ' 'the latest GSAS-II version, but if ' 'conflicts arise, local changes will be ' 'discarded. It is also possible that the ' 'merge may prevent GSAS-II from running. ' '\n\nPress OK to start an update if this is acceptable:', 'Local GSAS-II Mods', wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return else: dlg.Destroy() else: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, 'You have version '+local+ ' of GSAS-II installed, but the current version is '+repos+ '. Press OK to start an update:', 'GSAS-II Updates', wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() print ('start updates') if G2frame.GPXtree.GetCount() > 1: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, 'Your project will now be saved, GSAS-II will exit and an update '+ 'will be performed and GSAS-II will restart. Press Cancel '+ 'in next dialog to avoid saving the project.', 'Starting update', wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() G2frame.OnFileSave(None) GPX = G2frame.GSASprojectfile GSASIIpath.svnUpdateProcess(projectfile=GPX) else: GSASIIpath.svnUpdateProcess() return
[docs] def svnSelectVersion(G2frame): '''Allow the user to select a specific version of GSAS-II from the APS svn server ''' local = GSASIIpath.svnGetRev() if local is None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, 'Unable to run subversion on the GSAS-II current directory. Is GSAS-II installed correctly?', 'Subversion error', wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return mods = GSASIIpath.svnFindLocalChanges() if mods: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, 'You have version '+local+ ' of GSAS-II installed' '. However, '+str(len(mods))+ ' file(s) on your local computer have been modified.' ' Downdating will attempt to merge your local changes with ' 'the selected GSAS-II version. ' 'Downdating is not encouraged because ' 'if merging is not possible, your local changes will be ' 'discarded. It is also possible that the ' 'merge may prevent GSAS-II from running. ' 'Press OK to continue anyway.', 'Local GSAS-II Mods', wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() if GSASIIpath.svnGetRev(local=False) is None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame, 'Error obtaining current GSAS-II version. Is internet access working correctly?', 'Subversion error', wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return dlg = downdate(parent=G2frame) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: ver = dlg.getVersion() else: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() print('start regress to '+str(ver)) G2frame.OnFileSave(None) GPX = G2frame.GSASprojectfile GSASIIpath.svnUpdateProcess(projectfile=GPX,version=str(ver)) return
if __name__ == '__main__': app = wx.App() GSASIIpath.InvokeDebugOpts() frm = wx.Frame(None) # create a frame ms = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) #siz = G2SliderWidget(pnl,valArr,'k','test slider w/entry',.2,1.2,100) #ms.Add(siz) #siz = G2SliderWidget(pnl,valArr,'k','test slider w/entry',20,50,.1) #ms.Add(siz) text = 'this is a long string that will be scrolled' ms.Add(ScrolledStaticText(frm,label=text)) txt = ScrolledStaticText(frm,label=text, lbllen=20) smallfont = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_SYSTEM_FONT) smallfont.SetPointSize(10) txt.SetFont(smallfont) ms.Add(txt) ms.Add(ScrolledStaticText(frm,label=text,dots=False,delay=250, lbllen=20)) frm.SetSizer(ms) frm.Show(True) app.MainLoop() # choices = [wx.ID_YES,wx.ID_NO] # warnmsg = '\nsome info\non a few lines\nand one more' # ans = ShowScrolledInfo(header='Constraint Warning', # txt='Warning noted after last constraint edit:\n'+warnmsg+ # '\n\nKeep this change?', # buttonlist=choices,parent=frm,height=250) # print(ans, choices) import sys; sys.exit() #====================================================================== # test Grid with GridFractionEditor #====================================================================== # tbl = [[1.,2.,3.],[1.1,2.1,3.1]] # colTypes = 3*[wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT+':10,5',] # Gtbl = Table(tbl,types=colTypes,rowLabels=['a','b'],colLabels=['1','2','3']) # Grid = GSGrid(frm) # Grid.SetTable(Gtbl,True) # for i in (0,1,2): # attr = wx.grid.GridCellAttr() # attr.IncRef() # attr.SetEditor(GridFractionEditor(Grid)) # Grid.SetColAttr(i, attr) # frm.SetSize((400,200)) # app.MainLoop() # sys.exit() #====================================================================== # test Tutorial access #====================================================================== # dlg = OpenTutorial(frm) # if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # print("OK") # else: # print("Cancel") # dlg.Destroy() # sys.exit() #====================================================================== # test ScrolledMultiEditor #====================================================================== # Data1 = { # 'Order':1, # 'omega':'string', # 'chi':2.0, # 'phi':'', # } # elemlst = sorted(Data1.keys()) # prelbl = sorted(Data1.keys()) # dictlst = len(elemlst)*[Data1,] #Data2 = [True,False,False,True] #Checkdictlst = len(Data2)*[Data2,] #Checkelemlst = range(len(Checkdictlst)) # print 'before',Data1,'\n',Data2 # dlg = ScrolledMultiEditor( # frm,dictlst,elemlst,prelbl, # checkdictlst=Checkdictlst,checkelemlst=Checkelemlst, # checklabel="Refine?", # header="test") # if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # print "OK" # else: # print "Cancel" # print 'after',Data1,'\n',Data2 # dlg.Destroy() # Data3 = { # 'Order':1.0, # 'omega':1.1, # 'chi':2.0, # 'phi':2.3, # 'Order1':1.0, # 'omega1':1.1, # 'chi1':2.0, # 'phi1':2.3, # 'Order2':1.0, # 'omega2':1.1, # 'chi2':2.0, # 'phi2':2.3, # } # elemlst = sorted(Data3.keys()) # dictlst = len(elemlst)*[Data3,] # prelbl = elemlst[:] # prelbl[0]="this is a much longer label to stretch things out" # Data2 = len(elemlst)*[False,] # Data2[1] = Data2[3] = True # Checkdictlst = len(elemlst)*[Data2,] # Checkelemlst = range(len(Checkdictlst)) #print 'before',Data3,'\n',Data2 #print dictlst,"\n",elemlst #print Checkdictlst,"\n",Checkelemlst # dlg = ScrolledMultiEditor( # frm,dictlst,elemlst,prelbl, # checkdictlst=Checkdictlst,checkelemlst=Checkelemlst, # checklabel="Refine?", # header="test",CopyButton=True) # if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # print "OK" # else: # print "Cancel" #print 'after',Data3,'\n',Data2 # Data2 = list(range(100)) # elemlst += range(2,6) # postlbl += range(2,6) # dictlst += len(range(2,6))*[Data2,] # prelbl = range(len(elemlst)) # postlbl[1] = "a very long label for the 2nd item to force a horiz. scrollbar" # header="""This is a longer\nmultiline and perhaps silly header""" # dlg = ScrolledMultiEditor(frm,dictlst,elemlst,prelbl,postlbl, # header=header,CopyButton=True) # print Data1 # if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # for d,k in zip(dictlst,elemlst): # print k,d[k] # dlg.Destroy() # if CallScrolledMultiEditor(frm,dictlst,elemlst,prelbl,postlbl, # header=header): # for d,k in zip(dictlst,elemlst): # print k,d[k] #====================================================================== # test G2MultiChoiceDialog #====================================================================== # choices = [] # for i in range(21): # choices.append("option_"+str(i)) # od = { # 'label_1':'This is a bool','value_1':True, # 'label_2':'This is a int','value_2':-1, # 'label_3':'This is a float','value_3':1.0, # 'label_4':'This is a string','value_4':'test',} # dlg = G2MultiChoiceDialog(frm, 'Sequential refinement', # 'Select dataset to include', # choices,extraOpts=od) # sel = range(2,11,2) # dlg.SetSelections(sel) # dlg.SetSelections((1,5)) # if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # for sel in dlg.GetSelections(): # print (sel,choices[sel]) # print (od) # od = {} # dlg = G2MultiChoiceDialog(frm, 'Sequential refinement', # 'Select dataset to include', # choices,extraOpts=od) # sel = range(2,11,2) # dlg.SetSelections(sel) # dlg.SetSelections((1,5)) # if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: pass #====================================================================== # test wx.MultiChoiceDialog #====================================================================== # dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(frm, 'Sequential refinement', # 'Select dataset to include', # choices) # sel = range(2,11,2) # dlg.SetSelections(sel) # dlg.SetSelections((1,5)) # if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # for sel in dlg.GetSelections(): # print sel,choices[sel] # pnl = wx.Panel(frm) # siz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # td = {'Goni':200.,'a':1.,'int':1,'calc':1./3.,'string':'s'} # for key in sorted(td): # txt = ValidatedTxtCtrl(pnl,td,key,typeHint=float) # siz.Add(txt) # pnl.SetSizer(siz) # siz.Fit(frm) # app.MainLoop() # print(td) choicelist=[ ('a','b','c'), ('test1','test2'),('no choice',)] headinglist = [ 'select a, b or c', 'select 1 of 2', 'No option here'] dlg = MultipleChoicesDialog(choicelist,headinglist,parent=frm) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: print(dlg.chosen) print(MultipleChoicesSelector(choicelist,headinglist,frm)) pnl = wx.Panel(frm) valArr = {'k':1.0} ms = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) #siz = G2SliderWidget(pnl,valArr,'k','test slider w/entry',.2,1.2,100) #ms.Add(siz) siz = G2SliderWidget(pnl,valArr,'k','test slider w/entry',2,5,1) ms.Add(siz) #siz = G2SliderWidget(pnl,valArr,'k','test slider w/entry',20,50,.1) #ms.Add(siz) pnl.SetSizer(ms) ms.Fit(frm) app.MainLoop() print(valArr)